Any little but nice update with Liyan

We've been talking 2 hours again today via webcam. She also is always happy to see me and enjoys talking with me about many things.
So, today, we talked about spending some times together.
Just try to imagine, I was seeing her counting on her fingers, and saying me :
"how long you want be Guangzhou?"
For sure, I didn't really know, I then replied "2, 3 days... "then I did the number 10 with my fingers, and she then laughed.
So, we talked about fixing dates, and we finally choosed from 28th (at night) September up to 03rd October, at morning.
It is also some 6 days together

and my flight to come back France is at 11:00 pm from Shanghai. I will also have to check for any flight from Guangzhou to Shanghaï, and then wait to have the other flight, from Shanghai, to Paris.
What else to say?
She just said she could book the hotel in Guangzhou.
I was amazed, for sure, because I've never seen that up to now with any other chinese lady.
We spoke about the room, many other things, well, in fact, she said that she could live with me in Guangzhou for six days, no problem about it, with a nice smile to go with her sentence. (what a pleasure, having a webcam to see it ^^)
She watched on a website but her price was more expensive than what I could have checked, about the Holiday Inn. It is also her first idea.
I said that I could check tonight for other hotels and then talking with her tomorrow and see what she can think about my choices, because the Holiday Inn is quite nice, for sure, but I prefer we save some money and being in any good hotel, and being able to do some visits and any other things

She also agreed with it.
So, now, I have to see with the hotel in Shanghai where I have booked for 13 nights before she talked to me about Guangzhou, and seeing how I can just cancel a part of the date that I'll be there, without losing all my money about the booking.
This lady is really amazing, for sure. I really don't know how to explain it... too many differences from my previous experience, and I then can understand many other Brothers here, saying that their women could also had booked any hotel for them.
I just think she's really THE ONE I need to see.
I'm just asking myself how will she do to be with me in Guangzhou for 6 days, if she doesn't work there everyday?
Well, I'll ask her tomorrow about it.
So, now, I better know what to do for 6 days once I'll be back in China

Oh !!!
BTW, she also gave me a chinese name :
?? (tang wen)
Meaning : Knowledge? (the man with knowledge, maybe)
I'm also happy she gave me that name. She was almost happy I liked it