Author Topic: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency  (Read 17919 times)

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Offline China Shark

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2009, 09:28:16 am »
Amazing idea, now we need to run with it. When and if it starts up I'll do whatever I can to help out, preferably make the office in or around Shenzhen if at all possible. Also, Shenzhen is one of the biggest upcoming cities in China and the woman at they very minimum outnumber guys 6 to 1 and that is the gods honest truth. Guangdong is the province where it should base it's main office out of. Most densely concentrated areas in China. You guys can do this just by reading the preceding posts I know it could be a reality in the not too distant future. Another thing I myself could recruit hundreds of females without even breaking a sweat living here. They are starving to be with men that actually care about them. In my eyes it is a win win situation. Funny thing is we would really hurt Chnlove and thier subcontractors once it got off the ground and running. Imagine a reputable marraige broker in China that is set up specifically to actually match up individuals as opposed to just bleeding lonely guys for bogus emfs. You see together we have become an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Bottom line is matching western guys with eastern women, no more of this money grubbing Chinese mentality turning it into just a business. Money can be made doing this thing for the right reasons. One of the members remarked about the Chinese's complete lack of ethics when it comes to business. In thier eyes if you can get away with it it is all good. It is like driving, there are no rules so whatever it takes do it to make the money. I have every confidence we can do this thing and be proud of the end result. China Shark is aboard and looking forward to helping out anyway he can.  :mrgreen:
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2009, 10:48:44 am »
What we need to find out is ...

1) among the smaller agencies ... how many foreign , male clients are there ???

2) same question regards the larger agencies ( 200 + lady profiles ) ???


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2009, 11:49:41 am »
Talked to Martin last night ... interesting, on China's internet, there's a page on ChnLove's website that has emphasis on answering lady inquiries ...

Offline Irishman

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2009, 12:30:18 pm »
Quote from: "Hajo"
I like the idea. Ronan and I could do the IT things   :)  
What do you think Ronan?

Ok, suitecases are packed. Show me the way to my office.  :twisted:

My IT skills are not really much in the html/interwebby space at all, I just dabble. For the kind of idea Chong is proposing needs someone with proper web development skills far more advanced than my rudimentary figure it out as you go along approach. I could probably maintain something created like the board here for example, but it needs to be put together in a professional way initially if its going to be a success.
That said, if it gets big and Fibre storage is needed..than I'm your man!!
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2009, 03:01:27 pm »
Chris or other number crunchers ... what can you tell from these stats ... as to the guess amount of membership on ChnLove ???

Click on "Traffic Stats", ( also on "Demographics" for other interesting stats ).


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2009, 06:05:17 pm »
No Vince ... that's the ranking of ChnLove among the top sites viewed world-wide on the internet. If you place your arrow on the  :?: beside 'Traffic Rank', it explains the number.

What's more indicative is that it's the 7,825 ranked site in the USA ... and that there's 194 affiliated sites with search links to ChnLove.

Relative to the general internet population, the age bracket 55-64 are overly represented on ChnLove. Next is the 35-44 age group.

Paul Todd

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2009, 06:48:53 pm »
Yibang Rose Consulting agency in Nanning [ Translation]

 Yi Bang Bang Rose Kam Hong Kong companies to the media for the Asia (Hong Kong) Marriage Service Network (formerly known as Hong Kong Kam-state network of marriage) in Guangxi (Nanning) provide face-to-face (face to face) the services of the Hong Kong International matchmaking agency authority!
 Rose is currently co-operation with easy to state database of members, men more than 100,000 members. Foreign partners as a result of targeted advertising through the large number of men mainly from members of the developed countries and regions.  One in Europe, North America and other developed countries accounted for the vast majority of members of the men.

Thanks to Nick L for the above link.

Found this, its from a Chinese job agency. What do you guy's make of it?

