Well, here are the sentences from Liyan :
"all you family,the people name inside"
"divorced people have a "household register"
"because they are marryed,so they are family not papa mama,is kid and wife or husband "
"i need papa get me "household register"
"if not have this ,i can not marry with you and can not go france"
I don't really know if she has a passport...but I was thinking about a family book, too... sorr for my bad english, sometimes

I just know she has an id card when we were in bj... that's all.
but about a passport, I don't think so, or maybe is it too old, i don't know...
so, if she doesn't have one, it's lost for her & me? because her parents can decide to not give it to her?
And if she got one but which is old?