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I've looked at a lot of profiles, and many of them say that they love badminton. Badminton? Really?  :shock: Is it really that popular?

Now I'm secretly hoping to read a profile where the girl is into curling.

Actually, the Chinese women national curling team just won this year's World Curling Championship and they're quite the celebrities in China now.

I believe also that the Chinese won Gold Medals in Badminton at the recent Beijing Olympics.

It is popular, my Ling likes it too, that and Ping Pong.

It's also not badminton like you remember as a kid - I watched a video where this guy hit the badminton birdie through a watermelon... that's scary (O.o)  But yes, badminton is very popular, along with ping pong, which is great because I love it (and incidentally spent way too much time playing ping pong in college LoL)

I played some Ping Pong when I was young and played quite good too for a amateur... When I played with my lady she was as good as me so we had a good game.. She is really quite good. I guess that Ping Pong is something that every one plays but you need a table and and have to be indoors to play it. Badminton you can play everywhere..


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