? Company Profile
    * Name: Hong Kong Co., Ltd Kam mainland state authority
      Easy to state Nanning Business Advisory Services Limited
      YiBang Business Consulting Co.Ltd YiBang Business Consulting Co.Ltd.Unit Description: easy to state business is in Hong Kong Co., Ltd Kam mainland state authority as the chief authority in Guangxi, easy-state business of the company located in Nanning, in prime locations - dong GE Road, Kaifeng Building, 10-11 floor, the company has a graceful office environment, customer reception room layout and unique, advanced systems of modern office (Hong Kong office network direct access to the corporate office system), strict management system for Hong Kong-style, the company has a highly qualified professional translators and formal senior professionals consultant.
     The company's Web
     Interview Time: 10:00 - 17:00 (Monday to Saturday)

Online Recruitment
Treated spring

     Post List
     Part-time translation
     Business clerks
     English translation
     Assistant Manager  
Deadline: 2009-10-9 (Friday)
     30 part-time translation
     Job requirements:
     (Working hours: choose three time periods, 8:30 am - 12: 30 pm :1:00 - 17: 00 pm 17:30 - 21: 30 4 hours must be in the company's work) over post-secondary education, English majors (non-English majors, English ability may be considered), irrespective of age, be able to speak English, who asked: There are strong translation skills, and practical work experience is preferred, strong communication skills, good communication, good professional ethics and team spirit.  Work experience have the same priority sectors paid employment!
Salary range :400-800 yuan (trial period ended, the official signing of the employment agreement. First with your personal photos curriculum vitae sent to our company e-mail, please attach your curriculum vitae your QQ number and photos used, the company will be the first interview through the network. No QQ number of photographs and biographical notes, will be rejection, Thank you for your cooperation!)
            Clerical Business 15
          Job requirements:
          Age requirements: Age 22 years of age
          English language requirements: At least three more (four or more priority)
          the academic qualifications required for: a college education
          the character requirements: character, cheerful and lively, hard, with strong patience, a positive work hard, have team spirit, the spirit of good  service and professional ethics, decency generous, good and different ages communication
          other capacity requirements: fluent Mandarin, Cantonese, listen to understand.  Have a stronger ability to express language.Of Western culture and have some knowledge about life.
           Age requirements:
            Over 18 years of age
            Monthly salary levels:
            Candidates to the post
            English 20
            Job requirements:
             College education, English professional (non-English majors, English ability may be considered), irrespective of age, be able to speak English, who asked: There are strong translation skills, and practical work experience is preferred, strong communication skills, good communication, have a good work ethic and team spirit. Work experience have the same priority sectors paid employment!
             Salary range :700-2000 yuan (the trial period ends, the formal signing of the employment agreement First with your personal photos curriculum vitae sent to our company e-mail, please attach your curriculum vitae your QQ number and photos used, the company will be the first interview through the network. No QQ number of photographs and biographical notes, will be rejection, Thank you for your cooperation!)
            Age requirements:
             Over the age of 20
            Monthly salary levels:
            Candidates to the post
            Assistant Manager 5
            Job requirements:
             the age requirement: 20 years of age
            Foreign Language requirements: English for more than four
            the academic requirements: Bachelor degree or above
            Height: 160CM above
            appearance: a cordial and comfortable and elegant temperament
            the character requirements: cheerful and lively, bright smile; there are very patient, and actively work hard; there is team spirit, the spirit of good service and professional ethics, decency generous, good and different ages communication.
            other capacity requirements: fluency in Cantonese and Putonghua, basic conversation in English fluently. Have a stronger ability to express language.Of Western culture and have some knowledge about life.
 English foreign trade export-oriented professional with priority given to the character! Accounting, administrative, property, logistics, medical, web page design professional, such as inward-looking character, please do not vote, thank you!)Where a non-compliance with the requirements of this job, please do not vote! The two sides so as not to waste time! Thanks! :idea:

Offline Chris

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2009, 07:01:45 pm »
That 100k number seems reasonable, but so would any other number under 500k. It depends on who they consider to be a member. If you sign up, you're a member regardless of how active you are on the site.

