Author Topic: Not at all about China  (Read 8132 times)

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Offline Joshua Smith

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Not at all about China
« on: June 17, 2009, 10:52:42 pm »
Transformers 2........

Who's as excited to see this as I am?

I'll be seeing it before everyone else. A special viewing. I know you're all jealous. :icon_biggrin:
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Offline China Shark

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2009, 11:31:05 pm »
Damm, for a minute there I thought that thumbnail was your girl. Screw that noise I'm checking out Terminator: Salvation, been waiting for this movie for twenty years. Although Transformers 2 does also look pretty sweet. I will see the DVD on the streets in a couple of days. Once it is released is only days then everyone is selling it for 5 rmbs a pop. I must have bought 170 dvds, 40 boxsets, and about 25 multiple movies sets {8 movies on 2 discs} since I arrived 5 months ago. One of the last vestiges I cling onto from western civilization. At .80 cents a piece you can't beat it. I got a working print of Wolverine before it was actually released in the states. Movie wasn't even completed, CG footage was still not put into some of the film yet. The Transformers are still very big over here.
China Shark Mike
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Offline Joshua Smith

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2009, 12:14:31 am »
lol Yeah Michael, that's Megan Fox, one of the actors from the transformers movies. She's one of the very few Western women I find extremely attractive.. But of course, I have no idea what her personality is like....she could be an utter B*t*h and that would significantly lower my attraction for I prefer to stay ignorant.

I hear you on Terminator. But considering Arnold S. isn't in excitement for the movie is considerably less. Plus, that outburst by Bale really turned me off to the movie too. I can go see it for free anytime I want, yet I haven't and probably won't.

That's sick man, about the dvd's I mean. I've been adding to my collection here in Halifax. I'm going to stop, especially after hearing they cost you .80 cents :icon_eek: That's crazy cheap.

Some of the titles I've recently purchased are;

1. Doomsday
2. Silent Hill
3. Shooter
4. Punisher: Warzone
5. Pineapple Express
6. The House Bunny (Bought it for my lady)
7. Bangkok Dangerous (Lots of sexy Thai ladies in this movie:blush:)
8. Zack and Miri make a porno
9. Max Payne
10. Blindness
11. Meet the Spartans
12. Epic Movie
13. The Illusionist
14. Eagle Eye
15. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
16. Vantage Point
17. The Women (Also bought this for my lady)
18. How to lose friends and alienate people
19. The Air I Breathe
20. The Eye
21. The Messengers
22. Ghost Rider
23. After the Sunset
24. Next
25. Grandma's Boy

All bought within the past week. Can't wait to watch all these with my soul mate. :heart:
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Offline China Shark

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2009, 12:47:16 am »
Save your money brother. I've got some many hookups here in Shenzhen for DVDs. Some I've paid as little as 4 rmbs for. New hookup I can get all of them at the price. Have to start shipping them back to the states taking up too much room. It's all good because I'm living my life on my terms. When can I be expecting to run into you here? What's the deal with the bicep pose, you a tough guy now? Just messing with you, I take it you are finally hitting the gym to jack the arms for your lady. Laid off for six weeks but just signed a yearly membership at the gym in my hood. School lets out tommorrow so I'll be hitting the iron long and hard this summer. Believe it these women love muscular types.
China Shark Mike
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Vince G

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2009, 01:07:08 am »
Megan Fox is hot but there's always reasons nobodies perfect. Get a look at her thumbs they look like the big toe has been put there instead. (Not in this pic) Put gloves on her and go for it. :icon_cool:
« Last Edit: June 18, 2009, 01:08:02 am by Vince G »

Offline Neil

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2009, 03:46:03 am »
I would guess that since English is so popular, a lot of the movies are English with Chinese subtitles or Chinese with English subtitles right Michael?  I hope Xin has a dvd player but I'm bringing my laptop as well and hoping I'll be able to play dvd's that I buy on it.  Do I need to consider DVD region codes? irresistible as chocolate

Offline China Shark

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2009, 01:57:35 pm »
Neil don't sweat region codes. If you don't already have a multi media labtop get one. The labtop help me from not going crazy the first six weeks here. Addicted to movies and cable so I was a hurting at first. Labtops and computers pretty much play anything even ultra compressed pirate dvds. Most of the pirate stuff is region 9. You can buy a dirt cheap DVD player at Carrefour for 128 rmbs {$17.} that virtually plays everything. The more expensive players usually don't play all regions.
China Shark Mike
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Offline Joshua Smith

