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Offline victor-hills

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2009, 12:03:43 pm »
All sounds good to me only thing worrys me if you go out priceing the avage guy on the street who has to save up to do all the things,allso (civil and financial background check for both parties) sounds a bit like big brother to me just my pennys worth.
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Paul Todd

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2009, 12:18:49 pm »
I wouldn't pass these tests. hehe hehe

Offline Hajo

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2009, 12:33:16 pm »
Concerning those background checks, there are different rules in the different countries. As far as I know it's easy in the US do those checks. It's not the same here in Europe I think. Here in Denmark you can't just check a guys background. You would have to send the guys a form to fill out about their backgound. Thats it.

I would although think if a guy is willing to pay the expenses for communicating and traveling to China, he would be serious about it. The average guy should have the posibility too. The most important thing is, that he is honest and good in his behaviour to the lady.

That would be my opion.
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Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #48 on: April 26, 2009, 01:36:40 pm »
Hajo, and others - Yeah, the background check might kept me out of the game too.  :D  OK, I was just thinking of ways to weed out players.

Offline Mike Moore

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #49 on: April 26, 2009, 02:05:16 pm »
Quote from: "victor-hills"
All sounds good to me only thing worries me if you go out pricing the average guy on the street who has to save up to do all the things,

You're right that the average guy probably couldn't pony up for that service. I'm just bouncing ideas. But what I was speculating about was a way to matchmake, rather than merely mediate letter correspondence. I think there's a market for both, with the big database and translation angle being widespread already. I don't know of any "one-on-a-few" matchmaking services, and I think there would be a market for guys who wanted to cut to the chase, and are willing to pay for it to avoid the time-wasting BS of feeling around in the dark in a foreign land. I just can't think of any way to garner a huge database of customers and not have a good deal of wasted time on the part of either party, or more of the same issues with either party not closing the deal, or being sincere. I agree the translation service would be profitable.

It could be an add-on service to anything else we come up with, and a less infrastructure intensive division, but would require personal attention, hence a stepped fee for services as they are rendered. But those guys would have nearly guaranteed success within a reasonable time-frame. I would love to personally assist guys in their search - hands-on and rewarding.  :D

Doesn't take the involvement of a lot of men or women, employees or clients, to make one or two successful pairing per month over time, if both sides are serious in finding a mate, and they are provided a professional, comfortable way to do that. Again, I'm just brainstorming.


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #50 on: April 26, 2009, 02:41:37 pm »
Without photoshop pictures, knowing that the ladies are 'real', providing detail chemistry profile information ( other than a general description ) ... time will be saved and men will be able to find their match quickly ( within 3 months ) ..... instead of the ChnLove approach of contacting many to find one compatible lady. So, in a sense, it's match-making without the high fees.

Regards pricing, I don't think we can discriminate against wealthly men by charging them more ... but we can offer them "one-stop" services if they want. The regular income for the site will be made through EMFs translations, gift services, travel & tour guide services, etc etc ...

I also believe there should be an "one time" administrative charge upon joining, say $ 25.00. This will filter out the non-serious guys. As well, the name on the credit card will be one proof that this man appears legit.

Offline RC Campbell

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #51 on: April 26, 2009, 02:44:17 pm »
After reading all the replies.....I wonder if some have lost sight of the reason this idea came into being......The idea was to build a site that was to get around bad sites, that have lost sight of the reason we are all here, that being to meet the lady of our dreams, and to be able to do that without being taken advantage of, and being ripped off by bad sites, and game players......After starting my own bussiness three times, and building a sucessful bussiness, only to be sucessful enough to have my competition want to buy my company, all three times......I have found if you give the customer what they look for, honest service, and a fair price, you will be a profitable company.....You might want to remember what brought this idea to be......If you open a site based only with the idea of making money,then you will end up with a site just like all the rest.....Only looking to make money off of others, like you and me.....If this site is built to do what we all want, then we can make a site that will allow others to meet their dream Lady and still pay the bills of the site....And if it is built on a solid foundation of being honest, and sincere, with all clients, then you can be sucessful, and make money.....I for one would be intrested in investing in a site like this, and more than willing to move to China, to open a office serving only this new site......Money, will not buy you the happiness, you will get from being able to help two people to find the right one.......If the site will pay the bills, and allow the office to pay the employees in that office, and a salary of somekind for the manager of that office, then the site will grow, and be a sucess.....If making money is the only reason to do this, then maybe everyone should rethink what the pourpose of the site is.....
The Cowboy in China.......
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Offline Robertt S

