Author Topic: Outrageous  (Read 7296 times)

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Offline Londoner

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« on: July 02, 2009, 03:08:44 pm »
It appears I have fallen fictim to one of the scammers. I have been writing to a girl for nearly a year via EMFs because she just wouldn't give a phone number or personal email address either. You can guess how much money I have spent on EMFs.

Well, to cut a long story short, she has just disappeared without a warning, this happened shortly after I informed her that I was about to visit her. Well, it is obvious why isn't it?

Anyway, I wrote to Chnlove informing them of what happened and requested that they investigate this, well first of all to find out whether this girl actually ever exsisted or not. I just couldn't believe the reply I got. Well, you judge it for yourselves folks.

Ni Hao! This is Sherry listening to your concern here. I'm very thankful that you could let us know your thoughts, so we could have the chance to address your concern and provide any possible assistance. :-)

I can fully understand your concern. I believe you are very serious in finding your true love and truly hope we could be of help to you. As you know, Chnlove is independent from each local agency as individual companies. We pay the agency who provides EMF delivery services to the Chinese ladies, thus enable free translation as well as professional consultation service to the ladies, making it easier for communication between people of different languages and cultures. Though Chnlove is not involved in the internal business of each agency, we have strict policies and regulations that each agency should deal with EMF service on AS-IS basis and offer quality service to help both male and female members communicate smoothly.

Concerning your communication with Ms SiSi Cheng (P518544), I can see you've contacted her for quite a long time. I guess your nice communication comes from your joint endeavour, right?  You may see that our EMF mail only offers an option for you to communicate with your lady, if condition allowed, you may also guide her to contact you in other ways, such as phone or webcam contact. If language is a concern between you, you may discuss with her if she could ask for the help of some translator. Anyway, just now, we have contacted the related agency to deliver your sincerity to her, hopefully to have more info of her condition and thought.

From the past decade, Chnlove has grown to be a responsible company who cares for our clients' needs. We firmly believe that our company's reputation and long-term development is built on the trust of our customers, thus, we've always treasured every single word of comments from the members, as these are impetus which may help to push our service to higher levels. However, recently, we notice that there are persons diffusing negative information against us spitefully. We really appreciate if you could provide us more relative information, such as the web link, so we can forward it to related department to follow up and adopt necessary measures. You may check the link below for more info:

We are full of gratitude to have such a distinguished customer like you, and we feel honored to have the chance to be a bridge for you to look for your true love. Also, we would appreciate if you could be a supervisor, valuator and impeller of the agencies' quality service in our site. We believe, with the support from many more honest and responsible customer like you, the service of the agencies and Chnlove can be pushed to a higher level. Through our unremitting effort, we believe that more and more gentlemen and find their happiness and true love in Chnlove.

Thanks again for your attention and kind support to our site. Chnlove will put all the strength in attaining the acknowledgement and recognition from more and more clients. If you need our assistance, we are always here for you.

Kind regards,
Sherry Chu
Chnlove Customer Care

Well, I wrote another letter back expressing my disappointment, and repeated the two simple questions I asked them in the previous letter. I am sorry to say, the reply was even worse than this. I have now decided to just cut my losses short and move on. I don't think there is any point of asking for a refund. `Oh, and about the girl in question, she wrote back yesterday, obviously after the agency got news that I am in communication with Chnlove, with frankly pathetic excuses saying that her father is seriously ill and she is going home to look after him, I am not convinced. I wrote back wishing her good luck and a speedy recovery for her father. This should be the end of this nonsense as I will be blocking her.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 12:45:59 pm by Londoner »

Offline China Shark

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2009, 03:44:32 pm »
Yeah, I got the kiss off letter a ways back and similiar such nonsense from Chnlove. Sorry, to hear about it, it hurts but time heals all wounds. Was recently talking to my friend Sandy and we were contemplating about starting up a very basic matchmaking service. She actually knows people that have actually succeeded through Chnlove and figures she knows a lot of women who would be happy to meet up with foreigners. I spent 12 hours with her Friday and think we might have something. Just my thoughts yet I would really like to help out the brotherhood if I could. Starting to network and really feel at ease here. Another thing before I forget one of my students mentioned that he could get guys from his company to translate with no charge at all just to practice thier English skills. It would have to be around Shenzhen because after all they are willing to do it pro bono.
China Shark Mike
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Offline Londoner

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2009, 04:02:22 pm »
Good work Mike, keep us up to date with any progress  on this :)

Offline Skip

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2009, 05:04:45 pm »

"This is some very touching stuff from SiSi:

"What I Am Looking For:

Your height is not the matter to me as long as you are taller than me. I am looking for a loyal and long lasting relationship based on trust, fun, love and faithfulness. He should family-oriented, hard working, and filial to parents.

My perfect day is to watch the sunset and sunrise with you. My perfect night is a candle light dinner and dancing with you. My perfect life is ...

Please hold my hand and work hard together to create our perfect life."  I especially like this part, "I dislike dishonest man".  What a joke!

There is an another old southern expression, Some people would rather climb a tree and tell a lie, than stand on the ground and tell the truth.  Looks like you were misled by one of those people.  

If we are being told the truth:  That there are plenty of Chinese women looking to find western men, then why does it appear so many get picked off by chickens**t  agencies representing or conspiring with bogus women?  Go Figure.

