Author Topic: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks  (Read 21941 times)

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Offline maxx

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #90 on: July 05, 2009, 02:01:15 am »
Andreas make the trip.Have the adventure of a life time.Meet the pretty women. Fall in love.If the lady went to all the trouble to make the reservations and told you how to get to Zhuhai.And told you she will go to JoeJoe port to meet you it is a real good bet the lady and the translater will be there waitng for you.

My wife was registerd with this agency.It didn't go bad for me and my wife untill the agency tried to collect the outrages fees from us.And I can tell you how to deal with the agency when the time comes.You do not need to be thinking about this right now.You need to be thinking about the women the trip and yourself.

The translater was ok.The city is Beautiful.The people are great.Hell Zhuhai is my second favorite city in Asia.And my favorite city in China.We go to Zhuhai at least 2 times every trip to China.So it is well worth the trip.

Andreas do yourself a favor and your lady a favor.Remember the 24 hour rule.This lady has done nothing to you.To deserve a nasty letter.And this is all about you and the lady.NOT THE AGENCY.She is registerd with.So give her a chance give yourself a never know until you give it a try.It could really turn out to be something great.

If it doesn't work out.There is alot of memebers on this forum.Who have friends in Zhuhai.I'm sure we can work something out

Keep us posted
« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 02:08:25 am by maxx »

Offline Andreas

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #91 on: July 05, 2009, 05:04:28 am »
Hello everybody,

first of all, thanx for your comments, the warm welcome and all the input to encourage me for the trip to Zhuhai. I've decied the last
night (I just slept a few hours cause of all my thoughts) to finally make that trip to Zhuhai. Even though I received another letter from my girl
this morning that she is happy to meet me. She told me she has to work that very day I arrive and her translator Sophie will get me from the port
and bring me to the hotel. There I will meet my girl later that evening to have dinner somewhere outside. She told me she can't wait to see me
and she hopes to see a fresh and energetic blue-eyed boy (LOL) (I am in my thirties) and that my trip will go well, since she concerns so much
that I could get infected by the h1n1 virus. Well, I calmed her the last days about that, that I am a strong and healthy guy and also take medication
with me (just in case). She also told me she does not hope that they put me in quarantine, means like locking me up in the hotel room for 7 days,
she could not stand that. (In former letters she asked me to maybe reschedule my my trip cause of all the virus ish), but I told her, no, the time
has come and I couldn't wait no more to see her, and even though, when the flu thing is over there might be something else (attacks or such) so deciding a trip just based on these things would probably mean I never get to meet her. I know all that trip concerns due my yearly trip to Miami, somekind like my second hometown. So I am not worried. I promised her to be very careful and also since I am a clean guy to wash my
hands regular and just keep away from people masses (Got to change flights in Shanghai to get to Hongkong). Well, as yall see, she is very
caring, she's been like that eversince I met her on chnlove.

I have quiet a good feeling (again) on that trip. I am not one of them naive guys that believe all and everything, due my job (I am computer scientiest)
I am kind of realistic thinking man and mainly start to believe things when I see it. My heart is quiet different though, I can tell, since I've fallen in
love with that girl so much. So finally I decided for myself, lets see what I get or can expect, I am positive and will find out what turns out of all that.

I just hope that flu thing is not getting crazy there and that the quarantine thing is not true. I also will check later on the department of foreign affairs
of the european community and also germany officials websites what's all about that quarantine rumor. Do you guys know or heard anything
about that?

Well, 2 more days and I am heading to Zhuhai, I feel like a little boy impatient and ready for the adventure. Also I will keep yall posted on my trip
and what turns out of all that. I'll try to give yall an impression like a diary, will take my notebook and blackberry with me. Only thing I have to find
in Zhuhai is a translation machine, since my girl and me decied to have that translator lady with us only the first 2 days or so to be more in privacy.
My girl states that her english is very basic, she could understand a very little, but overall I really don't have a headache on that. I think I'll find a way
to get that language barrier managed somehow. I told her there is also the international spoken language of love that she don't has to worry
to much:-) Maybe I should find me a translation program for my notebook (any hints are appreciated), or I might have the chance to use google for translation, it even might get funny though cause I know the different translations that could turn out, lol.