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #52 on: April 26, 2009, 02:53:50 pm »
Quote from: "RC Campbell"
After reading all the replies.....I wonder if some have lost sight of the reason this idea came into being......The idea was to build a site that was to get around bad sites, that have lost sight of the reason we are all here, that being to meet the lady of our dreams, and to be able to do that without being taken advantage of, and being ripped off by bad sites, and game players......After starting my own bussiness three times, and building a sucessful bussiness, only to be sucessful enough to have my competition want to buy my company, all three times......I have found if you give the customer what they look for, honest service, and a fair price, you will be a profitable company.....You might want to remember what brought this idea to be......If you open a site based only with the idea of making money,then you will end up with a site just like all the rest.....Only looking to make money off of others, like you and me.....If this site is built to do what we all want, then we can make a site that will allow others to meet their dream Lady and still pay the bills of the site....And if it is built on a solid foundation of being honest, and sincere, with all clients, then you can be sucessful, and make money.....I for one would be intrested in investing in a site like this, and more than willing to move to China, to open a office serving only this new site......Money, will not buy you the happiness, you will get from being able to help two people to find the right one.......If the site will pay the bills, and allow the office to pay the employees in that office, and a salary of somekind for the manager of that office, then the site will grow, and be a sucess.....If making money is the only reason to do this, then maybe everyone should rethink what the pourpose of the site is.....
I agree with you! You can shear a sheep many times, but you can only skin it once!!

Paul Todd

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #53 on: April 26, 2009, 05:26:11 pm »
Being honest is enough to put us on the top of the pile. Yes there are many dating sites but I for one don't trust any of them. To many players on both sides,  To tell you the truth Chlove is probably one of the better ones. Chongs idea of a low initial joining fee sounds good to me, and we get the clients card details a big plus and easy verification. All we can hope to do is to help good people on both sides find what we are all looking for and give them the benefit of the pool of knowledge we have here. Yes we need to cover our costs and maybe make a living  to start with,but I'm not into turning this fine idea into an elitist sport for guy's with cash. I think the majority of us are just working guy's who are willing to make sacrifices in order to be with our ladies. How many of us are pulling double shifts? Being honest with all concerned could make this into something we are all proud of and make a profit. Maybe a Brothers co-operative set up would work,plus a steering committee  to keep us on track. Share the costs and the profits equally. Yes I know...I'm an old hippy, buts whats wrong with truth, love and understanding.

Offline victor-hills

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #54 on: April 26, 2009, 05:36:14 pm »
Well sead paul.
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #55 on: April 26, 2009, 05:41:45 pm »
Well, let's start some research ...

1) How many members are there in ChnLove or any of the other Asian Dating Sites ?  :roll: Any calculated guess ?

2) At your lady's agency, what's the total # of profiles and male clients ?  Once we get a few responses, we can apply ratios. Ratios = Number of lady profiles divided by male clients. After getting a few ratios, we can apply an average ratio to the 6,700 ladies profiles on Chnlove to get an approx. total male membership number.

Paul Todd

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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2009, 06:16:32 pm »
The Yibang Rose Consulting agency in Nanning "say" they have a data base of 100,000  men. I think this must be the Chnlove  number. Ladies profiles is what 6 or 7000? can't remember the exact amount, I'm sure Chnlove will boast of it somewhere. As to what a member is or a valid ladies profile actualy is I'm not sure about that either. Don't want to appear stupid but what are the ratio's, and how will they help.If I'm a lost cause, sorry. hehe hehe


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #57 on: April 26, 2009, 07:14:41 pm »
Well, a site like only has 360 male members and 120 lady profiles. ... shows only 613 hits on average / month. And the hardcore number is 1% = 63 serious members.

Regards ChnLove, it would assume 143,000 visits / month x 5% hardcore users = approx. 6,700 male members. Any agreement / disagreements on this calculation ???


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #58 on: April 26, 2009, 11:10:02 pm »
Vince , what you have not taken in account is , those pages only show the Women form Apr. '08 to Apr. '09 , but that does not show the ones that are still member's with them . Examble : Lily ( my sister ) she has gotten six free month's from the Agency because she has found nobody yet and she is not listed under those you saw . To get to her Profile you need to know her ID number . So I'm sure there are at least 2000 more Lady's of those . What about the refreshed profile's , their are on seperate pages as well . That also goes for Min ( my other sister ) also over a year now .


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Re: Brothas & Sistas Marriage Agency
« Reply #59 on: April 29, 2009, 04:51:24 pm »
I'm not sure about the rest of the Brotherhood mate, but I think this is seriously a very good idea. :D