I've been reading around various sites on the web and I think the cheapest biggest bang for my buck will be to get a Dell Axim 51V (around 80 euro on Ebay) +
Pleco 2 software to load on to it ($100 for "Pro" bundle) for a total outlay of about ?180 euro.
This gives me written input - typed plus character recognition (write the character on the touchscreen using finger or stylus), spoken output as well as written , as well as various Chinese learning tools such as flash cards etc which a regular translator device wouldn't. The equivalent in a dedicated translator seems to run $350 upwards.
Of course I get the all the other stuff that comes with the Axim PDA too, not that I'll use them much probably. I wonder if Skype can be put on these things? - could call home for cheap using it maybe, have to look into that.
I'm wondering if anyone else here had tried Pleco and have any thoughts on it?, or indeed has recommendations for other translators, Besta seems to be a popular brand.
This is a topic that crops up fairly frequently on the chnlove official forum, I think it would be good to have one here as a reference on the useful links forum if we get a few suggestions and product reviews by owners here. I'll update with pics etc once I get my stuff set-up with the Axim.
If anyone has a translation device maybe they could give a brief description along the lines of :-
Manufacturer =
- Model -[/*:m]
- Cost -[/*:m]
- Pros -[/*:m]
- Cons -[/*:m][/list:u]