Author Topic: Alex, the happy fool  (Read 17470 times)

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Offline Philip

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Alex, the happy fool
« on: July 04, 2009, 04:53:02 am »
[attachment=243]Dear friends,
I'm back! For those of you who don't know, I went to Changsha at the end of May, got scammed by a bad agency, found a good one and fell in love with China.
On returning to England, I wrote to four ladies, 2 from the good Changsha agency, P218, 2 from elsewhere. The 2 others I told I wanted to have direct contact via QQ after an exchange of 10 letters or so, citing my negative experiences in Changsha. One of the ladies never replied, the other sent me a long and positive response, respecting my honesty. Lovely lady. Of the Changsha ladies, one was quickly becoming my favourite and we became serious - Zhimei is 34, divorced with 1 son. So I wrote to the 2 other ladies to say sorry, but I have found someone.
Because she is from an agency I trust, I am less suspicious and less testing of her than I was with the others. But I am also more sure that I want to spend my life with a lady from China. I will be visiting Zhimei in Changsha in October. I sent Zhimei a request for direct contact a couple of weeks into our correspondence, the whole deal, phone, QQ, webcam. She had said that she seldom used QQ, was scared to talk on the phone, the agency didn't have a webcam and she was very busy finding work in another city. But I told her it was important to me and went on a bit of a love rant. I thought maybe I'd come on a bit too strong, but the next day, this mysterious lady with the same birthday as my Zhimei, requested QQ contact and suddenly appeared on a webcam. Shock! The naughty woman was playing a game with me. Still, she wouldn't say who she was, like I didn't know. You couldn't remove the smile from my face with a crowbar.:icon_cheesygrin:
Since then, we have had a two and a half hour webcam chat, all arranged by her at an internet cafe, daily QQ chats, EMF letters every other day, and maybe phone call soon. She works long hours, so it isn't easy for her to contact me.
I read everyone's posts religiously and I am saddened by some others' recent experiences. I hope everyone will receive the happiness they deserve, happiness I am feeling right now.
Oh, did I mention I proposed to Zhimei and she accepted? Another Changsha wedding? This is getting ridiculous.


By the way, I have taken advice from discussions about direct contact, QQ's, language barrier, parental approval, etc., all of which have helped me a lot. For example, here is a little to and fro in our correspondence about family approval over the last couple of weeks:

Alex - Have you told them about us? Do they have feelings about marriage to someone who is not Chinese? I am worried that they might not approve of me; I know how important family approval is in China. For myself, I know that my family will love you because they will see how happy I am and they will know it is you who has made me happy.
Zhimei - Honey, actually, my father and my brother are against me to marry abroad, because they worry if my husband do not treat me well, it will be extremely hard for me. Because I have no relatives there. Maybe everything will be strange for me. They worry too much. I am trying to persuade them. Because I say you are a very good man. Right now they are neutral.
Alex - You can tell your father and brother that I will never mistreat you.
Zhimei - Honey, I know you are also very serious to our relationship. My father and my brothers will feel easy after my telling them what kind of a man you are.
Alex - Thank you for speaking to your family. In England, there is an expression when people get married. To the parents of the bride: ‘You are not losing a daughter, you are gaining a son’. I have faith that you can ease their minds about me.
Zhimei - Honey, please do not worry, I believe my father and my two brothers can understand me. They will be happy to have another son.

pps, sorry about the monster photo
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 04:58:30 am by Philip »

Offline Tiztom

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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2009, 05:26:27 am »
Good to hear your experience with P218, I'd love to be able to tell my story with them but I could get someone in trouble if the site is being monitored, lets just say a big up's to P218.
Please tell, what is Changsha like, probably going there mid August.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 05:28:01 am by Tiztom »

Offline Philip

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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2009, 05:49:22 am »
Changsha is great. Ask Peter, who is getting married there this month or Martin. It has nature (Yuelu mountain), history (Hunan museum), great food, karaoke, an amazing national park (Zhangjiajie, not far away) and beautiful and friendly women.
I am in regular QQ contact with a couple of the P218 translators and couple of the ladies I met when I was there. You intrigue me with your 'story'.

Offline Chong

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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2009, 05:55:37 am »
Good Man Alex ... Always nice to read a positive story ... in your case, you made something happen out of nothing. Congratulations !!! :angel:  All the best to you & Zhimei !!!

