What she meant by emails rejected is I was given an email address but every email I sent to it Bounced it was a yahoo address that started www. never seen that before. naturally I tried in fact it was
www.libo1968.yahoo.com.cn and as far as phone numbers I had 3 the 1st one was her sisters number I was given it when I told her I needed a number in china to put on my visa app and i figured since supposedly her and the sister were room mates and a couple of girls not a lot of money so they shared a phone and then suddenly a week or so later she told me that I could call her translator and I was given his number and I did call and talk to him 3 different times seemed liked a nice enough guy but then of coarse he would right then I was given a number that no one ever answered was told it was her number but it wouldnt work because she was in northern China and it would not work up there. Hey I'm a dumb ass I fell for it I was given them all the benifit of the doubt. As far as her sending me that email last night she has had all of my contact info since about the 3rd week so I was easy to contact mine were all real.
I guess I just wanted it to be the real deal so bad I just overlooked to many things and let to many red flags go by. thats one of the things I told chnlove is that I knew all my friends would have a lot of questions and some would be embarrassing to answer because I just let to much slide had to much trust. Lets face it if I cant trust her I may as well date one of these gold diggers here in the states. and it all pretty much came to a head last night I signed up for Text2china and sent several texts to the number no one answered and actually got replys they were in chinese and I used my software to translate them and they said some pretty strange stuff. I figured it was the software translating all wacky and it was only a couple hours later I got the email from the sister. the more I think about it the more I remember that didnt look right I sent her some gifts and stuff. Yes mike I have the address if you want to check it out for me its probably the damn agency.
But then the letter from the sister looks wrong too. It said something like she may like to know me I didnt understand that because 2 lines later is when it says ending all correspondence. Its just a damn mess.
I mean this guy even added letters within the letters he sent me to my kids and the more I think about it the more I want to go to china.
Whatever you guys want to know just ask me I already look and feel so damn stupid it couldnt get much worse.
Man I bragged and built this woman up to my friends and family and my baby girls, they are at their grand parents for the summer maybe I will just talk to someone new before they get home.
And Chnlove they promote trust so I'm not gonna back off of them even an ounce. By the way did I give you all this Leo's cell number he is such a nice guy to talk to I think you all should have it 13286015286 I havent called him to tell him yet I thought I would let his agency do it with a pink slip then I'll call him in a couple weeks and tell him I just landed in Hong Kong.
I was running real low on credits and almost bought more thank goodness I dodged that one
And never piss off a guy that has nothing to lose and way to much time on his hands.