Author Topic: Immigration good news.  (Read 1817 times)

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Offline Jadams79

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Immigration good news.
« on: June 22, 2009, 05:00:45 pm »
Can't fix stupid.

Offline MLM

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RE: Immigration good news.
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2009, 05:30:10 pm »
Jadams, this is good news, but the problem with immigrating from China is that in Guangzhou they have thier own set of rules and the way the U.S. Government has it set up even the Government can not interfer with what and how they do things, did you know that the V.O. can give your honey a blue slip just because she doen't know your P.I.N. number, or they can give her a white slip just because she doesn't speak English or because you and her have not been together very long or can not prove bonifide relationship ( they're favorite ) or you don't have photos of the two of you together that are dated, all of these and more silly reasons they can use against you and your honey, I'm sorry to have to have been the one to tell all here about this but I think you should all know about it so you can as they say front load your visa application and coach your lady on every thing you can, some ladies have only been asked 2 or 3 questions while others have been asked10 to 20 questions, it all depends on who your V.O. is or if they got laid the night before or not ( that last is just a personal oppinion).
I really do wish all of you luck and best wishes with this and I sincerely hope that all your ladies receive a PINK slip at her interview.