All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals


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Willy The Londoner:
Since coming to China I have tried Ping - Pong.  Pong was OK with that but Ping was not happy!!


ROFLMAO  Willy your a bad man hehehehe:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Among the ethnincally Chinese students at my high school badminton was very popular (this was 20 years ago). Certainly more so then among caucasian students

Like I have said before , Qing's very good at Ping Pong and as I found out .. it carries over onto the Tennis Court as well . We play weekly at a Court close to Home and she is quite a challenge . But we both make each other run very well . Alway's a nice workout .

Willy The Londoner:
You walk out of the entrance to our apartment any evening and you have to duck the shuttle cocks flying everywhere.  

Badminton is on TV here almost as much as Ping pong.



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