Author Topic: Money and Food  (Read 7530 times)

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Money and Food
« on: June 28, 2009, 02:24:46 pm »
In the Uk we have £ P, (£ = Pounds) (P = Pences) there are 100 pence to the pound..  A couple of questions now please enlighten me.  

In the USA it's the Dollar and Cents yes?  In china there is the Yuan.  The only thing I have got is 100 Yuan notes, what are the denominations please?


When I go to Qingdao I am assuming that the best thing is to taste all the foodstuffs that will be in front of me, what did you guy's who went do?  Did you take any of your 'local' food with you for your lady and her family to taste?

I am going to be taking Haggis and Neeps (Turnips)...Let's see what they think of that....hahaha

Offline China Shark

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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2009, 03:15:24 pm »
Rob, the notes are 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 1,  and .50 and .10. The coins are 1, .50, and .10. Be careful about bringing foodstuffs into a foreign country especially fruits or vegetables. Nine times out of ten probably no problem but I would advise against it because if customs gets wind of it they could detain you for simply bringing in things that be riddled with insects or worse yet they might think they could be carrying some type of disease. I'm not saying that would be the case yet do not put it to chance especially with this Swine Flu still in our midst. Chinese love to make a big deal out of nothing so skip the fruit and veggies. If they do happen to discover it after you already said you weren't carrying it you are in for mega problems and you don't have the luxury of being an America too. Chinese don't like it when you don't play by there rules. You want to be a fly on the wallpaper here brother. Do not chance you wonderful trip by smuggling fruits or vegetables into someone else's country. Just my thoughts Rob, don't want to see you trouble with the govt. here.
China Shark Mike
Rob, sorry forgot to answer the second part of your query. Set a criteria up first before setting down to eat. My rule of thumb is no heads or feet. That includes pigs ears, knuckles, snouts, fish eyes. If you don't watch your girl will be stuffing some unspeakable food in your mouth before you can refuse. Came real close to having pigs ears stuffed into my mouth twice when I wasn't paying attention. Some foods brother you don't want to tangle with. Was with friends a few nights ago and was ready to chow down on this delicious looking chowder when my friend informed me it was frog chowder, needless to say I opted to eat fried rice in lieu of this horrendous dish. Amphibians and snakes are two other no nos on my list. Depends on how much you want to impress your lady. Arnold is the exception to the rule, he's lost his mind when it comes to trying exotic local food. Think I'll try to get him on Fear Factor and we'll split the prize money. Don't worry about them being dissappointed about you not trying thier local dishes, they are very understanding about that. But they are not as quite understanding about not drinking and smoking with them, real men's club in these here parts. I am actually allergic to the barley in booze so I have a legitimate reason for not partaking. Occassionally I'll smoke a cigarette when hanging out with friends.
China Shark Mike
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 03:27:37 pm by China Shark »
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Irishman

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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2009, 03:55:38 pm »
I dunno Mike, when in Rome and all that.
I dont eat stuff I have food allergies to but am game for trying most otherthings, although eyeballs are something I'd draw the line at.
Personally I think the most disgusting thing in terms of taste and method of eating I had there was bone marrow - they had these bones and gave you a straw to suck the marrow out of them, I just found that gross !!
On the other hand picking chicken brains out of a chicken head didnt bother me a ta ll, it was just mushy. Frogs are just boney as hell by the way, what little meat there is ptastes like chicken, at least that what i though.
Cow and pig intestine is pretty gross looking and fairly tasteless , wasn't too keen on that but would eat it again if i was hungry. Chicken feet were probably the most revolting thing , sucking he skin off the feet was slimy cold and vile at the same time hahah.
On the other hand, camel, snake and dog were all fantastic, and one frog dish i had, while boney as hell was very tasty.
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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2009, 04:14:19 pm »
I see Michael know's me very well . Haha
I must say , the only thing that I did not like so far was Jellyfish ( cold , no taste and hard as rubber ) made Squit look tender and soft .
I did LOVE the snake though , never found out what kind of Snake , but tasted like a wonderful fish dish . That I can't wait to have again .
My list of No No's , is short of course : Eyeballs of anything , testicle's of anything , penis's , Dog & Cat and Mouse , no Brains ( have my own , hehe ) and no Intestine's .
Now can I eat my Menudo in peace .


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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2009, 04:15:45 pm »
Hehehe Thanks Mike, think I'll stick to Fish, chips and mushy peas.....hehehe

I'm not good when it comes to exotic foods, its gotta look tasty for me to try, but I already explained all that to Keren, she said she'll keep all that outta my way.....

