So, here I am, from Shanghai.
What a ...
well.. let's go from the beginning

So, as you all know, I had to go from Paris yesterday.
I was with my ex girlfriend and my daughter, my daughter was happy to be with us and I could play a bit with her.
I then had to queue for my bags and so on. I was with many chinese people, and I then saw many other ones going in front of the queue, not mattering there was one queue for the process of the bags to be "registered"... what a f....:@
We were many persons to be a bit angry because of "way to be", because it was like some no respect at all for the ones who were queueing...
So, after that "little story", I said goodbye to my ex girlfriend and my daughter.
I then had to wait about 2 hours before being in the plane. The "checkup" (body control, clothes and so on) was ok

One of the persons who have to verify and to check us looked at one of her colleagues, saying "eh, you wanted some action, right?? guess what, he's clean

" and she smiled by looking at me.. I then smiled in return, saying "I am sorry if you wanted some action, but I can go back the door and putting my belt and keys on me again...

" she smiled again and let me go.
Finally, the boarding was coming, slowly but surely, and same as before, many chinese came in front of the queue ... :@ did they were ugly enough to think the plane would go without them??? or were they blind enough to not see there was again a queue...?
Once in the plane, I was with a chinese man, almost 24 years old. it is just after 5-6 hours that I guessed he could speak a bit french. He is chinese but lives in France, and came in China to see some of his family in Wenzhu. He was very friendly and we talked about my trip, about Lyian, about Internet and how would be my trip. He also played with my PSP and was very happy to play with it. He also added me to his QQ, as I'll surely will see him again later in Paris (he said he'll be back there in December).
I tried to sleep but it was not really possible, in fact.. I think I have sleeped about 2 or 3 hours max... I then drank some coffee and a redbull, and took some "medicaments" for headaches.
I was a bit tired but ok.
Once arrived in Shanghai, so, I had to wait for the visa's checkup (there was no control about swine flu), and then, waiting for my bags... a bit more than 30 mins later, it was good.
So, finding next a taxi... that was a little funny ^^ I saw no taxi at all, just a "little bus". The driver looked at me, I then asked him if he spoke english, he smiled a bit, and it was like a "no, no, sorry". I showed him the hotel's adress, he then smiled and said "ok, ok". I thought we would have to wait for any other persons as it was a little bus, but no... I just was alone inside, with the driver. He looked at the adress 2 times and so, we were going to the final destination. I tried to not sleep because I wanted to know a bit "the way" to go to the hotel from the airport and to see how far it was from the airport, too.
I realized I was a bit wrong, I thought the hotel was near the airport... I now better understand why Arnold said we could not meet today for breakfast ^^
I arrived at 07:00 am in Shanghai but at the hotel at almost 09:00 am (approximativly one hour from the airport to the hotel, and the other hour was to wait for my bags, visa's checkup and few other things else)
I was a bit "surprized" because I thought that someone would come to take my bags... but no... I had to help myself to do it.
I thanked anyway the driver (almost 234 rmb's for the course), and once I came into the hotel, then a groom asked me if he could help. He saw me when I was outside but he didn't come ... strange a bit... but why not.
I then said him he could help, I gave him my bags and went to have my room.
One of the staff's members asked me many details, my visa, my electronical booking, and then said there maybe was a mistake about the booking, asking me if I really was leaving in October. I said that yes, but that I would probably go to Guangzhou before, but it seemed that he wasn't listening to me anymore... Just strange...
I then went to see my room once I got the room's card, and I thanked the groom via 10 rmb's. He was happy but I thought it was "normal" to thank because he did his job. I also asked him to contact the ladies in Shanghai because for one of them, her english is really poor, and the other one, I thought it would be better for him to call, too.
I said I could be "free" for 01:00 pm but the first lady wasn't available, she is in business outside Shanghai and will come back on Thursday...
The other lady wasn't free today but she said she should contact me tomorrow.
Well, we'll see...
About the breakfast...
One of the staff member's asked me about my room number, and I then told him about it, he then looked at me, saying that I had to pay...
I said that not, of course not, because it was included in the room's booking. He then let me having my breakfast but when I left, he looked at me, reasked about the room number and gave me a facture...
I then became a bit angry, (but polite with smile), saying that I had "breakfast free for 2 persons". He said he did not see it, he had to confirm... he excused himself twice about that "problem" and said that there was no more problem, he would correct it with another member of the staff...
I sleeped a bit, and connected to QQ.
I saw Lyian, we talked together, she was happy to see I was in China, and worries about the fact that we both need translation tools to communicate with each other. I told her it was "normal", at beginning, but with time, we'd surely could not use it, just learning together words when going somewhere together, learning some words in english/chinese/french

she said she was happy anyway that we will soon see each other

I am just really happy because of it, I must admit. She asked if everything was fine when travelling by plane and if I was not really tired. She is also still "careness"? about me

I just want to say that about being with her before the 26, she preferred not because of her work, 'seems like she's working hard most of the time, but she said that when I'll be with her, it will be very good

btw, as I'm in Shanghai it's a good thing to do some meetings with some chinese ladies from CHNLOVE, even if it's not at all for a lovestory.
I'll see anyway if one of the ladies who I am in contact with, will really contact me again tomorrow.
By now, I will have a look at the swimming pool in the hotel I think, and then going eating, and then, going to a famous road, to visit a bit Shanghai by night

And then, tomorrow, meeting with Arnold & Qing ^^