Author Topic: China again, September - October  (Read 88345 times)

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Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #195 on: September 27, 2009, 05:12:16 am »
Sylvain, good that you got a phone, but the Chinese phones work fine with French SIMs, it's mostly GSM based, just 3G might not work over here. When I got a SIM for 100RMB last time over, the sales person tested the card in my phone before I had to pay, so don't worry about fakes really as long as you buy in a shop. Anyway 340RMB for an iPhone rip-off sounds like a good deal to me :D

Also I think kissing before meeting the parents is acceptable, maybe she's just waiting for you to show some initiative ^_^ The rest might need parental approval, and if she's a virgin, you won't get much more before marriage.

And by the way, I think that you would look quite silly with "baskets" on your feet (basket = panier en Français :D), you mean sneakers I'm sure!

Best of luck!
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #196 on: September 27, 2009, 05:57:01 am »
sly...Congrats my friend.  Celilia sounds like a wonderful lady... On the plus side she LIKES YOU :icon_biggrin:
About kissing her, this will come with time and will happen when you are ready, God man, she has laid her head on your knee's and  has been a little intimate with you, so the opportunity will arise again:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

I cannot say anything about phone or translator so best of luck with those:s

As has been said, maybe she wants to introduce you to her parents, and this would give her 'Big Face' (I Think) by telling her parents, yes this is the person I want to be with, he is a laowei and he is chivalrise he has not even kissed me yet.  I think this would show the parents that you (the laowei) is not just there for sex!!!:icon_biggrin:  I may be wrong here this is just what I think.:blush:

Best of luck Sly, I am really enjoying your posts...:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #197 on: September 27, 2009, 07:26:31 am »
Many thanks for all the comments :)
by the way, I maybe said something "wrong" to Cecilia, in fact, Yesterday I told her that she could come to my hotel, so that in fact, later we could go somewhere, together, instead that I go by taxi to her home and waiting for her (even 2 secs ^^)

In fact, this afternoon (she's still not here) I had to call her, she said she'll call me in 30 mins, 50 were gone, I called again, and then she told me "you say I come to your hotel, right?" and I replied, "err, well, I told it, yes, I do remember" and she said "ok, so, I need ... #personal clothes#"
and she said, "ok I'll call when I'll arrive"...

so, maybe does in fact she thinks I wanted her to sleep here with me? If so, anyway, I got a room with 2 beds, so that's not a problem.
Well, I'll see once she'll be here.

Voice', your english is better than mine, for sure. Sneakers, isn't it some kind of food that man can eat, too? :D or shall I say "snikers"? :D
And for the simcard, I paid in fact 60 rmbs'. Lot of fake phones were to sold, and some were real ones (when man sees the price, he better has to check the quality :D)

About Cecilia, Scottish, you may be right about the kissing and the meeting with her parents, I still don't know what to think about it, but... as nothing is really "done" and that it is not really an "official asking" from her (only based on "if"), so, we'll see how things would evolve.

Now, I'm waiting... & wanting...
that just reminds about a lion, sitting down on the grass, and those words just under the picture.
"Waiting & wanting"...  funny a bit...
Let's see if tonight will be like some rock'n'roll or more like a rollercoaster.... :D
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #198 on: September 27, 2009, 07:52:35 am »

This is all good news.  The situation settles down a little and the way you are talking calms down too.

For those who commented, I don't think I ever said go to one woman and stick with her.  I said that was what I would do.  I suggested for him the better plan might be to spend 2 or 3 days with one before seeing another.  I am no expert here on Chinese women since I haven't been there to be with a woman yet but I based my suggestion on what has been said over and over again on this site.

It appears to me that when Sly did not go to Gz that Cecilia changed her attitude toward him.  Why would she do that?  There are two possible reason I can see.  1. Sly did not go to Gz to see the other woman.  2. She thought about Sly and decided he was worth getting to know and would take the chance.  Or it could be a combination of both.  But regardless of what her mindset is, mission accomplished.  Sly is have a great time with a beautiful woman that he wanted to get to know.

Sly you are doing great it appears so enjoy getting to know Cecilia and if she is not the one; you still have 3 more names.



