Author Topic: Age aint nothin but a number...  (Read 4067 times)

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Offline Samurai_Honor

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Age aint nothin but a number...
« on: June 22, 2009, 11:35:06 am »
Well, this thread is more of me wanting to catch everyones opinion. So I was checking my email one day when I looked and seen that I got a admire mail from a lady on Chnlove. I hopped on CL to see if it was my lucky day. I first saw a pretty face and read the admire letter. There were some standard writings in there and I pretty much just skimed over it. After I looked at the pictures and was very impressed. I then proceeded to click on her picture to look at her profile. Thats when I noticed, this woman is 26. Now note that I am 21. I am not too picky when it comes to women but I know if I introduced her to my family they would be looking at me like I was crazy. Now I know we have talked about older guys and young woman but I just want to see what everyone thought of this situation. I myself am not to fond of older woman, just because I have 2 older sisters and that is all the mature estrogen I need in my life haha. I think I would really have to be in love to overlook the age factor(which I know anything is possible). So I wonder if I am one of the only guys who has a preference of a lady younger in age or there are more like me.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 11:37:14 am by Samurai_Honor »

Offline Agarn

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2009, 11:58:38 am »
My goodness!!!  21 and your looking for a wife, whats the rush?
My personal opinion is that you should live a little first, these days so many marriages between young people break up as the couple grow apart before growing up.
Wait until your 26 and find a 21, haha

Offline JimB

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2009, 12:16:28 pm »
I think your topic said it all, "Age aint nuthin but a number"  however maturity level is the key, I think that goes both ways.  I am not calling you immature. it is just that both should have at least the same maturity level.  We have had this conversation as you said, the other way but I think it works both ways.  I have cousins that have married older women and it has worked perfect for them.  My son in law is 2 years younger than my daughter.

First of all if you are looking for marriage, which I assume you are or you would not be here, A Chinese lady has to be 22 before she can marry and Immigrate   Another point is that Chinese ladies hold their age so much better than Anglo/European women do so If you marry an older woman you will eventually look older than she will.  Lol.  I honestly cannot tell the difference in looks in a Chinese lady from one who is 21 or 30, so unless you make a big deal of it.  Who would know.  If you are interested in her, take the Chnlove pics with a grain of salt.  Get a real world picture.  I have yet to meet one who looks like her pic.  I had one today of a friend I had been writing to on Chnlove.  She sent me a picture of her and a friend.  I cant tell who is who by the Chnlove pic.  Neither look like that picture.  My fiancee did not look like her picture. It didnt matter to me obviously but just a heads up.

Good Luck.
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Offline Samurai_Honor

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2009, 01:38:50 pm »
Hey Hey Hey!.....Now yes, I am 21 and young but I live a very lonely life. (yes I am about to give my sob story so bust out the violins). I am in the military and I work 6 days a week. When I do go out, I am not very smooth with ladies. Not to mention I have not been having much luck with American women. So I gave up on finding love in the U.S. (im not a very patient guy as you can see)

I just want a woman that is sincere and can love me for me *sniff sniff

In all seriousness I dont see the point in waiting to live life, when theres no "life" to live up.

Anybody feeling where im coming from?

P.S. Im not set in my ways, Im always open to advice, so I do not take offence to brotherly advice.

Offline China Shark

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2009, 01:53:01 pm »
Yes, age is simply that a number. Girlfriend before last was 9 nine years older than me. In a sense I became her trophy younger boyfriend. It sated her for a year and a half and never really cared what others felt about the difference. I broke it off for other reasons. But there were times were dating an older woman can be a pain due to her maturity level. I'm 46 yet have the physical stamina of a 25 yr old, so on our vacation is was dating my mom. After 3 days of hardcore vacationing her back and knees were that of an old lady. There might be issues with her family though, I know Chinese women that won't touch anyone that isn't at least 5 years older than themselves. They prefer older men as a general rule and thier culture as a whole usually places the man at least 10 yrs older than the woman. Funny thing is that older guys are always usually at a disadvantage when dating younger women with the exception of Asia. But if she is cool with it good luck to you brother.
China Shark Mike
I stayed with her for a year and a half.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 01:54:03 pm by China Shark »
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Hans

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2009, 01:57:43 pm »
Hey, Samurai, you do what you feel you need to do. I am 27 so maybe I am one of the younger ones here too. I have simply been bored of Swedish women, I want something that feels genuine. And I adore Chinese women. We all have our reasons to be here.

And listen to JimB: Don´t jump on anything until you get the real life pictures. I just got a few from my lady and was relieved to see that she was actually beautiful without Photoshop too. But that´s not always the case. One lady I had contact with last year I could hardly recognise when she sent me real pictures...

Offline MLM

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2009, 02:09:20 pm »
Look, if this is what you want to do and it feels right to you, then who are we to say this is not a good thing for you, but, ( you knew there was a but ) if you are going to date and maybe marry an Asian woman then you Better learn to be Patient or your being married to her will not last long, so my advice to you would be 1) learn Patience, and 2) if it feels good for the two of you then do it.
Best of luck.

