Author Topic: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks  (Read 21934 times)

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Offline Jimmy

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #105 on: July 06, 2009, 05:20:51 am »
Quote from: 'Andreas' pid='7490' dateline='1246858178'

Quote from: 'maxx' pid='7458' dateline='1246831351'

 I don't know if I will drink beer over there, maybe I don't in respect of my lady I'll might stick with tea and other drinks, well I don't know ... also I need to try to finally quit smoking .... maybe it helps me there a little.

Ok, my last full day today, need to work half day and prepare the rest for
the trip. Feels I am getting more excited with every second that gets me more near to the start of my trip ...


From what I have been told everyone smokes there so quiting smoking might be tough. Although I am with you on it I sure would like to myself anyway.
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='7379' dateline='1246773675'

Andreas make the trip.Have the adventure of a life time.Meet the pretty women. Fall in love.If the lady went to all the trouble to make the reservations and told you how to get to Zhuhai.And told you she will go to JoeJoe port to meet you it is a real good bet the lady and the translater will be there waitng for you.

My wife was registerd with this agency.It didn't go bad for me and my wife untill the agency tried to collect the outrages fees from us.And I can tell you how to deal with the agency when the time comes.You do not need to be thinking about this right now.You need to be thinking about the women the trip and yourself.

The translater was ok.The city is Beautiful.The people are great.Hell Zhuhai is my second favorite city in Asia.And my favorite city in China.We go to Zhuhai at least 2 times every trip to China.So it is well worth the trip.

Andreas do yourself a favor and your lady a favor.Remember the 24 hour rule.This lady has done nothing to you.To deserve a nasty letter.And this is all about you and the lady.NOT THE AGENCY.She is registerd with.So give her a chance give yourself a never know until you give it a try.It could really turn out to be something great.

If it doesn't work out.There is alot of memebers on this forum.Who have friends in Zhuhai.I'm sure we can work something out

Keep us posted

This is the agency that this entire thread was started over they are crooked as hell
Quote from: 'Andreas' pid='7324' dateline='1246741420'

Well, what can I say, the whole post is interesting and at the same time I really do not know what to do now.

The Agency P518 in Zhuhai is the agency of my girl I been writing to since almost 3,5 month, almost every 2nd day, and I will leave to Zhuhai this
upcoming tuesday the 7th. Bought tickets and got all set for the trip.
Since she can't speak english I aint got her phonenumber, just made up plans that she picks me up at the port of Zhuhai with her translater named Sophie. I will get her phonenumber (the translaters phonenumber, Sophie) to contect her when I touched ground in Hongkong to let them know what ferry I pick so they can pick me up in time. My girl looked up all the ferry schedules and stuff and also found me an hotel were I can stay at first.
The more I was reading thru this thread the more sick I feel, especially on the different quotes from you guys on that very agency. Now I am splitted in my mind, thinking if that is all real what I exchanged with my girl the past monthes (and we have really sweet letters) or if that all a game that is played with me. I am in deep love, so is she (what I can say from all the letters). Now I am thinking on what to do, if I should take the risk and travel to Zhuhai to see what's happening or if I should cancel the trip. It's really a mess, my happiness and happy feelings seems to to down on ground by now. I feel miserable  That is one point I always feared building up relationships over such a distance (I am in europe, germany). I will try t think about that tomorrow, if I go thru that, if it turns out I was played I might have the chance to find some other girl there, if not I might have had a nice time in Zhuhai for 10 days.

Well, that are my 2 cents for this threat. Its a mess, for real!


You will probably be ok the agency has gotten their ass kicked and the translator that was at fault is gone now. You will probably get Red Carpet treatment since they are trying to get back in good graces but I am just guessing. I have been way wrong before. If he is still there and you happen to meet him be nice and just mention that you know several people that are anxious to meet him.   And do the Lovers road I understand it is fantastic place.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 05:35:57 am by Jimmy »
Jimmy Henson

Offline Andreas

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #106 on: July 06, 2009, 09:33:05 am »
Quote from: 'Jimmy' pid='7501' dateline='1246872051'

Quote from: 'Andreas' pid='7490' dateline='1246858178'

Quote from: 'maxx' pid='7458' dateline='1246831351'

 I don't know if I will drink beer over there, maybe I don't in respect of my lady I'll might stick with tea and other drinks, well I don't know ... also I need to try to finally quit smoking .... maybe it helps me there a little.

Ok, my last full day today, need to work half day and prepare the rest for
the trip. Feels I am getting more excited with every second that gets me more near to the start of my trip ...


From what I have been told everyone smokes there so quiting smoking might be tough. Although I am with you on it I sure would like to myself anyway.

Quote from: 'maxx' pid='7379' dateline='1246773675'

Andreas make the trip.Have the adventure of a life time.Meet the pretty women. Fall in love.If the lady went to all the trouble to make the reservations and told you how to get to Zhuhai.And told you she will go to JoeJoe port to meet you it is a real good bet the lady and the translater will be there waitng for you.

My wife was registerd with this agency.It didn't go bad for me and my wife untill the agency tried to collect the outrages fees from us.And I can tell you how to deal with the agency when the time comes.You do not need to be thinking about this right now.You need to be thinking about the women the trip and yourself.

The translater was ok.The city is Beautiful.The people are great.Hell Zhuhai is my second favorite city in Asia.And my favorite city in China.We go to Zhuhai at least 2 times every trip to China.So it is well worth the trip.

Andreas do yourself a favor and your lady a favor.Remember the 24 hour rule.This lady has done nothing to you.To deserve a nasty letter.And this is all about you and the lady.NOT THE AGENCY.She is registerd with.So give her a chance give yourself a never know until you give it a try.It could really turn out to be something great.

