[align=center]---- Nice update -----[/align][/color]
Liyan just sent me an email, she's back to Kiki's home, with Kiki, Kiki's boyfriend, and Liyan's sister, who are taking care about her.
She is very happy that I come.
i have a good news for you my tarents agree that we are together they're glad that you are concerned about me when I'm sick. and come to See me again
Love is powerful

(I'm looking again the translation in chinese)
what else to say?
I am very glad, very happy to read it, and for sure, I just want to be there right now, and I should meet her parents soon

(maybe the same day I will arrive in Gz?)
Even if I have to wait for my visa, I know I did here the most difficult thing : to show her parents how much I really love and care for their daughter.
I wish to buy some Champagne to celebrate that, of course, and I have to look many things to do

I would jump anywhere, as I am more than happy, but as I'm at work... all my colleagues could only see a BIG SMILE on my face and shining eyes... ^^'