Damn, you make me feel old

Offline Joshua Smith

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2009, 02:09:45 pm »
I agree with Hans about agreeing with JimB haha.

21? You must be the youngest member here. :P
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Offline Agarn

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2009, 02:34:23 pm »
I`ve not been in the military, but i`ve been in their company and around the town when the navy`s in, so many young men, testostarone flying around, the loud and the brash attract the girls while the quieter ones stay in the background.
Its a shame that you feel that you have no life to lead, but you do, we all do, its just that sometimes its a little harder to find.
Many of the men here are fed up with lard arsed, money grabbing, spiteful women, but they have earnt this right, haha, but for you to have given up so early, well ?
How long have you signed up for and what are your plans?

no one wants to give you a hard time here, ok

Vince G

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2009, 04:14:01 pm »
Quote from: 'Samurai_Honor' pid='6241' dateline='1245692330'
I am 21, I am in the military, I have not been having much luck with American women.

I found these three things funny. Are you from Georgia or stationed in Georgia? American women are easy, Just tell them your a Captain. If they think you have $$ nothing else matters. But to find someone sincere? Your not going to find her in a bar. These are the ones you practice on. #1 - Don't be a wall fly. #2 - Don't talk about your boring (lonely) life. #3 - Make yourself the most interesting guy in the place. #4 - Don't spend the money but make them think you will.  

Get an UP personality.

Offline Samurai_Honor

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2009, 04:25:50 pm »
Quote from: 'Agarn' pid='6252' dateline='1245695663'

I`ve not been in the military, but i`ve been in their company and around the town when the navy`s in, so many young men, testostarone flying around, the loud and the brash attract the girls while the quieter ones stay in the background.
Its a shame that you feel that you have no life to lead, but you do, we all do, its just that sometimes its a little harder to find.
Many of the men here are fed up with lard arsed, money grabbing, spiteful women, but they have earnt this right, haha, but for you to have given up so early, well ?
How long have you signed up for and what are your plans?

no one wants to give you a hard time here, ok

I hear what you are saying Agarn. I think you are right I do have a life to lead, but I have not seen this life as mine is very dull right now. The thing to do is sit by and let life take its course right? After fighting in Iraq, my time has become very precious to me. A lot of times we("young people") feel we have our whole lives to look forward to, but who knows what tomorrow brings. I thank you for your advice. I understand what you are saying and you have allowed me to look at it from a different aspect. However I wish you could see my whole situation.

As far as my contract and plans... I am in the military for 2 more years and I plan have my BS in pre law a few years after the military and attend law school after that.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 04:27:41 pm by Samurai_Honor »

Offline Samurai_Honor

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2009, 06:43:42 pm »
Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='6267' dateline='1245708449'

You need to take your time, and explain all of this to the lady. A busy career, and going to school, will take you away from a home life. I do not think I could get through college, and be married.

I did get through school, and I was single back then ...

Chances are any lady you connect with will be on the younger end of the scale... under 30, and not over 30 .... and in that case they may want to not only get married ... but have a family, and have children ...

do you think you can deal with a wife and children, and still follow your plan about law school ?

do you think you can find a lady that will do it all, on her own so you can go to law school?  or who is willing to delay the whole family, and having kids, until you are ready?

there is a lot to consider here, and sort out

Never thought of it like that, Your words do not fall on deaf ears.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 08:59:01 pm by Samurai_Honor »


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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2009, 11:09:58 pm »
Damn...another guy from the army in this group.  Hey Sarge...since Samurai is younger, does he get to be corporal or private?

Sorry...that was all I could say, because the others have already given excellent advice.

Offline Agarn

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2009, 02:58:38 am »
What started as a simple thread has now become more complex the more you explain, but i have to say Im with Mike, law school, a young wife, perhaps kids [they happen] money problems,  thats a shed load of stress to take on needs a mass of inner strength.

Respect to anyone who has seved in that s##t hole

Offline JimB

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2009, 10:28:19 am »
Dinger, No he is in the Army, he only gets to be a private. lol. Dinger you should know by now that I was in the Marine Corps.  Uncle Sams Motorcycle Children.  Semper Fi

Samurai,  You have seen the elephant.  That ages a man.  It also gives you inner strength, but depending on what you saw there and what happened to you may take some time to sort out.   A wise man told me that it is like a wound that has only scabbed over, it will never heal unless it gets some air.  Son, if you can deal with all of that then go for it.  Do what you feel.  But, wait awhile and see how you are feeling.  Dont jump into marriage just because you are lonely, go into a marriage because you love her.  Big difference.  Otherwise just date.  Once in school there will be plenty of chances for you to find someone.  Do not come here just because it may seem easy.  It is not. It takes patience, resolve and a sense of purpose like you would not believe to do this.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 10:30:18 am by JimB »
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.