Sorry Martin ... now there's "TWO Z's" from Hunan.

Offline Hajo

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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2009, 07:29:39 am »
Hey Alex, I am very glad to read that it finally worked out for you! I know the feeling, me and my lady went away from the EMF after 5 weeks even though she doesn't speak english! The online translator work mostly fine and then copy the text into QQ. I wish you and your lady all the best my friend! :icon_biggrin:
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 07:30:55 am by Hajo »
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Offline MLM

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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2009, 08:56:53 am »
Alex, its good to hear you have someone, Congrats on your ..E... good luck and best wishes  :icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2009, 10:07:15 am »
From:@ to :icon_cheesygrin: in a short time ... super ! Congrat's on the Engagement to ZhiMei , These Story's make the Forum proud .

Offline Peter

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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2009, 10:56:23 am »
I congratulate you to have become a Fan of Changsha :icon_cheesygrin: We could start a Fan club about Ladies from Changsha. I think Changsha is a very nice city and most of all it is clean as far as I have seen.  I hope you visited the Martyrs Park just beside The Museum. I guess there wasn't as much flowers as when I visited it in April.. I understand that you also love the food. I told my Lady that the first thing we are going to do when I come, the same evening I hope, will be to go out and eat Hot Pot.
Next time you visit try to rent an apartment like I do. It is much cheaper that a hotel and you will get more space. Last time my apartment cost 125 yuan / night instead of a hotel that is somewhere between 280 - 450 yuan and the apartment had 2 rooms. My Lady have rented a apartment by the river this year.
We are planning to go to Zhangjiajie too but I guess the weather will make up the decisions when to go.. We are also going to visit Phoenix Town and the South Chinese wall.. A little more of traveling this time.
Today it is only 8 days before I will sit on the plane to London.... and then to Hong Kong... and Changsha :heart::heart::heart:
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove


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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2009, 11:19:53 am »
so happy to hear that Alex....Congrats mate

Offline Ed W

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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2009, 12:14:09 pm »
This is great news to hear. Congratz!!

BTW - my new mother is still afraid I will beat my wife. I think most families fear of their daughters being beaten by their husbands, not just by westerners either. Don't let it worry ya. Time overcomes this fear of theirs.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china


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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2009, 12:46:18 pm »

Don't you think your jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire??

You say that you got scammed at the end of May,  we are now only in very early July, and you've already proposed to a new lady!!!! Call me old fashioned, or call me whatever you like.... but that's just ridiculous mate. Did you meet her while you were in China? It's not clear if you did or not in your post.

Don't get me wrong, i feel like all the other replies you have had about being scammed.  But to just propose to a lady in a matter of a few weeks, just beggars belief. You can't possibly know her well enough in that amount of time to even think about marriage, especially if you "haven't" met her...... Did it not cross your mind, to take things a bit more slowly this time Alex?.  What the hell happens, if when you go back over there, and you, or she finds that there's no chemistry there, or things just don't work out for you both?? Are you going to do the self same thing yet again??

Look, I'm pleased for you, that you've found what seems to be a suitable lady for you ..... But Please stand back a bit and look at what you are doing. Use a bit of your life's experience (wisdom) and a good bit of common sense.......  

David ......

Vince G

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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2009, 12:53:29 pm »
Well Alex you must be doing something right, Zhimei has a big smile on her face in that photo. Congrats!!


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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2009, 02:34:50 pm »
Love comes in all forms and time frames . There really isn't a written rule ... this is how long and you MUST see her first .
As we all get to know each other here in the Hood , we have a chance to experience different relationships develope from short to long .. easy and the hard .. the first Lady or many other's .. before you land or should say take off , with the one that's for you .

This is one of my most " Get me angry " opinion , can't fall in Love before ... blah blah blah ... seeing her first !     SAY"S WHO ???
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 02:35:26 pm by Arnold »

Offline metooap

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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2009, 02:47:11 pm »

Congrats! Your lady is beautiful with a fantastic smile! Have much fun!!

Vince G

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RE: Alex, the happy fool
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2009, 02:54:32 pm »
It's to each there own.

Some fall very fast others in a lengthier time frame. If it's meant to be it will. Who's to say? I know all feel they need to help but this is what he has chosen. Let him live it.