Little update.
Liyan was on QQ. For sure, she is not fine at all, just could walk a little, always pain, and she looked very very tired.
I asked her many times to go to hospital. Finally, she is going there now (it is actually 23:53, chinese hour)
Name of the Hospital where she is going :

I asked her to give Kiki my QQ Id and my email, so if there is any news, Kiki can bring it to me if she is ok.
Liyan said that she had some injections about her health problem and some "drug" but it doesn't help for a long period.
She showed me where she got pain, most of the time, and it is around appendicitis.
She told me she was like that 7 years ago, and so that I didn't have to worry, but, oh dudes, if you could see her, I think you would be just like me, asking you why she said she could wait to go to hsopital...
Now, I am sad, for sure, because I don't know what else to do to help her, except being beside her, in her heart, praying and hoping she can be operated if necessary fast, and a fast recover, too.
Sorry if you may think that this message should not be here, but I didn't really know where to "put it".
Next update when Liyan or Kiki can bring some news.