Hello everybody,
first of all, thanx for your comments, the warm welcome and all the input to encourage me for the trip to Zhuhai. I've decied the last
night (I just slept a few hours cause of all my thoughts) to finally make that trip to Zhuhai. Even though I received another letter from my girl
this morning that she is happy to meet me. She told me she has to work that very day I arrive and her translator Sophie will get me from the port
and bring me to the hotel. There I will meet my girl later that evening to have dinner somewhere outside. She told me she can't wait to see me
and she hopes to see a fresh and energetic blue-eyed boy (LOL) (I am in my thirties) and that my trip will go well, since she concerns so much
that I could get infected by the h1n1 virus. Well, I calmed her the last days about that, that I am a strong and healthy guy and also take medication
with me (just in case). She also told me she does not hope that they put me in quarantine, means like locking me up in the hotel room for 7 days,
she could not stand that. (In former letters she asked me to maybe reschedule my my trip cause of all the virus ish), but I told her, no, the time
has come and I couldn't wait no more to see her, and even though, when the flu thing is over there might be something else (attacks or such) so deciding a trip just based on these things would probably mean I never get to meet her. I know all that trip concerns due my yearly trip to Miami, somekind like my second hometown. So I am not worried. I promised her to be very careful and also since I am a clean guy to wash my
hands regular and just keep away from people masses (Got to change flights in Shanghai to get to Hongkong). Well, as yall see, she is very
caring, she's been like that eversince I met her on chnlove.
I have quiet a good feeling (again) on that trip. I am not one of them naive guys that believe all and everything, due my job (I am computer scientiest)
I am kind of realistic thinking man and mainly start to believe things when I see it. My heart is quiet different though, I can tell, since I've fallen in
love with that girl so much. So finally I decided for myself, lets see what I get or can expect, I am positive and will find out what turns out of all that.
I just hope that flu thing is not getting crazy there and that the quarantine thing is not true. I also will check later on the department of foreign affairs
of the european community and also germany officials websites what's all about that quarantine rumor. Do you guys know or heard anything
about that?
Well, 2 more days and I am heading to Zhuhai, I feel like a little boy impatient and ready for the adventure. Also I will keep yall posted on my trip
and what turns out of all that. I'll try to give yall an impression like a diary, will take my notebook and blackberry with me. Only thing I have to find
in Zhuhai is a translation machine, since my girl and me decied to have that translator lady with us only the first 2 days or so to be more in privacy.
My girl states that her english is very basic, she could understand a very little, but overall I really don't have a headache on that. I think I'll find a way
to get that language barrier managed somehow. I told her there is also the international spoken language of love that she don't has to worry
to much:-) Maybe I should find me a translation program for my notebook (any hints are appreciated), or I might have the chance to use google for translation, it even might get funny though cause I know the different translations that could turn out, lol.
Also I hope I do not have trouble with paying by credit card over there (hotel and all that). Also I hope I get it managed to get some chinese cash
to take with me, got the strong feeling I would have to order it at the bank and it might be to late for that already. Maybe American Express Checks
will do, probably exorbitant fees by exchanging them in the hotel, well ...
Anyways, guys, thanks again for all the input, it delighted me a little, since I was feeling so bad yesterday by reading this thread and a few other posts in this forum. I'll go for it and see what turns out.
Talk to yall in a few ...