Author Topic: Age aint nothin but a number...  (Read 4066 times)

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Offline China Shark

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RE: Age aint nothin but a number...
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2009, 11:23:29 am »
Jim B, amen brother to that. I know exactly how the kid's feeling because I was the same way before and after I arrived here to be with my lady. If you go at this like a bull in a China house {sorry for the analogy yet it fits} you will surely fail like I did at this thing. Yes, I was in love with her yet did not take my time, I rushed through courting and wanted to marry her yesterday and she became pregnent immediately. Being overzealous can kill a relationship in a heartbeat. Obssession is not a good thing in matters of the heart. Go into this thing for the right reasons and not to forget the war or to stave off loneliness. If you really have intentions of going to Law school I would put off on getting married until you complete your degree. Have you ever went to university before? I kept down two jobs while completing my degree and I had absolutely no time for anyone but my studies for 3 years. This thing of ours is a major undertaking financially as well as emotionally. It is not for everyone as I think Maxx said. I believe it a 100% yet I know now that patience is a key part of making it successful. I still care about Mei yet the magic that was once there is now gone, get it right the first time so you don't make the mistakes many of us have already made on here. In the long run it is a win win marrying a Chinese woman. By the end of this year I know in my heart I'll have found the one for me. The world is at our feet if we reach for the stars. Good luck brother.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!