There is a tradition in the Philippines called Mano po. This was not something I had ever heard of before travelling to the Philippine Islands. basically, it is a way to show respect to someone that is deserving of respect. For example, if you are traveling there to meet your girlfriend, and she takes you to visit her parents. Mano po is what you would do when you meet them. You also do this everytime you visit with them in the future. This is something young children will do with you as well. Children are taught to do this when they are still babies, so as they grow up, it's a natural thing for them to do. When I travel to the Philippines, I would always do Mano Po to my wife's father. Also, to her uncle. If I'm not sure when to do it, I usually stand behind my wife when we arrive somewhere, and if she does Mano po to whoever is there, I also do it. It doesn't matter that I am in my 50's. I still need to show respect to my elders. I do not do this with my wife older brothers. For starters, I am slightly older than them...and also, it isn't something you do with people who are more or less your equals. So how to do this thing called Mano Po? If you are the younger, you take the older persons hand, and touch the back of their hand to your forehead. And if you are the older, you offer your hand, and they will touch the back of your hand to their forehead.
Whenever nieces or nephews come over, the first thing they do is "bless"...mano po. When my own children come home for school, or I come home from work, it's the same thing. It's part of the culture.
Another part of respect is never calling someone older by their first name. For example, I never ever ever called my father in law by his first name. In fact, I didn't even know he had a different name than. what I was calling him for the longest time. I was introduced to him, and was told that he is "Tatay"(pronounced ta-tie). So, that's what I always called him. Tatay means father, or Dad. My wife's children never called me by my name. This would be extremely rude behaviour, and very disrespectful. From day 1, they have always called me Daddy. It's not like the west, where a single mother wants her children to call you daddy, so you can pretend to be their father. There, it is done so the children show you respect.
Even my wife's cousins don't call me by name only, because I am older than them. Same goes for sister in laws. To them, I am Kuya Martin, which translated, means Older Brother Martin. It was a bit of a learning curve in the beginning, because I was used to everyone just calling me by my first name. In the Philippines, this is a no no.
Other examples...I have never heard my wife refer to her oldest brother by name. He is Manong, which means older...or oldest brother.
You could expect to be called Sir quite a bit. Or Kuya (pronounced ku-ya), Tito (pronounced tee-toe)(uncle), Tatay (Father), or even Lolo (Grandfather if you are very old).
I have learned when talking to people close to my age to call them Kuya (older brother) or Ate (older sister, pronounced ah-tay). Ot Tito (uncle)/ Tita (aunt). One of my wife's uncles, I don't even know his name. We just call him Uncle.
To my nieces and nephews, I am not called Uncle or Tito (pronounced Tee-toe). They call me Daddy Martin...not sure why...that's just what they call me. Then there are the shortened versions of these names. Tatay can be shortened to Tay (Pronounced Tie), or Ate can be shorted to Te (pronounced Tay).
Respect is very important in the Philippines. This is the easiest way to show respect to your olders, and the way the youngers wil show respect to you.
I have attached a short YouTube video on Mano Po so you can better understand, and see how it is done.