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2009, 12:18:55 am »
Not sure exactly when we'll "run" into each other, Michael. Money is an issue for me considering I have a low paying salary and no added education to find something a bit more decent. I'm hoping.....hoping to have enough money saved to make it to China before Christmas this year. Jessie asked me to try my hardest to get there by then. Oh, and I put this bicep pic up on my Skype too and Jessie asked me to take it off, she's not one of those Chinese ladies that go crazy over muscles which makes me pretty damned happy. I only have to work on getting rid of the pudge instead of getting rid of the pudge and building up the muscles. The pudge is the hard part though....moobs, love handles, fat on the's difficult to get rid of Especially in my situation where I'm addicted to sugar :s
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Offline Skip

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2009, 12:50:51 am »
Quote from: 'Joshua Smith' pid='5973' dateline='1245385135'

Not sure exactly when we'll "run" into each other, Michael. Money is an issue for me considering I have a low paying salary and no added education to find something a bit more decent. I'm hoping.....hoping to have enough money saved to make it to China before Christmas this year. Jessie asked me to try my hardest to get there by then. Oh, and I put this bicep pic up on my Skype too and Jessie asked me to take it off, she's not one of those Chinese ladies that go crazy over muscles which makes me pretty damned happy. I only have to work on getting rid of the pudge instead of getting rid of the pudge and building up the muscles. The pudge is the hard part though....moobs, love handles, fat on the's difficult to get rid of Especially in my situation where I'm addicted to sugar :s

Try  testosterone injections.  get your blood tested first.  If your free testosterone is below 800 get your doc to prescribe the biodentical stuff for you.  It works wonders for both fat loss and increasing muscle mass.  Some guys lose it early.  You can give them yourself.  I do 2X a week.

Offline Joshua Smith

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2009, 05:49:05 pm »
Skipper, thank you for the suggestion. Are there any other side effects if I were to get these injections besides weight loss and possible muscle gain?
"I'm somewhere where I don't know where I am."   ~ Homer Simpson ~
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Offline Skip

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2009, 07:05:27 pm »
Quote from: 'Joshua Smith' pid='6046' dateline='1245448145'

Skipper, thank you for the suggestion. Are there any other side effects if I were to get these injections besides weight loss and possible muscle gain?

Above all it is a process.  The first challenge is to find a doc who has any sense about it. Next, is to get a thorough blood test.  What the medical community calls "normal" free testosterone ranges on the test from 900 to 249, which is crazy in itself.  Mine was 280.  It now stays near 800.  You will need to have blood tests about every three months.  Your subsequent BT results will tell you if your system is converting the excess T to estrogen--you want a lady with boobs--you don't need them.  If you do convert T to estrogen, you will have to take an estrogen blocker (Aremadex)  I don't have the issue.  You will need to be on it for 4 weeks and off for one to give your pituitary gland a chance to signal to your testicles to continue to produce as much as they will on their own.  There is plenty of info via google about it.  Begin with the site:  Look up the term "metabolic syndrome".  It's a clinical term for a big belly!  With only a little attention to my diet (so little it frustrated the s**t out of my personal trainer, I lost 50 lbs in 8 months and 6 inches off my waist.  Plus I worked out with guys 25 years younger with me and kept up.

Don't settle for the cream.  It is a distant 2nd to the Injections.  I inject myself 2X a week in the thigh.  It's convenient; a big muscle and easy to do.  I alternate R to L every other time.  Nobody showed me.  I figured it out.

To answer your question directly, you will need to donate blood bi-monthly.  T amps up your red blood cell production.  If you are not careful it gets slushy.  No other side effects I know of.  Energy, mood, strength, libido and body fat loss are what you can likely expect.  You might begin by searching for a sports medicine doc.  Even though T is a steroid, it is not the androgynous type weight lifters take.  Thus the word BIOdentical.  Very much like you have naturally.  Many insurance companies will pay for it (less your co-pay of course).

Hope this helps.  IM me if you want to discuss it more.

Offline Skip

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2009, 07:33:02 pm »
Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='6051' dateline='1245453064'

Too much testosterone can damage the liver, which is why you need periodic blood tests to check the levels....
you do not want the level in your body to be above the normal range

if your levels are already within the normal range, there is no reason for a doctor to give you these types of injections

ask your doctor to test your level, a simple blood test, and then review if you even need any injections you only need injections if you level is low, and you want to raise it to a more normal level


How can a range from 250 to 900 be normal?  It only proves how little the medical community knows about the issue.  I have never encountered any research which indicates a propensity for liver damage.  I would be interested in your cites.  I have taken it for 2+ years an all of my liver functions are perfect.  A giant belly has all kinds of poor health consequences associated with it as well.  I have a son who is a plastic surgeon.  When I told him I had started on it I got all of the traditional med school knee jerk mumbo jumbo you get when docs are caught short on knowledge about anything.  