Another site suggested that chnlove gets about 22k hits per day. If 10% of the membership came on at least daily, that 100k number could be right. I played with the alexa numbers a little bit, but there really isn't enough information to even make a guess as to how many active members there are. It could be anywhere from 2500 to 25000.
And when I get excited my little China girl says, "Oh baby just you shut your mouth."

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2009, 08:37:02 pm »
Love the energy, guy! This is an extremely doable thing, and with our collective experience dealing with the agencies, we could make it a HUGE success. Customer service and integrity are the key. Speaking about recruiting ladies, I am surprised that between Zhuhai and Zongshan, the SE Guangzhou quadrant, the agencies only list 447 women out of a population of +/_ 3 million. With our offices staffed by a multinational husband and wife teams showing that such matches can succeed, recruitment should be relatively easy. Now, how to get a decent website up and running to fund the initial buildout....


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2009, 11:02:06 pm »
anyone win the 649 tonight

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2009, 11:07:22 pm »
Quote from: "Chong"
But, of course, "money" has to be made. I think that charging a foreign male client ... i.e. $ 3,000 one-time ... or monthly / 1/2 year memberships ... or $$$ scaled memberships ... is reasonable. Of course, the Chinese lady clientele wouldn't be charged ... by joining free ... we can get lots of profiles. The match-making sites here in North America charge up to $ 10,000 with just the promise of 10 profile matches and actual first dates.

How would you guys organize this business project ??????????

Chong, here's an example of a introduction website using a multi-tiered payment system for both translation service and higher end introduction services. Not saying it's good or bad, but maybe a good idea for us to post and review varied examples of existing revenue generators. You guys have know of any other websites to use as an example?

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2009, 11:08:10 pm »
forgot to post the link  :oops:


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2009, 12:02:59 am »
No, No Vince ... it's the 'ranking', not 'average visits'. Yes, "the rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visits over the past 3 mths" ... but it doesn't give us this figure.

If you click on "Top Sites', Google is # 1 ... and it's "Traffic Rank" is ... 1 ( across the board for all time period averages). Yahoo is next and it's "Traffic Rank" is ... 2.

ChnLove is ranked as the # 17,497 ( 191 linked sites ) most viewed site in terms of traffic in the world. In the USA, it's ranked as the # 7,825 most viewed site.

Other World Rankings ... # 338 ( 3,460 linked sites ) ..... # 1 Dating Site
LavaLife # 7,712
AsiaFriendFinder # 11,487 ( 3,981 linked sites )
Cherry Blossoms  # 23,850 ( 121 linked sites )
CandleFor Love # 671,819 ..... not doing too well


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2009, 01:14:14 am »
Here's another stats link about ChnLove ...

What do you think ... Vince / Chris ???

Company .... Unique Visits ??? .... Visits ..... Rank

ChnLove ............141,012 ..... 632,121 ...... 15,216
AsiaFriendFinder .. 87,984 ......222,833 ...... 24,287
CherryBlossoms ...  8,887 ......  77,317 ..... 185,021

Lavalife ...            224,065 ....   951,412 .....    9,393 ...     5,404,835 ..32,928,956 .....       257 .... # 1 Dating Site

Offline Hajo

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2009, 02:09:29 am »
Quote from: "Ronan"
Quote from: "Hajo"
I like the idea. Ronan and I could do the IT things   :)  
What do you think Ronan?

Ok, suitecases are packed. Show me the way to my office.  :twisted:

My IT skills are not really much in the html/interwebby space at all, I just dabble. For the kind of idea Chong is proposing needs someone with proper web development skills far more advanced than my rudimentary figure it out as you go along approach. I could probably maintain something created like the board here for example, but it needs to be put together in a professional way initially if its going to be a success.
That said, if it gets big and Fibre storage is needed..than I'm your man!!

Well, Ronan there are a lot more things to do then just squezzing some HTML-kode. I think you maust have both technical and organizational skills to keep such fibre storage boxes running. For the site itself there are a lot of CMS-systems which can be used. And 4 or 5 of us should be able to come up with some layout for the site.

The challenge would be, keep things running at acceptional speed and accessebility(?). Don't you think?
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.