Also I hope I do not have trouble with paying by credit card over there (hotel and all that). Also I hope I get it managed to get some chinese cash
to take with me, got the strong feeling I would have to order it at the bank and it might be to late for that already. Maybe American Express Checks
will do, probably exorbitant fees by exchanging them in the hotel, well ...

Anyways, guys, thanks again for all the input, it delighted me a little, since I was feeling so bad yesterday by reading this thread and a few other posts in this forum. I'll go for it and see what turns out.

Talk to yall in a few ...

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #92 on: July 05, 2009, 05:28:57 am »
Quote from: 'Andreas' pid='7394' dateline='1246784668'

Hello everybody,

first of all, thanx for your comments, the warm welcome and all the input to encourage me for the trip to Zhuhai.

Also I hope I do not have trouble with paying by credit card over there (hotel and all that). Also I hope I get it managed to get some chinese cash

 in a few ...

Hi Andreas

Where are go going to be staying in Zhuhai ? I am living there now.  What agency is your lady with?   Zhuhai  is agreat place - I changed up my money before I left UK.  But most hotels take credit debit cards.

If you are taking a ferry from Hong Kong you will need to pay in Hong Kong Dollars.  26o HKdollars one way to Zhuhai.

Willy the Londoner
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #93 on: July 05, 2009, 05:32:24 am »
Andreas , best of luck with your visit , I always have found my Besta electronic dictionary with a stylus pen to be perfect you can input in English and convert instantly to mandarin or ? and your lady can draw her figures and it converts to English .
Currency just grab a few hundred yuan at your first port of call and then use your card in a HSBC or similar ATM and make sure your card owners know where you will be or red flags will appear and you will be missing money and card , there is also a limit on withdrawls from memory 2000 yuan per 24 hours and if you are paying for anything with your card make sure your signature is a perfect match , as not 1 but up to 3 different people will check to see all match , regards Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
My QQ is   1994376895
For electronics and books etc , check out ,

Offline Andreas

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #94 on: July 05, 2009, 05:46:18 am »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='7399' dateline='1246786137'

Quote from: 'Andreas' pid='7394' dateline='1246784668'

Hello everybody,

first of all, thanx for your comments, the warm welcome and all the input to encourage me for the trip to Zhuhai.

Also I hope I do not have trouble with paying by credit card over there (hotel and all that). Also I hope I get it managed to get some chinese cash

 in a few ...

Hi Andreas

Where are go going to be staying in Zhuhai ? I am living there now.  What agency is your lady with?   Zhuhai  is agreat place - I changed up my money before I left UK.  But most hotels take credit debit cards.

If you are taking a ferry from Hong Kong you will need to pay in Hong Kong Dollars.  26o HKdollars one way to Zhuhai.

Willy the Londoner

Hi Londoner,

I will stay in "the 2000 year hotel", my girl arranged something there with her translator. I believe Zhuhai is great, I love the tropics so much and also did some internet research. Well I am very curious now I can tell.
I know I will have to get some cash before I go start of to China, however, maybe I have to bite the sour apple and get cash at some atm with my cc card in hongkong. If everything goes well with the timings (customs, immegrations, etc) I should be able to catch the 14:15 ferry (as my girl states).
My girl is with the P518 agency, that made me sign up here after reading this very thread that gave me quiet a headache last night. See my 1st post before as reference.

Maybe we could hook up in Zhuhai, let me know what's possible.


Offline maxx

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #95 on: July 05, 2009, 07:43:11 am »
Andreas as soon as you clear customs at the airport in Hong kong.You will walk threw some doors.If you look to your right you will see a place to exchange money.You will need Hong Kong money.And some Rmb.

