Author Topic: China again, September - October  (Read 87595 times)

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Offline mustfocus

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #555 on: March 18, 2010, 11:52:20 pm »
Hey Sylvain,

Really happy that she's feeling much better.  If possible, I would have her checked out with a doctor you can trust just in case.  The list of foods you have mentioned is a pretty strange combination.

There are some chinese herbs that she could incorporate into her everyday cooking to help her depending on what the problem is.
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #556 on: March 19, 2010, 12:13:43 am »
mustfocus, thx for advices;)
I think that, if possible, when meeting Ted, if Sisi is with him, then, Sisi may be able to talk to Liyan to see her brother who is a good doctor, so that it may could be better for her.
About bananas, milk and apples, in fact, i don't really know too why she can't it that.

hmm...maybe does she have to not eat everything that can be like "acid"? for her stomach.
I know yesterday she drank some Coke, maybe is it why she didn't feel very fine. I don't know.
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #557 on: March 19, 2010, 12:28:36 am »
Sly ole Buddy , it is really great to see you two so happy together and let hope the Parent's is a down hill ..not an up hill anymore . I see your staying more than one or two day's .. that's much better . Hope it will not be a problem back home with your Job / Boss .

Anyway , hope you get together with our newest Mod and make sure he is wearing a Tie when meeting one of the Member's from here , that's a must .
Are you listening TED ???

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #558 on: March 19, 2010, 01:58:10 am »
Haha, if Ted doesn't want to wear a tie when meeting, then, I'll have to wear one Dragoon with me :D
btw, yes, I'm here for more than 2 or 3 days, and for sure, even a week is too short, but well, why Earth is so big, please tell me :p

i don't really care about my job/boss, because most of us want to leave, at work. Even if there is a good "friendship" between colleagues, it's not the same, if including the boss. So I know that soon, I'll stop that job to find another one.

Actually, we're staying at "William Hotel" up to tomorrow, because the room is very little...
oh, in fact, it reminds me about my studio. It is approximatively same space, about 24m² I guess. but my bathroom is a little bit bigger. Well, Anyway, Liyan told me that we will check out tonight, because she doesn't like the room, plus there is a smell outside not very good.

Back to the hotel after a short visit outside again. I visited the park beside the hotel, it was nice, but too bad the sun is not so active, because I would have laid down on the grass, just to sleep.. for a while ^^'
Liyan will be back at 06:10 pm, so, in 4 hours. Then, I'll meet her friends ^^'
btw, as I'm back to the hotel, I had to install again Windows7 & Ubuntu, because the activation for Windows7 didn't work (crazy crack not ok), and so, my computer booted itself every 30 mins since a few weeks. Now, everything is ok :)
Oh, just to say. The breakfast at the hotel is good (western & chinese style)
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #559 on: March 19, 2010, 02:33:44 am »
sorry guys dont wear a tie anymore had to wear
ties and suits for 30 years at work lol


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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #560 on: March 19, 2010, 11:04:16 am »
Alright Ted , we let this go then . But please be clean shaven .:-/:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #561 on: March 20, 2010, 02:25:38 am »
A few good ... and also... a few bad ones, too.

Yesterday night, as Liyan told me, we met her friends, some from her company, and Kiki and Kiki's boyfriend, too. They were very happy to meet me, and to talk with me, even if their english was as good as my chinese can be. Well, no... maybe my chinese is a little bit better, I don't know but I could say a few sentences easily.
They really liked me and saw I was a very nice guy with Liyan, caring for her, for her health too. And that it should be ok with her parents, soon...

As we were with Liyan's friends, I felt something maybe not "good" about Liyan's parents, so I asked her to confirm if they were very happy and so on.
It seems in fact that yes, her papa is happy, but Liyan told me that her mama is still the same, related to me. Wo shi lo wei...
Liyan told me too, that her papa "agreed" to accept me in their home, because she asked him when she was at hospital. She told him that it was the 3rd time I was coming for her, and that I was very serious, so, she hoped I could be introduced to her parents. So, her papa agreed.
After tomorrow, so, we should see them.
I know I will have to be careful, because I don't want to do something wrong when meeting them.
Her papa told that he was worrying about it, and that he didn't want to see Liyan coming home with "many" boyfriends. Because related to the last one, the love went away... so, her papa says that their home is not a hotel. I can clearly understand that, because of my parents before.... ^ ^'
I know I'd give everything to make her papa sure I want to take care about Liyan, but as says Liyan, maybe the most difficult thing is to win her mama's agreement related to our love.
I must be prepared to have a lot of questions from them, I suppose it will be like "do you wish to buy a house? how big is your home? when will you come living in china? when will you give a baby to our daughter".... and so on.
I know I would feet a little bit shy at first, and that I should ask her parent's Liyan's hand, asking that in chinese, of course, but I'm scared quite a bit, if they would say no... because I think I'd then lose my face.
I talked about it to Liyan because I know anyway it is not really something easy. Maybe her parents can "accept" even a bit our love, but about wedding, it is something different. and I think that her parents would like to "test" me, to see next if I'm really a serious guy or not.
I also know that Liyan's brother talks to their mama often about us, but I don't know what can happen when I'll meet them... I only know that Liyan's papa is ok to see me and agrees about our love, now he just wants (I guess) to see if it is for real, and not any joke.
I also know that their neighbours have never seen foreigners before close to their home, so, as I should be the first one, maybe would they say many things about me and Liyan. And because of traditional parents, they would be very "confused".

