Author Topic: An unexpected turn of events  (Read 4761 times)

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Offline Danny

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An unexpected turn of events
« on: July 06, 2009, 08:18:38 am »
I started writing to my beautiful woman from Zhuhai in October 2008. This was all done through chnlove emf mails and so up until the time I actually laid eyes on her in January 2009 I wasn’t 100% sure she actually was a real person or not.

In January 2009 I visited her and it seemed everything was working out. Then on the night before Chinese New Year’s Eve she must have had second thoughts about it all and she told me that it would be better if I didn’t come to her family’s celebration. I knew what she meant by this, because we had talked about this night and this celebration many times in our letters. I was just devastated by the way my visit had ended up and I spent the remainder of my trip holed up in my hotel room, in complete and utter misery.

I got back to Australia. I tried to get in touch with her a few times, but her mobile phone was swtiched off. I sent her emails but no answer. I sent her emf mails but no answer.

According to the agency the emf mails were all delivered and when I asked them to confirm that they actually had delivered them, I only got the following reply: “Thanks for your sincere letter. It has been delivered to the lady. She would try to get in touch with you directly. Hope you can understand and wait patiently.”

She disappeared for about a month.

For a few weeks I just gave her away, but in late February I do not know what I was thinking and I started to send her emf mails again, but received not a word in reply.

As an aside, I just want to make it clear that I have made mistakes in this relationship. If I was starting this relationship from scratch there are things I would certainly have done differently. So I don’t consider myself blameless, far from it.

Then suddenly one day in early March 2009 I got an emf mail from her out of the blue. I replied to that one, and then she replied to mine. Day by day the emails started warming up again.

We started chatting on the phone and that was lovely too.

For a while we’ve been talking about me visiting again and so I have planned to visit Zhuhai in September 2009 with my daughter.

Around a month ago, she wrote to me:

“I understand your heart for me now , Danny, since I have met you last year, I really feel so happy, frankly, you just like a fabulous man happen my life now, and I think I need time to make me ready well to accept you run into my life complete and safely finally, sometimes I really found I still in a beautiful dream since I met you, I can’t believe you are so wonderful man happened in my life, and I think we need to meet each other again and I plan a trip to visit you and we make a rational decision for us finally, do you agree with that ??”

I didn’t take this seriously. I just thought she was talking about a visit sometime in the indefinite future.

Even when she told me about making plans for a passport and visa, I didn’t pay much attention to it. I just thought she was being affectionate and showing that she was warming to the idea of a relationship.

But today on the phone she asked me whether I would mind if she brings her sister and son with her when she visits, and I said that it sounds just wonderful.

Now I have just got off the phone, and I am breathless, to say the least. I sure wasn’t expecting that.

Of course, I might have misunderstood it all, and it all might all come to nothing at all, but then again, I may have a little crowd of visitors at my front door soon . . . much, much sooner than I imagined in my wildest dreams.

I don’t know how I am ever going to get to sleep again thinking about this all.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 08:34:03 am by Danny »

Vince G

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RE: An unexpected turn of events
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2009, 08:31:40 am »
:icon_cheesygrin: See this smile  That's how happy I am for you. You hung in there. Things are looking good.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 08:33:24 am by Vince G »

Offline Ed W

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RE: An unexpected turn of events
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2009, 08:50:27 am »
Very interesting Danny. I'm not sure how I'd feel bout going through all that. I don't think I'd be so accomodating to being blown off for several weeks but only you can judge.

Lets just hope there was much misunderstanding in the whole thing and your past it now.
Keep us up to date.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china


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RE: An unexpected turn of events
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2009, 08:50:47 am »
Is it that easy to get a Tourist Visa for the Chinese to visit Aussie??

Best of luck to ya mate if what you heard was correct!!  As Vince said.... Things are looking GOOD!!


Offline Hajo

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RE: An unexpected turn of events
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2009, 11:12:11 am »
Well, as Ed writes, I would'nt know how would feel about. But you have met and only you know your feelings for her! I wish you all the luck there is and that it will work out the way you want it! It is not to know why she let you "stay in the rain". Maybe you will find out some day or maybe not! In the end, it will not matter!

Good luck!
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.


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RE: An unexpected turn of events
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2009, 04:17:33 pm »
very pleased to hear your news Danny, congrats brother.....:icon_biggrin:


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RE: An unexpected turn of events
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2009, 06:08:46 pm »
Okay , here is my two cent's : Great to hear Danny , not all thi.......... Oopps .. sorry two more cent's ( darn Gov. Arnold ) hg's come knocking the door down . Some come in the still of the night .

Offline MLM

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RE: An unexpected turn of events
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2009, 09:59:32 pm »
Danny, sounds like you better have the house really cleaned, it seems you are going to have company.
Congrats guy :icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: An unexpected turn of events
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2009, 03:16:55 am »
Well...if he is gonna clean the house...we should all drop in.

Offline Danny

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RE: An unexpected turn of events
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2009, 03:38:02 am »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='7700' dateline='1247037415'

Well...if he is gonna clean the house...we should all drop in.

The more the merrier! *laughs*

I forgot to mention that the trip they're planning isn't just her, it's the whole lot of them: son, sister, sister's daughter and her! Can you imagine an Australian woman turning up with her whole family? *laughs*

There's a chance the trip won't work out, but I am among friends here. So even if it doesn't work out, either the trip or the relationship as a whole, I am not going to hide it away.

When you are with people you are not close to, sometimes you feel the need to hide away your hopes and the things you wish for. As though, if they don't turn out, that something shameful has happened. As though ones hopes were always completely unrealistic and without basis.

I am sure this isn't the case. I can face whatever happens, when it does. Until then, I will enjoy the congratulations I have received, and the pleasure one has waiting for the happy days ahead.

I think it is a worse thing, by far, to be always full of fear, and to be thinking about the possibility that it is not going to work out.

Thanks one and all.

Quote from: 'David5o' pid='7514' dateline='1246884647'

Is it that easy to get a Tourist Visa for the Chinese to visit Aussie??

I don't think it's that difficult. My city seems full of Chinese tourists and so there must be a way of getting in. Our country is so hungry for Chinese yuan I can't imagine that it is as difficult as it might have been in the past.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 03:40:37 am by Danny »