Author Topic: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks  (Read 21937 times)

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Offline Tiztom

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2009, 01:06:29 pm »
Vince she well & truly knows I don't trust Chnlove or the agency's & tells me she is a one man woman lol, I'll believe it when I meet her, she seems reasonably honest so far but I'll keep probing without being too obvious, I'll tell her in a joking sort of way that I might get someone else to EMF her, if she is as honest as she says she is then it shouldn't bother her, if something as small as that does then we can both move on.
I told her I would never marry a woman before I lived with her to make sure we were suitable in the house/bed & out of the house, she misunderstood me thinking I wanted to stay with her as soon as I got there & she was quite concerned but didn't dump me (I explained that it would be if I went back to see her a second time & she agreed) I don't think they are quite as delicate as some of you may think and if they are do you really want to tread on egg shells forever? Maybe it's the interpreters that give this impression in their translation (yes I know they have a different attitude to other women) But I think if you have been talking with someone for months you should be able to ask pretty much anything as by then they have no doubt told you they love you with all their heart.
Sorry for being a bit of a realist but I refuse to be conned out of my hard earned money by a scammer & if that means sending someone a fake EMF after months of communication to see what her response is then so be it.
But then again I will never put myself in a situation where I'm spending a lot of money on EMF's in the first place.
Yeah I saw the neanderthal bit, really not worth replying to was it?
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 01:24:11 pm by Tiztom »

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2009, 01:19:27 pm »
Rhonald, I edited that post. Basically, Tom made some 'cockroach' personal remarks that had no bearing on Sylvain's situation. As you read, I didn't delete his entire post ... just the dumb remarks.

Tom, quit trying to test us MODS. If you make factual concrete postings ... fine !!!  We're here to support brothers in good and/or bad situations. When your time comes for advice ( and it will come ), you don't want to read dumb remarks, right ???
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 01:25:15 pm by Chong »

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2009, 01:21:48 pm »
Quote from: 'Tiztom' pid='6992' dateline='1246381589'

Yeah I saw the neanderthal bit, really not worth replying to was it?

I read the whole part of your posting before it was edited. My response was because Sylvain had just been put through an emotinal ringer and I felt your posting was too harsh too soon. Man, cut him some slack.

You do make many vailed points, maybe delivered quite brutishly, thus the reference to that ancient prime mate. My posting here under this thread, however ironic it feels to me, was in defence to your comment about editing or deleting.

Oops I see Chong added to this thread and in a nutshell he explained his reasoning. Good point Chong.

Are you still in China posting in the early morning?
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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2009, 01:32:07 pm »
What she meant by emails rejected is I was given an email address but every email I sent to it Bounced it was a yahoo address that started www. never seen that before. naturally I tried in fact it was  and as far as phone numbers I had 3 the 1st one was her sisters number I was given it when I told her I needed a number in china to put on my visa app and i figured since supposedly her and the sister were room mates and a couple of girls not a lot of money so they shared a phone and then suddenly a week or so later she told me that I could call her translator and I was given his number and I did call and talk to him 3 different times seemed liked a nice enough guy but then of coarse he would right then I was given a number that no one ever answered was told it was her number but it wouldnt work because she was in northern China and it would not work up there. Hey I'm a dumb ass I fell for it I was given them all the benifit of the doubt. As far as her sending me that email last night she has had all of my contact info since about the 3rd week so I was easy to contact mine were all real.
I guess I just wanted it to be the real deal so bad I just overlooked to many things and let to many red flags go by. thats one of the things I told chnlove is that I knew all my friends would have a lot of questions and some would be embarrassing to answer because I just let to much slide had to much trust. Lets face it if I cant trust her I may as well date one of these gold diggers here in the states. and it all pretty much came to a head last night I signed up for Text2china and sent several texts to the number no one answered and actually got replys they were in chinese and I used my software to translate them and they said some pretty strange stuff. I figured it was the software translating all wacky and it was only a couple hours later I got the email from the sister. the more I think about it the more I remember that didnt look right I sent her some gifts and stuff. Yes mike I have the address if you want to check it out for me its probably the damn agency.

