Many thanks for all the comments

by the way, I maybe said something "wrong" to Cecilia, in fact, Yesterday I told her that she could come to my hotel, so that in fact, later we could go somewhere, together, instead that I go by taxi to her home and waiting for her (even 2 secs ^^)
In fact, this afternoon (she's still not here) I had to call her, she said she'll call me in 30 mins, 50 were gone, I called again, and then she told me "you say I come to your hotel, right?" and I replied, "err, well, I told it, yes, I do remember" and she said "ok, so, I need ... #personal clothes#"
and she said, "ok I'll call when I'll arrive"...
so, maybe does in fact she thinks I wanted her to sleep here with me? If so, anyway, I got a room with 2 beds, so that's not a problem.
Well, I'll see once she'll be here.
Voice', your english is better than mine, for sure. Sneakers, isn't it some kind of food that man can eat, too?

or shall I say "snikers"?

And for the simcard, I paid in fact 60 rmbs'. Lot of fake phones were to sold, and some were real ones (when man sees the price, he better has to check the quality

About Cecilia, Scottish, you may be right about the kissing and the meeting with her parents, I still don't know what to think about it, but... as nothing is really "done" and that it is not really an "official asking" from her (only based on "if"), so, we'll see how things would evolve.
Now, I'm waiting... & wanting...
that just reminds about a lion, sitting down on the grass, and those words just under the picture.
"Waiting & wanting"... funny a bit...
Let's see if tonight will be like some rock'n'roll or more like a rollercoaster....