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Ed W:
Xindi and I were coming back from a big day and walked through the park on the way home. We saw a bunch of people hitting an over-sized badminton birdie around, kinda like hacky-sack. I've yet to see any badminton courts or nets but since it's just spring here and things are beginning to bloom i'd imagine the nets will be up fairly soon.

My girl plays as well, I can see the headlines, Okie killed by birdie by a girl named after a bird.  ^_^

You bet , Qing and I play'd both Badminton and Ping pong . She is quite good at it too . One might not see many Badminton court's in the City Parks , because they are mostly indoors . The one we went to was packed with People waiting for a court . Ping Pong was easier to get a Table . One would think it's the other way around . I myself havened play'd since my Teen's , but it's like Bicycling one never forget's , only becomes slower . We both Love it .


--- Quote from: 'Peter' pid='1705' dateline='1240636465' ---
I played some Ping Pong when I was young and played quite good too for a amateur... When I played with my lady she was as good as me so we had a good game.. She is really quite good. I guess that Ping Pong is something that every one plays but you need a table and and have to be indoors to play it. Badminton you can play everywhere..

--- End quote ---

Table Tennis is very popular in the Asian countries and they are constantly world champions. Sweden is very strong in that sport too so I am not surprised you are good at it.

I play ping pong a lot and it is good that I can do so with so many people in different countries. It is played outdoors at times as I was in Russia playing it there.

According to the Chinese, these sports (Yu Mao Qiu and Ping Pong Qiu) were invented in China, so of course they are popular there! Badminton probably was, but for the "proof" of the Chinese inventing Table Tennis, see the movie, "Ping Pong Playa", LOL!


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