But then the letter from the sister looks wrong too. It said something like she may like to know me I didnt understand that because 2 lines later is when it says ending all correspondence. Its just a damn mess.
I mean this guy even added letters within the letters he sent me to my kids and the more I think about it the more I want to go to china.
Whatever you guys want to know just ask me I already look and feel so damn stupid it couldnt get much worse.
Man I bragged and built this woman up to my friends and family and my baby girls, they are at their grand parents for the summer maybe I will just talk to someone new before they get home.
And Chnlove they promote trust so I'm not gonna back off of them even an ounce. By the way did I give you all this Leo's cell number he is such a nice guy to talk to I think you all should have it  13286015286  I havent called him to tell him yet I thought I would let his agency do it with a pink slip then I'll call him in a couple weeks and tell him I just landed in Hong Kong.

I was running real low on credits and almost bought more thank goodness I dodged that one

And never piss off a guy that has nothing to lose and way to much time on his hands.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 04:55:19 am by Jimmy »
Jimmy Henson

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2009, 01:39:00 pm »
Quote from: 'Chong' pid='6993' dateline='1246382367'
Rhonald, I edited that post. Basically, Tom made some 'cockroach' personal remarks that had no bearing on Sylvain's situation. As you read, I didn't delete his entire post ... just the dumb remarks.

Tom, quit trying to test us MODS. If you make factual concrete postings ... fine !!!  We're here to support brothers in good and/or bad situations. When your time comes for advice ( and it will come ), you don't want to read dumb remarks, right ???

Chong, yes I may ask advise on things like money, food, weather, transport, water etc but I keep my personal love life to myself, support is great but sometimes a bit of honest advise is just as good, I honestly think you are a very nice bunch of people (maybe too nice for me) My nick name is "tell it like it is Tom"
To be honest if I came on here and said I've been talking to this wonderful girl named xxxx for 6 months but she will only talk via EMF and someone warned me to be careful I think I'd appreciate it.
 & I certainly never said anything to insult Sylvian, the cockroach thing was a tongue in cheek comment that was obviously taken a bit seriously by the mods.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 01:40:28 pm by Tiztom »

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2009, 01:47:00 pm »
Is all this other crap going on in this thread what they call Hijacking
Jimmy Henson

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2009, 01:55:45 pm »
Tom , if you read over Sylvain's thread, there were postings in favor ... and ... not in favor of his relationship with his lady ... so, yes, he got opinions concerning both sides of the equation. Plus, he got private messages as well. We tell it like it is also. In the end, it's his decision.

If you read my past postings, I'm just as critical as you're concerning this ChnLove process. We're here to provide as much information as possible to avoid the scam agencies & ladies. We aren't all "Pollyannas" here that think the world is perfect.

Regarding what I edited ... as Rhonald mentioned ... it wasn't the right time for Sylvain to read that remark. I admire your attitude & postings because I'm the same type of person ... but tone it down a bit.

I realize that we're off topic ... so let's concentrate on Jimmy's situation here. Sorry Jimmy !!!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 01:57:54 pm by Chong »

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2009, 02:05:58 pm »
Ok I'm puttin this all together in my head and it makes even less sense now. The so called sister must be hooked up with Leo how else would I have gotten her number. Because supposedly the woman I thought I was writing to was not involved at all they just used her name and profile. Or the sister could be jealous about losing her sister and room mate to a guy and just wants to break it up.
And everything combined that I sent her was worth very little what did they hope to accomplish, I was going to china in Oct did they think I wouldn't notice no one was there to meet me.
Jimmy Henson

Offline Tiztom

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2009, 02:05:58 pm »
I just tried to ring him for you Jimmy (2am hoping I'd wake him up) but he's got some sort of message in a female voice on there, I'm in the same time zone as him, I'll give him a blast later today if you want, I'm pretty good at ripping into Nigerian scammers so I have no problem giving him a serve.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 02:09:30 pm by Tiztom »

Offline Jimmy

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2009, 02:15:53 pm »
Quote from: 'Tiztom' pid='7000' dateline='1246385158'

I just tried to ring him for you Jimmy 2am but he's got some sort of message in a female voice on there, I'm in the same time zone as him, I'll give him a blast later today if you want, I'm pretty good at ripping into Nigerian scammers so I have no problem giving him a serve.