Offline Andreas

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #96 on: July 05, 2009, 08:43:16 am »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='7418' dateline='1246794191'
Andreas as soon as you clear customs at the airport in Hong kong.You will walk threw some doors.If you look to your right you will see a place to exchange money.You will need Hong Kong money.And some Rmb.

Thanx Maxx, I'll keep that in mind. BTW, is there any guidance/signs or whatnot at the airport that lead me to the shuttle to get to the port to catch the ferry? I have no clue how far that is anyways from the airport. Is the port nearby?

« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 09:04:05 am by Andreas »

Offline maxx

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #97 on: July 05, 2009, 09:43:24 am »
Andreas if your flight lands in Hong Kong at 14:00 you should be able to catch the ferry right there at the airport.If you are to late to catch the ferry at the airport.ANd you don't want to wate for the next ferry.You can take the bus or train,or taxi to the Macau ferry terminal.The ferry companies are on the third floor.That time of day they have ferries to Zhuhai about every hour.

The signs at the Airport are Written in English and Chinese.And it is the same at the ferry terminal.So it is no problem to get to where you need to go.If you get stuck or can't think of wich way to go.Just ask somebody.There is alot of people who speak English.At the airport.And most of the taxi drivers speak English.

If you decide to take the taxi to the ferry terminal you will want to take the red taxi.Do not take the blue taxi it is for out of the city.Somebody may ask yo if you need a taxi tell them no.Follow the signs to the taxi stand.The attendent at the taxi stand will help you get the right taxi and help the driver understand where you need to go.

When you get to the ferry terminal counter they will sell you a regular ticket.That is for the bottom deck of the ferry.If you want to sit on the top deck of the ferry that will cost you more money.Your seat number is on your ticket.If the ferry is not to full you can sit wherever you want.On the lower deck.If there is alot of people you will have to sit in your own chair.

It takes the ferry about one hour and fifteen minutes to reach Zhuhai.Have fun and good luck.Zhuhai is truly a beautiful city.

Offline Andreas

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #98 on: July 05, 2009, 04:26:43 pm »
Maxx, thanx again for that info. Didn't know it was that easy. Now I also understand what my girl mentioned about the bus and taxi thing. Well, I'll land at 11:20am in Hongkong and guess I can easily pick the 14:15 ferry. I am glad I land that early so I will arrive at a decent time in Zhuhai to get ready and refreshed to meet her at evening after she returns from work. Anyways, I'll try to get a top deck ticket, if the weather is not to bad to stay outside, if it's possible, I like fresh air though.
Just saw on the news that there is terrible rain and floodings somewhere in south china, also my girl said that in her letter this morning, hopefully the the rain is not to bad and that Zhuhai is not getting flooded, I know its rain season at this time, but who needs that heavy rains anyways ... it would be a mess.

Once again, appreciate the help of you guys. Nice forum that is! I'll be back with my news on here in a few days and let yall know what I am expiriencing

« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 04:49:34 pm by Andreas »

Offline maxx

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #99 on: July 05, 2009, 06:02:31 pm »
Andreas  the top deck of the ferry is inclosed.They don't let the passengers ride on the uncoverd decks.The pearl river delta can be real rough and they are affraid to loose passengers over the side.

If you are arriving in Hong Kong at 11:20 Am you can catch the ferry right there at the airport.I don't remember the ferry scedule but it should be posted at the ferry desk.

If you get a chance when your in Zhuhai.Take a walk on lovers road at night.Check out the new Yuan palace that place will take you all day.Another place is walking Island you can drive out to the island and walk all the way around or rent a 2 person bike and bike around it.It is about 2 Kilo meters around the island.Have your lady take you to the Gombei mall.It is a good place to do some shopping.Also there is another mall across the road.From the Gombei mall.Where most of the stuff is hand made.Right there on site.You can stand there and watch the artist work.Or you can have them make you something special.