If it doesn't work out.There is alot of memebers on this forum.Who have friends in Zhuhai.I'm sure we can work something out

Keep us posted

This is the agency that this entire thread was started over they are crooked as hell

Quote from: 'Andreas' pid='7324' dateline='1246741420'

Well, what can I say, the whole post is interesting and at the same time I really do not know what to do now.

The Agency P518 in Zhuhai is the agency of my girl I been writing to since almost 3,5 month, almost every 2nd day, and I will leave to Zhuhai this
upcoming tuesday the 7th. Bought tickets and got all set for the trip.
Since she can't speak english I aint got her phonenumber, just made up plans that she picks me up at the port of Zhuhai with her translater named Sophie. I will get her phonenumber (the translaters phonenumber, Sophie) to contect her when I touched ground in Hongkong to let them know what ferry I pick so they can pick me up in time. My girl looked up all the ferry schedules and stuff and also found me an hotel were I can stay at first.
The more I was reading thru this thread the more sick I feel, especially on the different quotes from you guys on that very agency. Now I am splitted in my mind, thinking if that is all real what I exchanged with my girl the past monthes (and we have really sweet letters) or if that all a game that is played with me. I am in deep love, so is she (what I can say from all the letters). Now I am thinking on what to do, if I should take the risk and travel to Zhuhai to see what's happening or if I should cancel the trip. It's really a mess, my happiness and happy feelings seems to to down on ground by now. I feel miserable  That is one point I always feared building up relationships over such a distance (I am in europe, germany). I will try t think about that tomorrow, if I go thru that, if it turns out I was played I might have the chance to find some other girl there, if not I might have had a nice time in Zhuhai for 10 days.

Well, that are my 2 cents for this threat. Its a mess, for real!


You will probably be ok the agency has gotten their ass kicked and the translator that was at fault is gone now. You will probably get Red Carpet treatment since they are trying to get back in good graces but I am just guessing. I have been way wrong before. If he is still there and you happen to meet him be nice and just mention that you know several people that are anxious to meet him.   And do the Lovers road I understand it is fantastic place.

@jimmi: yeah, I know, them males over there as I heard smoke like crazy. But my girl doesn't, nor she drinks, so I don't want to play the beer drinking kraut there, and leave such a bad reputation. Let the other germans do their thang if they like to , Ha!

I posted here cause I was reading your story and I got sick after I went thru all that text .. it's a mess .. even that threat that this translator named proteus started I went thru last nite and just can't believe they play us like that ... well, I have a pretty good feeling about my girl and also about that translator, she seems the one that translates all my correspondence with me and my girl.  The translater is not a man, its a lady named Sophie from that very agency, she also will pick me of the port of Zhuhai and accompany my and my girl the first few days. But maybe I could find out some news on that guy that played you. I just need to think of a smart way to not be to obvious and maybe I could ask my girl on that if I feel I could do it. like said I'll watch out not to blow up the story. Probably they would cook me for that in hot grease, LOL :-))


Offline Jimmy

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #107 on: July 07, 2009, 03:30:26 pm »
Well guys my lady turned into a real nag over all this for some reason. She was led to believe that I had sued her agency and was very angry about that. I did as everyone saw ask for a refund of sorts that I never got . Anyway to shorten this up she showed a side of herself that may not have come out until after the wedding otherwise so I have written the Dear Jane letter and broken the relationship off with her. And with that sister she has it wont work out for her with any american.

So Jimmy is looking again many lessons have been learned on with the search!!
Jimmy Henson

Offline Ed W

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #108 on: July 07, 2009, 03:45:23 pm »
Clearlake Jim,
 What's your criteria? Since I know my translator was honest and did a good job, and the agency is outrageously expensive but honest, I thought to ask my translator if she has any profiles for others (the unattached guys) to view and see if they might want to write one. Just a thought...
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline China Shark

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #109 on: July 07, 2009, 03:50:29 pm »
Jimmy sorry to hear that brother, had a similiar experience with my ex. Crazy part is not I'm gone so she's begging and pleading to try to
make a go of it a second time. Once a fool, twice would be shame on me. Jimmy start looking for women in or around Shenzhen, if things don't work out you could hang with the shark and maybe I could line something up with you. If nothing else at least you'll get a preview of the culture. Don't sweat it there are plenty of really nice women just looking for a guy that loves them.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!


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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #110 on: July 07, 2009, 05:02:13 pm »
Jimmy sorry to hear the news mate, good luck in the future, you KNOW the brotherhood is 100% behind you:icon_biggrin:

Offline Norb Smith

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #111 on: July 07, 2009, 05:08:31 pm »
Jimmy, I take it that you didnt cancel your trip, and are still going, if thats the case, I agree, get in contact with CS Mike since he is on a bit of summer vacation, and am sure from what he says that he can line you up with a few ladies to check out and at the same time you will be able to enjoy the trip and have some female campionship as well, who knows, you may get poleaxed between the eyes like Irish did on his little journey over there when he met his Ling  Just my 2 cents and I dont expect any change :fi_lone_ranger:
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Offline Jimmy

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RE: Crooks ChnLove are Crooks
« Reply #112 on: July 07, 2009, 07:32:34 pm »
Trip wasnt paid for yet so lets just say Im going to postpone it. And save and have a great trip latter on
Shenzhen  a girl named Nina Gao anyone heard of her good bad or other wise I am not going to just jump into anything this time and if someone has already had a bad time with one of the ladys I will be happy to look elsewhere
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 08:58:32 pm by Jimmy »
Jimmy Henson