I got that once to when I called him it's like a phone company voice mail. I dont know maybe wait a day if chnlove goes after him we wouldnt want to scare him off or give him time to create some type alibi but whatever you all think is fine with me if you can scare the crap out of him some way I think we all deserve a good laugh at his expense. About 8:30a his time he is on his way to work thats the time I called him.
Jimmy Henson

Offline Tiztom

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2009, 02:22:13 pm »
Quote from: 'Jimmy' pid='7002' dateline='1246385753'

Quote from: 'Tiztom' pid='7000' dateline='1246385158'

I just tried to ring him for you Jimmy 2am but he's got some sort of message in a female voice on there, I'm in the same time zone as him, I'll give him a blast later today if you want, I'm pretty good at ripping into Nigerian scammers so I have no problem giving him a serve.

I got that once to when I called him it's like a phone company voice mail. I dont know maybe wait a day if chnlove goes after him we wouldnt want to scare him off or give him time to create some type alibi but whatever you all think is fine with me if you can scare the crap out of him some way I think we all deserve a good laugh at his expense. About 8:30a his time he is on his way to work thats the time I called him.

Bugger, my daughter is off to Europe for 6 months tomorrow morning but I'll be home by 11ish, I'll put on a fake British accent & tell him I'm from Interpol or something, see what happens but I won't mention Chnlove or you lol, gotta get some sleep now, up in 4 hrs so head off to the airport.

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #26 on: June 30, 2009, 02:56:36 pm »
I was scammed by P518 by a few girls/translators. That agency is serious bad news, I'de stay far away from those people. One woman would send 5 sentence emfs telling me how busy with her shop and how she wished she could write longer letters and not even send a photo. Was one of the only one's I had to actually block.

Mike, after reading your comment, something tells me I may have come across the same lady. Is this her profile P518544? Thanks
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 02:57:29 pm by Londoner »

Offline China Shark

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #27 on: June 30, 2009, 03:19:04 pm »
Londoner, when I read this I was convinced it was the same girl, but alas the pix was different. But the number still seems really familiar.
I'm going back on Chnlove and sift through the old admirers to see if the agency is switching pictures after scamming a certain amount of guys in a specified time period. Will get back either way.
No, it was just another scammer. Speaking of scammers Chnlove decided to let Ping Wang GZB272161 back on there service after banning her for 6 months. This woman is drop dead gorgeous and a complete scam. They either just use her pix or she is in on it. Just recently changed profile pix and added some new ones. This person has supposedly been searching for mister right going on three years and can't seem to find him, because it is nothing but a ploy to soak lonely people. These two agencies are some of the worst of the worst, they are relentless when it comes to the game. P518 and GZB272 are some seriously bad people,watch out when dealing with this scum.
China Shark
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 03:34:13 pm by China Shark »
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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2009, 03:50:38 pm »
Jimmy, yeah your thread has been HIJACKED, if you want it back ask the mods to help, if not let it go.
Sorry this happened to you ( Not the Hijacking ) all I can say is good luck and best wishes on you next search.

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #29 on: June 30, 2009, 05:03:14 pm »
Jim My question to you is Why didn't you question this before? You have been reading all this since Facebook, yet you waited all this time? First thing I would have asked was about the email address? ( There is no server address (name, yahoo, hotmail, etc) and No email has Http - WWW.

What I see coming about is 4 people in these relationships.  A man, a woman, a sister and a translator. Is this a new way to detect falseness?

CS Ping Wang, a Fine example of a trap. How many times do I have to say if her photo looks like a cover of a magazine it's most likely is a fake.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2009, 05:04:10 pm by Vince G »