Until the 1940s and 1950s men maintained HIGH testosterone levels through their 70s and 80's.  Not until every piece of chicken, pork and beef we eat began to be laced with estrogen hormones did they begin to drop.  My goal is to keep mine in the high 800-850 range.  I believe the therapy is a life changer for me.

Offline Skip

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2009, 08:10:09 pm »
Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='6053' dateline='1245455255'

I do not know why you are asking me medical questions, I am not a doctor, nor am I trying to act like one.

I have taken testosterone shots, so I felt I could contribute, I am not a doctor, and I did not list numbers, or dosages, or anything like that.
My doctor was concerned that if my level went too high it could cause liver damage. That is why I mentioned it.

I gave general suggestions .... see your doctor, talk it over, get blood tests done, check the levels, review the facts, and be careful NOT to over do it.

I am not one to debate medical issues, as I am NOT a doctor, which is why I seek advice from doctors on medicine.

Gosh, I am sorry.  I certainly didn't mean to offend you.  Maybe your post would have given me a clearer picture if you had added the bit about your doctor's advice.  I am only an anecdotal example.  I have however spent plenty of time doing my own personal research.  I go to a physician who is a sports doctor.  He has never mentioned that to me.  Maybe I should know more.  Well, I hope you have experienced good results from your therapy.  You probably know more than 95% of the physicians who would be asked about the issue.


Offline Rhonald

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2009, 10:19:04 pm »
Joshua is a Canadian, and I beleive it is harder for us here to get a doctor to prescribe it. Also he is still quite young for needing T shots (unless he is supressd as you state). By the way, how old are you skipper? If you were born in 1946 then I can understand you getting the shots since our T production does decline after 40 quite sharply.

Joshua, since you live in Halifax, check out a store called Renegade Nutrition they are based out of Halifax and I order products from them. If you don't qualify for T shots, then I recommend a product called Alphamale made by Biotest. Their website is a good source of information and is called ( The T stands for testosterone). Its a hardcore training and nutrition site that cater to men, although they do have a womans side to it as well. If you like in your face articles, this is the place. Anyways Renegade Nutrition does carry many of their products. Alberta is so tough to order straight from Biotest ( we got tough customs here) that I use Renegade Nutrition.

Mike, Skip is right and having your T between 800 to 1200 is still reasonably safe. The problem with taking T shots, if you don't really need it, is that is does supress your own bodies natural production. That is why people on steriods need to cycle off. I have not tried either but I do alot of research my self. I ty instead to take products that support my own hormone production and strengthen my immune system.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 10:41:41 pm by Rhonald »
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Offline Skip

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RE: Not at all about China
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2009, 01:08:27 am »
Quote from: 'Rhonald' pid='6060' dateline='1245464344'

Joshua is a Canadian, and I beleive it is harder for us here to get a doctor to prescribe it. Also he is still quite young for needing T shots (unless he is supressd as you state). By the way, how old are you skipper? If you were born in 1946 then I can understand you getting the shots since our T production does decline after 40 quite sharply.

Joshua, since you live in Halifax, check out a store called Renegade Nutrition they are based out of Halifax and I order products from them. If you don't qualify for T shots, then I recommend a product called Alphamale made by Biotest. Their website is a good source of information and is called ( The T stands for testosterone). Its a hardcore training and nutrition site that cater to men, although they do have a womans side to it as well. If you like in your face articles, this is the place. Anyways Renegade Nutrition does carry many of their products. Alberta is so tough to order straight from Biotest ( we got tough customs here) that I use Renegade Nutrition.


Mike, Skip is right and having your T between 800 to 1200 is still reasonably safe. The problem with taking T shots, if you don't really need it, is that is does supress your own bodies natural production. That is why people on steriods need to cycle off. I have not tried either but I do alot of research my self. I ty instead to take products that support my own hormone production and strengthen my immune system.

I would never encourage someone to pursue the therapy without first undergoing the necessary tests to determine if they need to.  You are right Rhonald, when men get past 40 T levels begin to diminish.  When many men turn 50, their levels start to fall like a rock.  Of course there are exceptions, both older and younger.  

Doctors, are risk adverse.  The spout too often the information they get from drug reps.  There are so many times when FDA approved meds make people sick or even kill them--too many to name here.  Physicians however believe they have the legal cover because of the government approval.  In the US, the FDA is a far too often in bed with big Pharma.  

So, my opening suggestion to Joshua was find a competent doc.  Get the necessary tests to verify his levels.  And, above all do his own research so he acquires his own personal level of comfort.  

Far too many men suffer from hormone loss; are depressed; lose muscle mass; get fat; and suffer from energy loss unnecessarily--IMHO