That reminds me about yesterday night, when walking in the streets. We bought some "kayochoua" with Liyan and her friends, and I saw them talking to a woman, a little bit fat, and maybe about 40 years old. Then, the woman looked at me, and asked me : "hello, please, can I ask you a question : who is your girlfriend?"
I then said her it was Liyan... who became a little bit "upset".
The woman smiled, then went to talking to Liyan and her friends, then left.
A few minutes later, Liyan told me she was her boss, not her office's one, but the boss just above that one... and that, as she knew Liyan had a chinese boyfriend before, but that now, Liyan was with me, maybe her boss would like to see her today and ask how, why and many other things like that....
Liyan worried about that for 2 hours, up to we went back to hotel. I told her I was sorry but I didn't know the woman was her boss, nor that nobody told me nothing about her. Liyan then replied it wasn't my fault, but that she cared for today, to have to say why and how she was with me, and many other things...
We then talked about other things, and as we said before, we decided to check out this morning for another hotel. (RIVER SIDE HOTEL)

Today, a bit some news :
So, after the breakfast, we check out and went to another hotel, but Liyan was thinking in fact at another one, and not the RIVER SIDE HOTEL;
Well, as I told her, no matter which hotel we can be in, most important is to be together :) she smiled and finally, that hotel is quite nice. We have a very nice room, and we can see the river when opening the window :)
We talked a bit about yesterday and about Liyan's parents, and that tomorrow, we would go and see Kiki's papa, who is waiting to see me.
I told Liyan that her friends were very nice with me, even one of them told me I was handsome (even if she's marrried.... :p)
Actually, I am reading some sentences in chinese, to improve my chinese language, so. Liyan helps me if I spell badly, but she can see I want to speak chinese with her and her friends.
I wish to be able to talk with her parents.

any more news to come later.
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #562 on: March 22, 2010, 05:12:34 am »
Small update.
the final meeting is for tonight. I will meet Liyan's parents, and probably too, her sister and her father.
Liyan told me that it should be ok. Maybe we will arrive in Gz after dinner, I don't know, but well.. we'll see how it'll be.
I can not change my flight back for Paris, because too many expensive. And, if EVERYTHING would be good with Liyan's parents, related to Liyan and me, we should begin to save money for later.

Ted, I told Liyan we could see you in Gz, and tomorrow is the only day we can have to see you in Gz. Because I'm leaving after tomorrow early in the morning.

Nothing else to say.
Oh, of course. Yesterday, I met Kiki's father, who was really happy to meet me. He talked to me many times, saying he was very happy for Liyan to be with me, and that he wanted to know when I will come back in China, so that I should tell him, because he'd then cook again for me :D (btw, I also met Kiki's grandpa and grandma, plus her sister), so, it was a nice dinner :) there were some colleagues too and I know now that Kiki and Liyan work in the same company :)

About tonight, I've some chocolates for Liyan's parents, I hope it will still be good when I will offer them...
Maybe some other news when I will be back in France...
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #563 on: March 22, 2010, 06:23:17 am »
well Sly give me a call when you arrive or can meet


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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #564 on: March 22, 2010, 11:21:04 am »
Ones again Sly , best of Luck with the Parents ( especially the Mom ) . This Woman seems will need all your French charm to get through to her cultural Heart .
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 11:22:22 am by Arnold »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #565 on: March 22, 2010, 11:59:22 am »
Ok :)
we are not at her parent's home, near a small river, I guess, because of frog's noise (eh... it may could be a joke, as I'm a frenchy froggy, right? :D) but well... it's not any joke :)

Her parents live in a "small" house, man could describe it quickly, no painting on the walls, no many things, it just seems to be like a small home with quite a few things inside. and her parents seem to like that life, so, ok for me, I don't mind :)
It seems that her parents like me, I could not really explain why, but her mama asked some questions, so did her papa. I gave my point of view on the questions they asked me, and how to "deal" about the french id card for later.
I can not stay long because it is also midnight here, and we need sleeping (wo lei le)

Ted, we will call you tomorrow ;)
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #566 on: March 22, 2010, 12:25:53 pm »
Buzzzzzz Buzzzzzz ... hey wake up . How can you sleep at a nervous time like this ?

Being invited into the Parent's home , hopefully got you over that last Hurdle and you should be able to leave for back home at least with an understanding where you and Liyan stand in the Future .
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 12:26:27 pm by Arnold »

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #567 on: March 22, 2010, 12:47:45 pm »
Back quickly for a very short time.
In fact we arrived at Liyan's Home after 10:20 pm, so it was anyway a bit late for her parents.
However, they were waiting for me, and offered me some drink to refresh and then we began to talk a bit.
As her mama told that we will need to save some money, I could think that it is on the good way, but we'll need to see how it will be tomorrow. Her mother and her father worry a bit about language barrier / money and so on, but we argue about that, saying that we can go against that :)
Liyan is also very happy, her brother and her brother welcomed me too, and they are nice with me.
Now, everybody is sleeping, and, when I say that I'll go sleeping, it is because I just need to sleep some hours. Because those last 2 days were a bit so short in the nights ^^'
I am also thinking about many other things related to Liyan's parents but it should be ok.
Maybe any more news tomorrow, or when I'll be back home, wednesday at night....
and anyway, I'll go back home with a real reply from Liyan's Parents about our common future :)
(seems like anyway Liyan is for the "yes" from her parents, as she bought something to protect against "mosquitos" for each of us ^^ (just put it all around the bed, it's very nice ^^)
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Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #568 on: March 22, 2010, 06:10:12 pm »
I'm glad everything worked out Sylvain!  C'est d'une moustiquaire que tu parles?

Enjoy the time you have left and have a safe trip back!
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RE: China again, September - October
« Reply #569 on: March 23, 2010, 03:19:55 pm »
recieved your message and i understad why you couldnt make it.
what did you think of Huadhu ??? nice city on the outskirts of GZ.
did you get a chance to go downtown when your were there?