Dear Brothers,
Be sure that for many reasons, I have many respect for all of you and that, for sure, I'm not angry because of what you can give as advices/comments.
Being for most of you, older than me, is also a sign and a proof that you have some more experience and a "better" way to think than me (I think you understand what I'm tryin' to say, so)
I think that for sure, if I'd spend 3 days with one lady, 3 other days with another one and just a few days with another one again, it might be more "easy".
Whatever happens, about Dora, even if she kissed me first, just remember too that the next day, she just gave me the hand and no kissed anymore. But it's ok for me, anyway.
But, as said in my previous post, even if she's beautiful, there's still "un certain je ne sais quoi" which is missing to say she's really the righteous one for me.
Maybe about Flora could it be nicer if, for sure, I'd had an electronic translator. In fact, I'm going to buy one today, so I will train with it

Cecilia is someone very special : in fact, she's very beautiful and I often feel shy when I see her and when we are walking together, hand to hand. She even let me pass my arm around her and seems to like it.
So I would like to speak about her because... of yesterday.
Right to now, to be honest, I just know more about Cecilia than about Dora and Flora.
First, I was in Shanghai this afternoon because I wanted to find and buy some electronic translator. Maybe some of you would say "what for, as you're leaving now in a few days..."
and some maybe would be happy... well, whatever happens, the fact is here, I was in a big shop where there are lot of electronical components, phones, videogames, displays, gps, memories, and translators, too.
So, I've checked for some one and I found one which is quite interesting, but the price is about 1450 rmbs' (with lot of functions, many dictionaries included, as english, french, german....). Its name DC-18 or something like this. It seems to be a good besta translator but I didn't buy it, as I didn't have enough money on me...
So, when I was back to the hotel, I saw that Cecilia called me. I then called her back and she tried to contact me 3 times in the afternoon.
We then saw each other in front of her flat, and we went eating in a ... chinese food. She was happy to see me, gave me the hand, was sweet...
Well. I was a bit "surprized", would I say, but ... it was ok.
A thing that made me smile, she better understood me in english, and learnt me a few words in shanghainese, too.
So, when we walked together and were eating, most of time, she gave me her hands, she looked at me several times with "tenderness?" and I thought something was a bit different from yesterday.
She then told me that her night was quite short, she sleeped bad and that she was a bit "angry" this morning but that she was better this afternoon.
One song was diffused and it was "Glenn Meideiros : Nothing's gonna change my love for you..."
Cecilia seemed to know the song very good and she sang easily on it. She was smiling and happy, it was nice to see her like this.
When finishing to eat, we just went outside and she wanted to show me her college where she was before. She was very happy to share that moment with me, as it was very important for her because of many memories she had. She even tried to contact someone who was there with her but I think the other one was not free.
At that moment, she looked at me and she said she had something to tell me.
So, I said her I was listening, and she told me about her, about me, together, and about marriage.
She said I'm an interesting man, and gentle, nice, and that she really likes me. She made up her mind yesterday at night when going back home about me, and when she told me about going to visit her hometown, in fact, I was right. It is because her parents still live there so that she would introduce me to them.
I think that now, everybody here clearly knows what it means.
She opened my shirt slowly and looked at me with a big smile (oh God, for sure, she wasn't cold!!!

) and saw my pills (a few ones) and she was happy ("not many", she said to me while smiling) and I looked at her, I said that yes, just a few. She seemed to be happy. We then talked about my arms, (under it) and I saw that I shaved it because I didn't really like. To her, I think it meant I was "careness" about my body and many other things like this.
I also excused myself that I didn't shave me at morning, she said "it's ok" and she then talked about marriage again, saying she would be very happy to be with me, but how she would do once in France, even if for sure, she doesn't speak french at all.
I then talked about some stages where she can learn french, at first time, and then, looking for some jobs, even if it doesn't please her, because each job earns money back home, whatever man can do, and whatever he likes his job or not, even for a few time.
She was ok with it, because she told me she didn't want to be the woman who stays at home everyday, cleaning, washing, and many other things that some Macho's men can like.
She told me that up to now, only her ex-boyfriend had seen her parents, so, if I would had to do the same, it would be for her parents the 2d time she would introduce someone to them.
I asked her if they could like a foreigner, she looked at me and said "I don't know". I think because she didn't speak to them about me, right now.
About her parents, they live on a little island, in fact man can go there only with a boat, and there are many islands. All of it are some little towns, and when she talks to me about it, she's very happy.
I said her too that if we would marry and that if she would come in France, I would be behind her everyday to motivate her and to help her, just because at first, she'd be lost, another country, no family, no friends... it is very hard, I can easily understand it.
She looked at me many times, she looked my eyes, she even laid her head on my legs, just to "rest" a bit and was happy.
I was thinking about a kiss, but I also told me that the moment would maybe not be very "good". Just because I would do things slowly, but surely. Anyway, I think that up to now, I did the good choice about it.
I told Cecilia that when I'm in a relationship, I am always gentle, sweet, but that she already could see it, because of my way to be with her.
She is thinking so about "if" we marry and about going to see her hometown before I could leave Shanghai. She already know that it would be a short time.
But, well, I must admit that I take care about me in that relationship, just because it is only with many "if" that she talks to me about her and me, together

So, if she said to me that she really likes me, it doesn't mean that she loves me. I think this word is very important and that, for sure, I'd like some comments about most of you, Brothers, who are now married.
Before you got married, did your lady tell you that she loved you?
And did you share many kisses before, too?
I can guess that can be some stupid questions, but to me, being introduced to her parents without any "kiss" between her and me would just sound a bit strange.
And to me, to love is not to like. Even if, for sure, she says me she really likes me.
I told her what I thought about her, anyway, that, most of times, when I talked to her on the phone, she seemed to be "distant", as cold as ice, so, and I tried to explain her why I felt it. She looked at me and said "mei guan xi" (nevermind, so) but it is maybe "normal", i don't know. and that sometimes, I see her in the street, she gives me the hand, then, she keeps it away from mine, she walks alone, then, she comes back to me. And the reply "mei guan xi", still here :p
It seems that she really knows what she wants, and as we will see each other today, I'll try to know some more about her and to see how everything would be, with her
I also forgot to thank you, Mpo', about your comment on the food, because, yesterday, she shared with me her meal at the restaurant, and she even gave me something to eat directly in my mouth. She was very happy, so were I, even if a bit surprized, at first, but it was ok.
Well, I also feel a bit "away", sometimes, just because I had some feelings (very good ones) for Lyian, and that, as An Na (Cecilia) talks me about marriage, I don't want anyway to say myself "it didn't work with her, just marry another one) even if it would seem stupid to have thought about some nice things with Lyian... but once again, it is difficult to understand it, because we never saw each other face to face.
I admit anyway that I really like Cecilia and that I'm really happy to see her. She's beautiful, clever, she knows what she wants, so she's "direct" when talking about something,
So, I think that, related to her, there's a door opened and that I have a choice to do in the following days. I know what it means, including my way to be with Dora and Flora, also.
Anyway, I will see Cecilia this afternoon, she should call me at 05:00 pm (I don't know what she can do before, don't ask to me, but I suppose she can have a life and wants to see some friends or something to do... I don't know, but anyway, I'll find something to do

and by the way, I'll check with her for an electronic translator and maybe a chinese mobile, because she can't call me when I'm outside the hotel, she can only call in China.
I think that's all for the moment.
Maybe some update later, maybe some pictures about her if she lets me take her in photo, in fact