Author Topic: China again, September - October  (Read 88322 times)

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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #255 on: October 05, 2009, 04:35:53 pm »
I wanted to post all my trip in Gz but I just will talk about Liyan. And in another reply, I'll talk more my trip in Gz.

Meeting Liyan at Gz's Airport for the first time was very good, even if there was a problem with my flight (3 hours delayed....:( too bad)
Liyan is a very beautiful woman, she'll be 29 years old at the end of October, and speaks quite good english. Even when she's looking for some sentences, she says "how to say... "
We hugged at the airport and were very happy to see each other.
I have to admit that I do think there was chemistry on ACTIVE mode in fact.
We talked a lot in the taxi, once arrived at the hotel, she told me she had to work on the next morning, but that she then would have some free holidays to be with me, so that was a very good news :)
I remember she didn't stress nor that she wasn't anxious when we were in the same room, together.
The first night was very good, she slept in her bed and I slept in mine without any problems.
With time, the feelings grow up and so... on the 2d morning together, I saw she was awake, so I spoke a bit with her, she looked at me, she was still in her bed, I then sit down next to her, and the first kiss came (from me)
At first, she said "it's dangerous", but ... one kiss again and she didn't say that anymore. She just liked and I was very happy to be with her. I gonna say that yes, falling in love can exist, and she's really the one I love. For many reasons, not only because she's very beautiful, but because she is also clever, she took care about me since I was with her in Gz, and many other things.
I can more know how is the chinese kiss, compared to the frenchy one :)
We talked quite a long moment about love, about her and me, together, later.
She's a bit scared because she doesn't want to quarel with her family, but she already told her parents about me. She told me that her father told a "no" because of the language barrier, but that her mother saw me on webcam and via some pictures and that it seemed that she could like me. But that doesn't mean it would be as a "no" nor a "yes".
I told her I was learning more and more about chinese, because I'd like to be able to speak to him without any translator behind.
Liyan understands all of it and wishes to live with me in France. She also knows I'd like to marry her.
So, you can guess that our status is now as "engaged". I know what I want with her, she also knows it,
I know it can take some time.
I also know that her father told "no" at first but Liyan didn't tell me recently anything more about her father, so, maybe is he thinking about all of it.
I can also say that Liyan loves me, she already told it to me, and that she really liked all the days with me in Gz. Even all what we could do/visit/eat was very nice, shared together :)
Many thanks to Irish' and his idea about the tour on the river, Liyan told me she really liked that.  So did I :)
She also told me about her fears in love and because of her past, and knows I really love her.
She liked kidding me when we were in Gz, in the hotel and outside. At first, if I did the first kiss, man can easily guess that outside, with time, she came to kiss me many times, and I was very shy because as I say, she's very beautiful.
Most of the men in the street were looking at her, then to me, then to her again and then to me.
2 chinese ladies told Liyan I was beautiful and she liked it, but she didn't want to say "he's mine"... wei shen me !!! :D
She was almost sad when I had to leave her, at Gz airport, but as I told her "I want to come back, for you", she smiled.
She told me today she talked to her friends about me, that they wished us the best but that they worry about her. I can understand it.
As I do think, time could help me to gain her father's "grattitude", I think.

Maybe some advices/comments could help, I don't really know.
But I know that now, I just found my love and that I'd go many things for her to come and live with me.

Soooo happy to love her and to be loved :)

I'll post more news about Gz later, I promise.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 04:36:25 pm by Sylvain D »
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #256 on: October 05, 2009, 05:08:12 pm »
Sly...HeHe you old romantic you:icon_cheesygrin:

Congratulations my friend I am so happy for you...I hope you two will be very happy...

There is one little thing that i must say on her father saying no..

My friend my first foray onto Chnlove, I fell for a lady in Lionning her name was Yan.  She was a beautiful lady with a 'great' outlook in life and had a brilliant personality.   Anyway, I was in contact with her for two months and sent many emf's to her, she done the same in return.  in those two short months 'our' relationship grew and grew, until we (seemed) to fall in love.

The point I am trying to get to is, 'when' she told her parents about us, her mother liked me, but her father said 'NO'... we spoke a couple more time and sent letters back and forth.  One of the last letters I got from Yan told me that although her father said NO, her mother and her cried one night when (Yan) she tried to change her fathers mind and she told her mother how much she loved me...

I sent her father a long letter both in simple Chinese and English, to try and win his approval.  I told him many things about 'how' lucky he was in having a beautiful and dutiful daughter.  How I would always treat her well, and would never harm her etc etc.  To this day I have never had a reply, however, Yan sent me an emf informing me that her father had made his mind up and nothing could or would change it.  So now she is one of my sisters that I contact now and again.  She is happier now but it took a few months for her to fall for the right guy because of her father...

As pleased as I am for you my friend, I must tell you that if 'Father' disagrees with his daughter, there is usually NO WAY OF CHANGING HIS MIND, this is something I have learned through some brothers from our site when we were in the official site.

I am so glad you decided to go back my friend and I really hope this works
so Sly the best of luck mate.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #257 on: October 05, 2009, 05:20:20 pm »
Thats good to hear Sly.

Chinese Kisses versus French Kisses.    Sorry but China has the upper hand there (or should I say the mother tongue).

Work on Mama.  Baba willl make the decison but she is the one that will put the decision into his mind.  Well in most cases anyway.

