I've been lurking for about half a year on both forums. Have had numerous
close calls, but no cigar. A little over a month ago, I received a response
from a young thing in which the connection had potential.
After months of reading the nightmares, the outrageous declarations of love
after a few EMFs....even the occasional successful encounters, I was always
a bit on guard.
What were her real words? How Photoshopped were her photos? Was she
in it for a gree card? Was she just a troll to help rake in $ via EMFs, etc?
So this young lady has decent English.
She is currently living in UAE in a working arrangement.
I didn't have to beg to get candid photo of her.
She can read my English, but prefers to use EMF translator to reply
She is careful and cautious, preferring to trade details about our preferences
and desires, and flexibility.
She (!) is the one who broached the subject of my getting a webcam and
possibly conversing by phone.
She is the one who asked (if things looked hopeful) whether I would
entertain a idea of visiting her.
In trading talk of movies viewed, she suggests that I watch an Ang Le flick
that included an extended lovemaking scene which almost had me blushing.
blah blah.....
So recently, I had this idea to save a few bucks. Why don't I write to her
via email, but she can continue to use EMF translators? She quickly agrees.
A few weeks goes by and I get a surprising reply from her, by email.
Sure, a few mispellings but very easy to determine her intent. She should
be proud of her English skills.
I flip to header viewing mode. I plug in the IP address to see where the
email originates. Atlanta GA. crap. hmmm, oh...duh. I work my way
down the list to backtrace. China was the next IP hit. I continue down.
Last on the list was one more IP address. Ran that through the engine.
Sunvabeach.....UAE, just like she said.
We'll see how this goes. I've become such a cynic over the past half year
that I was about to close shop at CL and try to hit on the Chinese gal who
is the manager of my neighborhood bank.

Wish me luck, boys. It's been only two short months with this lady. She
has been upfront in telling me that she is writing to two other guys. But
the last photo she sent me (all candid, day to day shots now) has my
photo on her desktop. (yeah, I wasn't born yesterday... but still).
The big ticket item is that she can understand and read English decently.
I speak one dialect and understand another, but not the one she speaks.
But hey, still not too shabby a start, eh?
I'll continue to check out your collective experiences knowing, of course,
that each young lady is an individual and not subject to broad swipes of
a brush, eg. "do Chinese wimmin like hair arms?"...."will my gal love
me for who I am, or just my money?" :-D
Just thought I drop in from the shadows to share.
all the best, fellas.