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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #199 on: September 27, 2009, 07:55:41 am »
And Sly sing the song to her

'Cecilia.... Your breaking my heart, your shaking my confidence daily...':angel:

This will 'melt' her heart also...;-)):icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #200 on: September 27, 2009, 08:44:13 am »
I just got 3 other names..
that lady is just... a nightmare and it was a rollercoaster.
I don't know how it is in China when you tell someone "I call you at 05:00 pm" but in western countries, when you can't call, or if it's late, you send a message..
Not at all with Cecilia... I had to call her two times..
and she never took the taxi to come, though...
I've been talking to her via phone, she's very very very cold as ice. 'seems like as she bad sleeped before yesterday, she was very tired this afternoon. I told her that she could had say it to me and not saying "I'm coming, ok"... but no, she maybe thought that it would be a good idea to make me waiting for nothing...
It seems like a big misunderstood too but I never told her to sleep in the same bed as me (she hang up 2 times)... well.
Enough is enough about this lady...
I'm wasting my time with her.
I asked her what she did today "I worked things"... she just told me that...  and yesterday, she told me that she wasn't working? maybe that "working things" is doing something special, like some administrative papers, I don't know...
anyway, she told me that if I can not understand her today, we won't talk tomorrow..

I'd say... sad but true, she is really not good at all.
and as I don't want about a lovestory with blindlove.... :icon_arrow: OUT
« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 08:45:35 am by Sylvain D »
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Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #201 on: September 27, 2009, 10:12:46 am »
Hey this sounds like a loftstory scenario ^_^ Don't eat your sneakers! :D
« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 10:13:01 am by Voiceroveip »
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #202 on: September 27, 2009, 10:48:39 am »
What I hate most of all is a hang-up when man is talking on the phone...
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Vince G

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #203 on: September 27, 2009, 11:05:04 am »
Well Sly, I don't care for being hung up on either. It's rude. My lady does not do it. There were times when she laid the phone down and went to do something and even this I told her not to do. To say "please hold on" or "be right back".

It doesn't seem like she's trying to help? I think she wants you to chase her? "Yes Dear, what ever you want"
« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 11:05:50 am by Vince G »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #204 on: September 27, 2009, 12:15:00 pm »
Sorry but I don't really understand your last sentence, Vince :-s
do you want to say, to chase her, so, to let her go away, so?
like "yes, yes, go on talking to me, I'm no more here"?
And as she hang up 3 times, no, for sure, she was more angry...
She wasn't honest at all, that's all I can see.
Yesterday she told me "I call you tomorrow at 05:00 pm.." but even at 05:20 pm she didn't call, I called her and she could tell me that she could not see me.. no , she just said "I am in the taxi, I am going to my home"... well.. i'm sorry but I didn't really hear the taxi nor the horns as man can often hears when in China...
And why did she say that yes, she will take a taxi to go and see me...
No, really, too strange !

Anyway, I don't like being with someone who is cold, then warm, then cold, then warm...
I don't really believe she really could have loved me...
Maybe did she just want a visa to go outside China, that's all...

I've sent her an EMF just to thank anyway for the good times together and said sorry if there was misunderstanding, because I never asked her to sleep in my bed at the hotel (she thought I asked that...)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 12:19:56 pm by Sylvain D »
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Vince G

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #205 on: September 27, 2009, 12:28:36 pm »
" I think she wants you to chase her? "Yes Dear, what ever you want"

She may want you to chase after her. You call her, she won't call you. You make the dates, she will let you know if she wants to? This is the attitude of some women we call here "Stuck Up". They assume they are to pretty so they want the man to do everything for them. Some men like this? I don't care for it. It's this frame of mind some women have. You want their company you pay one way or another.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 12:29:57 pm by Vince G »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #206 on: September 27, 2009, 12:39:08 pm »
Ohhh ok, I think I can understand it.
well, I will go sleeping, that would be better :)

see you, vince ;)
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #207 on: September 27, 2009, 09:07:06 pm »

Sorry to hear here is trouble.  Better you move on.  I hope you find woman more suitable for you.  I said you should stick with one at a time and now I feel back.  Is there another women that want to see you?


Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #208 on: September 27, 2009, 11:19:21 pm »
Well, from what I have as news from the 2 other ladies :
Flora is ill and is at the doctor, she told me via an EMF that she would need some rest and would had to go out of Shanghai for her work.

Dora is busy but might call me later (no date fixed, no hour)
Cecilia ... ### case closed ####

and I got some news about Lyian, 'seems like she's missing our talkings and so on, she said she'll write me today.

Up to now... back to the beginning....
Once upon a time....
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #209 on: September 28, 2009, 01:30:28 am »
Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='18329' dateline='1254101424'

Wow, Sly, this is not good ..... I understand you not wanting to waste more time .... this is something you cannot figure out in EMF letters ....

As we all know...EMF's are hard to figure out at anytime! The Third Party Dictations!!! I am the ignorant person here(I have no prob admitting this) but you guys need to learn how to communicate outside of the EMF'S...geeez!!! QQ, MSN, YAHOO...anything but them EMF's...OK I won't saying anything more on this...just need to figure this stuff out! I wish the best for all of you and you all find what your looking for! Again Sylvain, I wish the best 4 ya bro! :icon_biggrin: