Author Topic: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks  (Read 21944 times)

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #45 on: July 02, 2009, 08:35:49 am »
Quote from: 'China Shark' pid='7119' dateline='1246518695'

The supposed response from her was particularly intriguing.

Whenever I have complained to chnlove about bad agencies in the past, it has always made me laugh when the woman supposedly says what a fine and trustworthy agency it is.

It's funny in so many ways, and shows the cultural gap as well as anything else that happens around here.

Only someone with a really limited understanding of Western men would ever think that such a statement would provide any assurance whatsoever.

And probably from our side, we probably couldn't understand that it is more likely than not she actually said what was written (that the agency is fine and trustworthy). The question of whether she actually believed what she was saying, is an entirely different matter of course *laughs*


Vince G

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #46 on: July 02, 2009, 09:02:08 am »
Two things to write about here. First A while back with a woman that emailed instead of EMF's had said...Let me put her words here.  
Monday, July 7, 2008 5:55 AM
Interesting call
Hi Vince:
Today I received a very interesting call. It is called by the agent of Changsha's Chnlove. He said:Miss zhu,if anybody in Honkong's Chnlove call you and ask you whether the letters you wrote to the foreigners are really written by yourself?You should say "yes"or" If I am really too busy to write them in person, I will call the translater, and dictate the meaning of the letter, so the translater writes down. I asked him in reply:Why ? The HONKONG's Chnlove is doubt of it? You called every woman one by one?. He said:Hm, just investigate. You just answer "yes", It is ok. I think it is very funny.

The second part is that letter in chinese? Have it translated. I'm interested in why it's dated 2007.

Offline MLM

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #47 on: July 02, 2009, 09:16:22 am »
Vince, you have a good eye for details, if I had an opening I'd offer you a job.
That was good, its dated 01/02/07 at 13:34 hhmmm, I think something stinks about this letter.

Offline victor-hills

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #48 on: July 02, 2009, 10:20:27 am »
omg your right vincent he,s like a blood hound lol veary fishy indeed.
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.

Offline Jimmy

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #49 on: July 02, 2009, 12:37:05 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='7123' dateline='1246539728'

Two things to write about here. First A while back with a woman that emailed instead of EMF's had said...Let me put her words here.  
Monday, July 7, 2008 5:55 AM
Interesting call
Hi Vince:
Today I received a very interesting call. It is called by the agent of Changsha's Chnlove. He said:Miss zhu,if anybody in Honkong's Chnlove call you and ask you whether the letters you wrote to the foreigners are really written by yourself?You should say "yes"or" If I am really too busy to write them in person, I will call the translater, and dictate the meaning of the letter, so the translater writes down. I asked him in reply:Why ? The HONKONG's Chnlove is doubt of it? You called every woman one by one?. He said:Hm, just investigate. You just answer "yes", It is ok. I think it is very funny.

The second part is that letter in chinese? Have it translated. I'm interested in why it's dated 2007.

Way to go I did not notice the date either Think I will bring that up with them
Jimmy Henson

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #50 on: July 02, 2009, 02:02:38 pm »
Go get em Jimmy!!
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 02:02:45 pm by MLM »

Offline Jimmy

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #51 on: July 02, 2009, 03:57:58 pm »
Remember at the beginning of the Gulf War and Iraq tried to claim that we had bombed a Baby Milk Factory and showed tape of the guys wearing those coveralls that said Baby Milk Factory on the back. They looked brand new and the writing on them looked as if it had been done by some Kids the day before.
Thats the kind of stuff I get from chnlove on all this I mean if your going to lie to someone and make up a story, my goodness at least make it a good one that someone might believe.
If you are going to lie to me at least give me some good comedy value with it, instead of insulting me with your stupidity.

By the way Vince the date thing has left them speechless they cant even think up a good lie for it.
Jimmy Henson

Vince G

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #52 on: July 02, 2009, 04:45:40 pm »
It"s my Forte (excuse any caps popping up in some words. shift keY is sticking after clEaning the keyboard) without pressing it?

I do accounting and find any and all numbers that is the wrong place.
As a contractor I COULD spot a bad nail on a large wall.
in my hobby photography I CAn spot the bad from the good
guess you can say it's one of my gifts? I"VE BeEn told I HAVE Golden hands too.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 04:47:33 pm by Vince G »

Offline Skip

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #53 on: July 02, 2009, 05:09:43 pm »
I"VE BeEn told I HAVE Golden hands too.

Oh Please! You are a legend in your own mind.  Gag me with a spoon.

Of course you expected this....   :)

Vince G

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #54 on: July 02, 2009, 06:17:33 pm »
HA I WASn't talking about golden hands with women though they said it then too. :icon_biggrin:
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 06:17:49 pm by Vince G »

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #55 on: July 02, 2009, 06:29:03 pm »
Quote from: 'Jimmy' pid='7146' dateline='1246564678'

Remember at the beginning of the Gulf War and Iraq tried to claim that we had bombed a Baby Milk Factory and showed tape of the guys wearing those coveralls that said Baby Milk Factory on the back. They looked brand new and the writing on them looked as if it had been done by some Kids the day before.
Thats the kind of stuff I get from chnlove on all this I mean if your going to lie to someone and make up a story, my goodness at least make it a good one that someone might believe.
If you are going to lie to me at least give me some good comedy value with it, instead of insulting me with your stupidity.

By the way Vince the date thing has left them speechless they cant even think up a good lie for it.

Yeah, I remember.  The Iraqis were terrible liars.  The US just turned out to me much more efficient at it.  All of the experience you know.

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #56 on: July 02, 2009, 07:23:21 pm »
Ok I had my wife translate the letter for me.It is real close to what the translated version says.She also said the date at the bottom of the letter is right.It says July 1 2009 the 9 looks like a 7.The date at the top of the letter is Jan 1 2007 that date was written by a computer.So I'm thinking it is not part of the letter.

My wife seems to think that the lady had some coaching with the letter.Meaning that the lady  was told what to write.

Huxian marriage agency is in Zhuhai in the Jida district it is above Mcdonalds.I have met the manger and a few of the translaters.It is not a good agency.If you really want to mess with them.Ask them to send you a copy of there liscence to introduce ladies to foriegn men.Last time I heard they didn't have that liscense.

Offline MLM

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #57 on: July 02, 2009, 07:30:38 pm »
Yeah the Americans have been at it since 1492 and are still doing it:icon_biggrin:


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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #58 on: July 03, 2009, 12:16:30 am »
Yeah ... the year I was born . It went downhill from there . That remind's me of one of Okie Robert's statement on Facebook . The Indian's had it made ( well except the fighting among themselves ) before that time . I don't feel guilty for what the German's have done in WW 2 , but what the WHITE man has done to the Natives .. that suck's big time .
« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 12:17:37 am by Arnold »


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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #59 on: July 03, 2009, 12:47:26 am »
What are the natives complaining about?  After all, we let them stay on our land before we got here.