I smoke like a trooper anyway so that's not a problem, but don't drink because of medication, can possibly take 1 bottle of lager or something but that will be it

Offline MLM

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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2009, 04:25:31 pm »
I think the worst thing I've eaten there was boiled silk worm pupae it's like taking a cream filled donut hole in your mouth and biting down and getting this warm gooey mess that shots to the other side of you mouth, frankly, I couldn't get it out of my mouth fast enough, at the same time though, camel, dog,snake, lizzard,chicken feet with congee, frog, scorpions, goose intestine soup, fish soup ( includes the eyes ), and monkey all tasted very good, some of witch Zhou still makes for me to this day, you should see my sons face on those nights :icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2009, 04:27:22 pm »
Haha Robert , they all look very tasty , it's knowing what .. before eating that count's or should I say .. you don't want to know or they will not tell you . To them there is only Fish , Meat and Pork and Vegies . I gave up long ago asking what kind of Fish is this ? Or what kind of Meat ? That is why it's better just to try it and see for yourself , without making a scene or embarrassing yourself .


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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2009, 04:30:22 pm »
I'll just close my eyes and think of Scotland and haggis....hehehe

Offline Irishman

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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2009, 04:36:36 pm »
Hah, Michael you're a man after my own heart, I'd be in heaven to have a wife that cooked me stuff like that, I do like the food, a bit too much as my waistline would attest to!
Your Zhou seems like a wonderful lady and wife to have of course.

My Ling's granny is gonna cook me dumplings when i visit in August, i wont ask whats in em and will eat right up with a smile :D
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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2009, 04:43:12 pm »
Quote from: 'Irishman' pid='6800' dateline='1246221396'

Your Zhou seems like a wonderful lady and wife to have of course.
My Ling's granny is gonna cook me dumplings when i visit in August, i wont ask whats in em and will eat right up with a smile :D

Michael survived five year's of Zhou's cooking , so I'm sure she is a wonderful Cook and Wife and Mother .

Irish , isn't it such a great feeling to know that Ling's Granny is going to do this to a Foreigner ? I know how I felt when Qing's Mom told me that the first time . There is no feeling like that , of being excepted into their Family .
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 04:44:32 pm by Arnold »

Offline Irishman

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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2009, 04:56:01 pm »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='6801' dateline='1246221792'

Michael survived five year's of Zhou's cooking , so I'm sure she is a wonderful Cook and Wife and Mother .

Irish , isn't it such a great feeling to know that Ling's Granny is going to do this to a Foreigner ? I know how I felt when Qing's Mom told me that the first time . There is no feeling like that , of being excepted into their Family .

You bet Arnold, I'm so excited, I have a seafood allergy and she was extremely careful to make sure she knows what exactly that means so she could pass on to the granny, i know I'm in good hands :) i am 100% aware how important it is to be accepted by her family and having granny cook me a dinner is a Big Deal, i have no doubt about that and I'll be sure to be respectful and thankful and hopefully butter her up with a bit of Irish blarney too :D
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Offline MLM

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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2009, 04:57:54 pm »
Ronan, tell me about the waist line, man I've gained a few inches over time and I can't stop, especially with Dumplings MMMmmm   MMmmmmm.


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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2009, 05:10:11 pm »
What's funny , with all the eating here and there all day long , I did not gain one pound . At my age eating like that I should have gained 20 - 30 pound's . It's got to be what they eat foodwise , that makes nobody Fat . It truely was like Thanksgiving every day over and over . Well we did do things inbetween the Meal's , after all had a couple of hour's to kill before eating again . Besides Qing and her Family , that is the next thing .. that I miss the most . i certainly hope Qing will bring that part of China with her to the States .:-/


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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2009, 05:51:30 pm »
Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='6809' dateline='1246223807'

 she even made some extra last time, and told me she set a place at the table with some chopsticks. just for me !

Mike , that is something . Check out the Photo . Between Qing and her Son is a Chair , plate and juice glass set up for Me . Qing is pointing to the Chair . Our Lady's seem to have many things in common .
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 05:52:24 pm by Arnold »


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RE: Money and Food
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2009, 06:12:12 pm »
Yes ... picture's do say a thousand word's . The Love is imprinted onto them for you to receive . I can't tell you how many times I go through all our Photo's / Letter's and that is just to see if it's really me , that is happening to ?
It's a great way to stay connected while apart , can't write or call 24/7 .. it's the next best thing .