Well, a small update and anything to share with you about my first meeting with Cecilia.
Oh... well, it seemed to be like a rollercoaster, once again.
Via phone, she seemed sometimes to be as cold as ice... No need to draw to understand that meaning, right?
Tonight, so, I waited for her call but she didn't call... I then decided to call her and... "sorry I forgot your phone number... I was already waiting you would call..."
So, I tell her it's ok, she says me that when I will be ready, I ask the taxi driver to speak to her so that she can tell him the adress... but I did it with one of the men working in the hotel (more easy, I think). He was ok to help me and we talked a bit about all those ladies I could meet in Shanghai and how I could meet them as I was french. I told him about ChinaLove, but he didn't understand about it (anyway, he seemed to be interested when seeing the pictures I had on my mobile ^^) (Arnold, sorry, I know you are on my mobile, too, so, sorry, but I promise he didn't see your photo with Qing on it ^^)
Twenty mins about later, I was arrived and I called Cecilia. I waited a bit for her, I was in a quarter I didn't know at all, with some buildings around me, and two persons outside. A few cars, some dark "quarters" and that was all.
3 mins may have passed, Cecilia wasn't here. I phoned her again and I stopped a lady. I said her like "it's for you"...

and she was surprized, I showed her the phone, she understood, she spoke and Cecilia hang up. 10 secs later, she was here. ... but...
No hello, no "how are you"... nothing. As Cold As Ice.
I was very suspicious about the dinner with her, as we had to eat together.
I had a doubt, knowing if she was really "herself" or not, she then looked at me, and I say "ni hao ma?" she then replied "I'm fine", and she asked where I wanted to eat.
I then replied that I would like to eat chinese food, local one...
Guess what...
She said "it's ok".
She stopped a taxi and asked me just before if I wanted to eat in a good restaurant or some other ones... cheaper...
I also said "a good one".
She smiled and when the taxi arrived, she said to the driver to go to a destination I just couldn't know...
But about 15 mins later, we arrived at a place, I saw lot of western men & women outside, discussing about many things, and I supposed we were at the famous restaurant.
I looked around quickly but I saw everything except a chinese restaurant. Did I miss something:huh:
We had to take a lift to arrive 7 floors upper to a restaurant... It was like an european one. Cecilia said something to the "waitress"? and went away, and I just followed her. I then could see that we were in a restaurant where we could see all Shanghai by night. we were outside, there still were lot of people eating, some western ones, again.
I then realized... and remembered one thing... Life is Shanghai is EXPENSIVE!!!
Guess what...
We were in fact in a famous restaurant, and the prices of the dishes were as expensives as if I would have been with a friend or anyone else in Paris....
I started to blush, then to be a little upset...
Cecilia looked at me, we tried to speak but she said me that sometimes, my accent in english was very bad (she didn't say it like this, but said "your accent in english is a french english accent", and most of the time she didn't understand me.... :-(
Fortunately she understood and spoke english.
One of the servers came and asked us what we'd like to eat, and Cecilia asked for the menu.
I then looked quickly and see that all prices were above 48 rmbs... just for aperitives....
I then looked quickly the next page... Maybe should I hadn't done it in fact!
The prices were more than 150 rmb's... outchhhhh !!!
I then said Cecilia "I'm sorry, but tell me, please, it is a famous restaurant, right? So, the prices are expensive?" She then looked at me and seemed upset. She then replied "I asked you if you wanted to eat in a good restaurant, you said yes". Ok I admit she was right... but anyway, it wasn't chinese food that we could have for dinner... more western food in fact.
She then said "ok ok, don't care, I check for something cheap in the menu".
Or not...
I tried to not think about it, and I asked her a few questions. She looked at me, and the server came again. We told him what we wanted to eat /drink and while I was watching the beautiful view on Shanghai by night, I was trying to know some more about Cecilia.
She looked at me and was very cold sometimes... but little by little, she began to be less like this.
I began to be happy and to smile. I then asked her about her letters and mine, if she did really understand all, if she wanted to ask me anything else, and if I could ask her anything else. She agreed and when I told her that in fact, I just knew a few things about her, then I wanted to ask her anything more, she said me "please stop, you are asking me questions like a policeman !"
As I've heard this sentence, I just wanted to leave and to go back to the hotel...
WTF to not ask any questions when man doesn't know a lot of things about the lady who he's eating with??
I then explained her gently and softly that most of times, CHNLOVE Agencies don't really translate all correctly, and maybe some good information can be wrong or bad translated, even with some extra contents inside... She then began to understand.
I told her that I only knew her real name (An Na) and her job, that's all.
She then said "it's ok, ok, you can ask some questions".. but I told her "dui bu qi", and she said again that I could ask, as she could understand why I asked so many questions.
So, a few mins later, I knew a bit some more about her, as we were eating too. By the way, I ate a risotto and her, it was a famous fish, really delicious.
She asked me why I was in China and how many times. I told her the reasons (the normal ones), that I really liked that country and chinese food, the way of life about people there, and the culture, with including charming ladies.
She smiled.
I told her about Chongqing, just about the taxi drivers and about the way of life there, the weather, too. She saw I was very interested in China. I told her about my point of view about Shanghai compared to Shanghai, and that the language was very different, too. Because, for sure "shaya" to say "xiexie" and "lon hao" or something like this, to say "ni hao", in fact ^^, there is also "ia do hao", to say "wan shang hao"
well... ^^
she smiled when I thanked the server many times in Shanghainese, because he was first surprised and then, thanked me in return, in chinese...

I just remembered me about the beginning of the meeting with Cecilia, it was very bad... but as I was talking with her, she was more "easy" to understand and to speak.
She said me "but if we met each other, it's for a reason, right?" and I agreed.
Try to guess that a few mins later, we were inside the restaurant, because it was beginning to rain a bit, and so, she told me :
"if something between us happens, as you really like me and that I really like you, I would like to take you to my hometown, do you agree?"
I was really shy at first and smiling because I didn't expect that from Cecilia.
"For sure, I'd be happy" have I then replied to her.
She was happy and she said that I was a nice man, even if she knew that I met some other ladies and that I will meet Lyian tomorrow.
But anyway, she said "if..." so.. that means what it means, right?
We had to pay ... well, just... 546 rmbs, for a risotto, a famous fish, (not caviar nor seamon ^^), an orange juice and a bloody mary.
As I said "same price as in France.... oh My G...."
Anyway, I paid and it was in fact 00:30...
Cecilia wanted to go sleeping, I excused myself, and we left the restaurant, to go outside and finding any taxi.
Once we were in the street, there were 4 taxis waiting, but Cecilia told me to walk a bit, because the first one of the taxis was a blue one, and was not really a good one.
3 mins later, we found a taxi and we jumped into it. Cecilia told the driver the way to go, she then let her head on my shoulder and took my hand, slowly...
I was almost happy, for sure. I then let the moment being as it was,without waiting or wanting something more to happen.
Cecilia sleeped slowly just next to me, her head still on my shoulder, and a few mins later (maybe 10) we arrived to where she lives.
I then went outside the taxi and Cecilia told the driver where to let me. She then kissed me as in western countries, not a frontal one nor a french kiss ^^ but a small kiss and a smile, telling me that she would be very happy too, to meet me again.
I then thought to myself that it was very like a rollercoaster, because at the beginning, she was a bit like some Ice and that now, she seemed very different... ^^
I then went back to my hotel...
And now, I have to prepare my bags quickly and sleep a bit, because in 5 hours, I have to wake up...
Next story...
The final meeting with Liyan.
She told me on QQ that in fact, her english was terrible, as she uses often a translator...
so tomorrow we'll see what will happen...