I know this isn't supposed to be easy.  But the path shouldn't have to be littered with so much trash along the way.

Offline MLM

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2009, 07:16:39 pm »
Londoner, as Mike was saying, Time is the healer of all hurts anf the teller of all truths, or something like that, hahaha, good luck in your hunt for that speacial lady
« Last Edit: July 02, 2009, 07:17:18 pm by MLM »

Offline Danny

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2009, 10:06:01 am »
Quote from: 'Londoner' pid='7141' dateline='1246561724'

Well, to cut a long story short, she has just disappeared without a warning, this happened shortly after I informed her that I was about to visit her. Well, it is obvious why isn't it?

It's quite possible it was just a scam.

Then again, there is a possibility that she just decided she didn't want to go through with it. Lots of people bail out of relationships right at the end, "at the altar" so to speak.

Offline Ed W

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2009, 10:36:58 am »
Speaking for myself, after writing for a year I couldn't let her go so easily. I'd want answers.

My wife said to me once that my problems are her problems and we'll work through them together and find a resolution. I feel it goes both ways so I wonder if you pointed this out to her? I think at the very least I'd get in contact with the agency and try to get some clear answers.

I'd have half a mind to go there anyway and try to get the agency to setup a face to face with her. If that didn't work then meet some while I was there and get some face time with a couple so you leave with some good impressions and a reasonbly good idea who I was writing to going forward.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline Irishman

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2009, 11:03:33 am »
I'm with Ed on this Londoner, something is up for sure but a year is a long time to be writing a lady to just give up.
I'd still visit with the aim of meeting her and if not maybe try visiting the agency and meet a few ladies when you are there, you will at worst have some fun on your blind dates and you'll have no regrets afterwards.
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Offline Londoner

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2009, 03:04:29 pm »
Thank you guys for your input I really appreciate it.  I just had a letter from Chnlove, saying that they were very surprised they I acted so hastilly, considering the fact that I was communicating with this girl for so long. Anyway, they have forwarded a letter from Sisi telling that her father suddenly feeling much better and that she is returning to Zhuhai to meet me. Well, she went on to tell me that she has very strong feeling for me bla bla. What surprised me is that she is asking for my number so she can call me tomorrow (allegedly, she has working very hard on her english and been paying for tution)!!!! Oh, she feels disappointed that I think she is fake.

Well, I am still debating whether to unblock her or not. I let you know what happens

Offline China Shark

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2009, 03:10:59 pm »
Londoner, if you feel that she is for real go for it yet tread with trepidation. Anymore it is so hard to tell fact from fiction anymore. Hope we're wrong and things do work out for you.
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Offline Londoner

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2009, 03:30:57 pm »
Quote from: 'China Shark' pid='7236' dateline='1246648259'

Londoner, if you feel that she is for real go for it yet tread with trepidation. Anymore it is so hard to tell fact from fiction anymore. Hope we're wrong and things do work out for you.

No, I am in no rush at all Mike, thanks mate. Two days ago, this girl told me that her father was seriously ill and was about to have a major surgery (allegedly for second time), but now he seems to have made a sudden recovery!!! I am just not convinced, hence my reluctance to embark on another goose chase.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 03:32:21 pm by Londoner »

Offline Norb Smith

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2009, 03:52:13 pm »
Londoner, at least she asked for your phone number, thats different, and if you send it to her, and she calls you, at least its not going to be on your phone bill, so I would say go for it and maybe you can get a better feeling for what is happening......but this is just my 2 cents worth and its only a penny for my thoughts...:icon_cheesygrin:
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Offline Hajo

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2009, 12:48:22 am »
Londoner, maybe this is the push the lady needed to get out of the hiding. If it was me, I would give her a chance, maybe a few more weeks to see how it develops. A year is a long time to just throw away. I feel that those ladies are kind of special in such sitiuations, when they have trouble. When we are in trouble, they want us to share it with them as they want to help us to solve it. On the other hand, when they are faced with problems, they hardly share them. Because they do not want us to worry. That might be some of the reason why she was acting that way. That is just a thought! I wish you good luck and I hope it will work out for you!
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Offline Peter

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2009, 11:39:00 am »
Me and my Lady, we share all the problems. If she have a problem she ask me for my opinion and I try to tell her what I think just as I share her with my problems and listen to her thought about it. This developed after I visited her and not before.. I guess she have to feel secure in her relation with you before she will share her problems with another person..
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline Londoner

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RE: Outrageous
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2009, 12:14:44 pm »
Just an up date for the Brotherhood; I had another message from Sisi through Chnlove, I am afraid my suspicions have been proven wrong and I am convinced that the girl does exist.

Following my last letter to Chnlove, in which I have expressed my disappointment with their reply, particularly its generic nature and the fact that it failed to answer my specific questions or address my doubts about this girl.

Well, it seems they have finally got their act together and have spoken to all the parties involved including the girl and the agency. For a change, they told me what enquiries they made and what they have found out, I am happy to give them credit for this.

May be just simple advice is all they need in terms of how we like them to deal with our enquiries. For example, cutting out all that annoying bull shit and simply saying these are the people we have spoken to, these are the questions we have asked and these are the answers we have got for you.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 12:16:39 pm by Londoner »