So when is your next trip.  It looks like I will be saving my Yuans for more wedding visits.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #258 on: October 05, 2009, 05:48:33 pm »
Many thanks, Scottish & Willy :)

I have to admit that it is the ONLY ONE THING that scares me the most...
that there would be no way for her father to change up his mind about Liyan and me...
I already told Liyan that, maybe if he could see that her daughter really loved me and if she could tell him how nice I am with her, maybe would he change.
I also said that I would write a letter in chinese to send to him, she agrees with it, but she also says that it may would need some time.

by the way, as her birthday is coming soon, I asked her her adress, to write her from my hands and sending some gift, too.
She then gave me her company's adress.
I'll see how it'll evolve. Just wishing I could win her father's "agreement".

Next trip for February, 2010, but it needs time to talk again about it, Willy :)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 05:49:48 pm by Sylvain D »
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Offline Irishman

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #259 on: October 05, 2009, 05:49:24 pm »
Great to hear you had a nice time Sly. The pearl river cruise is pretty cool, makes even GZ look nice!
I agree with Willy, work on impressing the mother, if she likes you I think there's a good chance the father will fall in line too.
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Rhonald

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #260 on: October 05, 2009, 07:40:15 pm »
Best of Luck for your new campaing - and hopefully you can soon turn it into champagne :icon_cheesygrin:
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #261 on: October 05, 2009, 07:54:50 pm »

Way to go man.  Congratulations!!!  Be patient when it comes to her father.  He may take a little time.


Offline Brian Mc

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #262 on: October 06, 2009, 12:14:46 am »
Greetings Brothers,

Well, well Sly nicely done I must say.  Congratulations brother, quite a surprise but a nice one.  We wish you all the best and hope things work out for you as they have for Zhen and I.

Man It sure seems like our success rate is on the rise hehe, great to see.


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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #263 on: October 06, 2009, 12:50:04 am »
Quote from: 'Brian Mc' pid='19056' dateline='1254802486'

Man It sure seems like our success rate is on the rise hehe, great to see.

It sure seem's / looks that way , as of late . Looks like everybody is pretty much happy ... going ... during , well ... but not leaving of course . Which is quite good .

Sly , Qing and I are also pleased that you found somebody nice and beautiful and thinking the same of you . That's great to hear my Friend . About the Father , I'd do what was suggested ... using the Mother to get through to Him . If that does not work ... buy him a Box of Cigarette's and a nice bottle of Black Label and let him finish it and then you ask for his Daughter's hand . :-/

Offline David E

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #264 on: October 06, 2009, 01:38:49 am »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='19059' dateline='1254804604'

 Box of Cigarette's and a nice bottle of Black Label and let him finish it and then you ask for his Daughter's hand . :-/

Make it a bottle of Blue Label...and he will give you Mother as well :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:



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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #265 on: October 06, 2009, 01:52:20 am »
Hahahahaha .... that's right , afterward's with a empty house ... he has a reason to look for a younger new Wife .

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #266 on: October 06, 2009, 02:38:32 am »
Many thanks to you for your comments.
I just will add an "extra".
Since yesterday, I felt Liyan was a bit "worried" and we talked this morning, and she told me she spoke with her parents about me, they worry in fact because we don't really know much about each other, plus, she has a sister and a brother, and she's the oldest. From what she told me, she must be married before her sister and brother (they really are her brother/sister) and so, that's why, again, they talk a lot about Liyan and me. But as I said to Liyan, it seems that her father needs to learn more about me because he didn't close the discuss by "no, no, no, I don't want"...
so, maybe in a good way.
We'll see ^^
Anyway, some pictures later, I have to go shower then going working...
see you ^ ^
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #267 on: October 06, 2009, 02:59:58 am »
Thanks Sly for the new update . I know you have learned a lot from your first Trip , about how the Family Life play's a very big roll in China . So , I also know you will step carefully into this relationship which again does not come without hurdle's and bump's in the Road to your True Love . Hence meeting you in Person , it means more to me ... that you succeed this time around .
I'm waiting with patience for your hopefully happy outcome and maybe hear even Bell's ring ?

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #268 on: October 06, 2009, 04:53:52 am »
Many thanks, Arnold.
Talking with Liyan about her family and how important is wedding for each of us, as she says, makes us taking time for many things to be done surely, even if we have to do "slowly".
First of all, is to win the family's agreement and so that they can like me.

As her birthday is in 2 weeks, I'll send her a letter, both in chinese and english.
i'll hope she'll like it :)

However, as she says, she is very happy to know that I do love her and does really trust in me.
She just worries about future, but... who would not, sometimes? I just show her that man needs to project himself in the future and to do many things, even if it's in a few months or more. She agrees with it and was happy for the talking with her parents.

Let's hope it'll go on a good way :)
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #269 on: October 06, 2009, 06:33:11 am »
Great update Sly! I can't wait for photos.

My lady is the same age as your lady, so we have the same issues I think. However, mine gave me her home address, so I think her parents are a bit more open to our relationship.

I asked my lady what her parents wanted to know about me.

They wanted to know that I had a good education, so I told them about my University education. I guess having a good job/steady income would be important.

They also wanted to know if I owned a property, and what plans I had to move to a bigger property. Property ownership is very important to the Chinese, no?

They mainly worry about the cultural barrier. Fortunately I think I am OK on this as I've spent the last 3 vacations in Asia. Guys, you won't believe how many lucky cats I've accumulated (see my Avatar!). I've also demonstrated I can cook Asian food, I am enrolled on a Mandarin course and I can show them my photos from Hong Kong. I have also told my lady I am considering moving to Asia, but that is a longer term plan. My ace card is working for a University, so I get access to great language tuition opportunities and there are many Chinese here already.

Finally, ask your lady what her baba likes. Mine has discovered red wine, so I'll bring a decent bottle of Bordeaux (but not too decent so it looks like I'm not thrifty!)