Eather way let your lady do all the negotiating on the price.You see something you want tell your lady.She can get you a much better price.If your lady is negotiating a price and gets up and walks away.Don't worry It is all part of the game they play.Shopping and negoitiating a price is what theese ladies like to do.

Best western food in China Blue angel cafe.Everything from Hamburgers to steak.About the only thing they don't have there is good German sausage.They did have some fairly descent German beer there last time I was there.So if you get homesick for some good western food.It is a good place to go.

We want to hear all about your trip.So keep us posted.Good luck

« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 06:09:04 pm by maxx »

Offline MLM

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #100 on: July 05, 2009, 07:12:48 pm »
Maxx, I think that is the most I have ever seen you post at one time, I think I might start getting nervous, :icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Irishman

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #101 on: July 05, 2009, 08:48:37 pm »
Quote from: 'Michael L. Maines' pid='7468' dateline='1246835568'

Maxx, I think that is the most I have ever seen you post at one time, I think I might start getting nervous, :icon_cheesygrin:

Michael, if only you know, the taco man is one scary dude mwahaha!!
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline maxx

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #102 on: July 05, 2009, 10:39:00 pm »
It's alright girls.There is no reason to be scared

Offline Andreas

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #103 on: July 06, 2009, 01:29:38 am »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='7458' dateline='1246831351'

Andreas  the top deck of the ferry is inclosed.They don't let the passengers ride on the uncoverd decks.The pearl river delta can be real rough and they are affraid to loose passengers over the side.

If you are arriving in Hong Kong at 11:20 Am you can catch the ferry right there at the airport.I don't remember the ferry scedule but it should be posted at the ferry desk.

If you get a chance when your in Zhuhai.Take a walk on lovers road at night.Check out the new Yuan palace that place will take you all day.Another place is walking Island you can drive out to the island and walk all the way around or rent a 2 person bike and bike around it.It is about 2 Kilo meters around the island.Have your lady take you to the Gombei mall.It is a good place to do some shopping.Also there is another mall across the road.From the Gombei mall.Where most of the stuff is hand made.Right there on site.You can stand there and watch the artist work.Or you can have them make you something special.

Eather way let your lady do all the negotiating on the price.You see something you want tell your lady.She can get you a much better price.If your lady is negotiating a price and gets up and walks away.Don't worry It is all part of the game they play.Shopping and negoitiating a price is what theese ladies like to do.

Best western food in China Blue angel cafe.Everything from Hamburgers to steak.About the only thing they don't have there is good German sausage.They did have some fairly descent German beer there last time I was there.So if you get homesick for some good western food.It is a good place to go.

We want to hear all about your trip.So keep us posted.Good luck


Maxx, sounds really great. BTW the lovers road is one thing my girl mentioned to me already. She wants to go with me there by night. Also the islands she says are one sweet thing and made me curious, she said just the right thing to have an romantic stay. About getting good deals I already heart from other people to have it figured out by the lady, so I let her do that part, surely they would rip me off, hehe.
And hey, I do not belong to these typical germans that need that Sauerkraut and Weisswurst ish in a foreign stay, hell, when I am out of europe I stay very FAR away from other germans, believe it or not. I want to have sweet 10 days with my girl, hoping everything is like I expected and wish for us and want to enjoy the chinese culture, people and also food (I love chinese food) to the fullest. I don't know if I will drink beer over there, maybe I don't in respect of my lady I'll might stick with tea and other drinks, well I don't know ... also I need to try to finally quit smoking .... maybe it helps me there a little.

Ok, my last full day today, need to work half day and prepare the rest for
the trip. Feels I am getting more excited with every second that gets me more near to the start of my trip ...



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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #104 on: July 06, 2009, 01:47:41 am »
hell, when I am out of europe I stay very FAR away from other germans, believe it or not.

Andreas , well ... it's a good thing your not going to Shanghai , too many of them Kraut's there . :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 07:50:29 am by Vince G »