Author Topic: Regular forums  (Read 5957 times)

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Offline Jimmy

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Regular forums
« on: July 09, 2009, 08:43:26 pm »
Have you guys been over to the reg chnlove forums?
Jesus where did these idoits come from a few of them are way out there man.
One guy complaining about being Racist on the forums which is pretty much impossible on there thats the kind of stuff that never makes getting posted. And another guy going to china to meet 5 different women and has told them all about each other. wow he is either one hell of a man or insane or possibly both

If you havent been there is truly some serious comedy value in a lot of the new stuff.

Things got pretty tense for me for awhile guys but I'm ok again and having fun searching again. Talkin to a gal in Shenzhen Think I will stop in and let the shark buy me a beer if I manage to go visit her.
Jimmy Henson

Offline Norb Smith

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2009, 08:48:39 pm »
Glad to hear your working thru the last one and still looking, only difference between long distance and here is we know we are going to get clobbered by an american dame that thinks she is her royal highness, and really all she is is another royal pain in the ........ best of luck with this lady or if you are c hecking a couple like the guys say take your time and narrow it down to one but make sure you keep your head up and your eyes open
as for the regular ChnLove Forum havent been there since this group was formed on facebook and then the puter geeks got this one started, here its much closer and your questions are answered quicker.....:fi_lone_ranger:
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 08:56:05 pm by Norb Smith »
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Vince G

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2009, 12:11:16 am »
Jim I really have a problem reading the stuff over there. 5 minutes and that's it, can't take no more.


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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2009, 01:50:33 am »
I can't believe that I used to enjoy being over there . It is just aweful ( or is it awful ? ) . I can't even discribe some of those Poster's , if I did try ... they would be all over me like The BEE on a FLOWER . :icon_cheesygrin:

Vince G

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2009, 09:29:53 am »
yeah Arnold I read when you said you haven't posted there in a while after I posted something. I think that was the guy claiming to have the worlds most admire letters? To bad I couldn't wright what I really wanted to say. :icon_biggrin:

Offline Jadams79

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2009, 02:31:02 pm »
Chnlove has forums? Oh ya the the controlled environment of dumb questions. Buckets o' Chicken and various other wierd stuff.
Can't fix stupid.

Offline JimB

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2009, 02:41:38 pm »
I thought the best one was the 911 guy.  I think his name is Leo.  What a winner he is. made out like he was there, turns out he was just in the army when it happened and he felt he wasnt getting the respect he deserved.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline Danny

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2009, 05:02:16 pm »
Jimmy, you're right about that. I find when was there last, I didn't mind the ignorant, crude and racist things that they said so much, as much as the possibility that they will somehow manage to make some good woman unhappy and miserable. We are all shamed by the behaviour of some men.

The only other consolation in it all, is that it makes me want to act as well as we can and to make sure that our forum here stays the way it is at the moment: friendly, supportive, and respectable.

If I have learned anything from having a teenage daughter, it is that people's behaviour (specifically the behaviour of her friends and acquaintances when they communicate using myspace, msn, yahoo, etc) is much, much worse over the internet than it is person to person, and even compared with using the telephone.

I think we have something really good going at the moment, and we need to take care to make sure it stays that way.

Offline China Shark

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2009, 05:16:32 pm »
Funny thing, the forums used to be a great source of intel for the new guys. Arnold, actually surprised you stopped posting but not really. Maxx, Max, Arnold, Vince you guys helped me get through things when I initially started my quest. It seems the internet is the dumping grounds anymore for the useless and stupid. Recently I stumbled upon review of Chnlove. Cannot believe the kind of idiotic garbage spew from thier pieholes. I imagine Aussie Shane was the same loser that left here with his tail between his legs crying about how no one likes him. I was not part of that debacle so I stayed out of it. These guys potray themselves as autrustic crusaders protecting the world from Chnlove. Granted they have some valid issues yet they are so one sided and biased. I always thought in order to have an objective review board site one needs to actually keep the good with the bad reviews intact and not deleted constantly because they are not totally against Chnlove. These guys are cursing and attacking anyone who doesn't agree with thier thinking. According to Phishy if you say anything in favor of Chnlove you are spammer or as they put it a Chnlover sympathizer or lackie. If you reside in China you are considered a spammer, regular facists this crew. This site by far is one of the most ridiculous sites I've ever encountered. These guys are straight up conspiracy nutjobs. At first I was angry because the intel was so biased and basicly they are condemming anybody and everybody who doesn't feel the same way as they do. Hell, I've been burned a few times yet I believe Chnlove overall is a legitimate site and the best chance of making it a reality. In closing I have to say without the official old forum I would have never made this lifechanging decision. But as they say all good things must come to an end. I do miss the vets on the old forum though. It's ironic at how guys that have been on the site a total of two weeks can spout such wisdom without actually have read the forums. Like Martin says we've outgrown Facebook so hence this new more improved forum. All of us here are all a minority, we have made a conscience decision to travel around the world and to embrace a new langauge and culture. If that isn't love I don't what could be called love. Families and friends don't understand yet accept our chosen path in life. The world's a changing and we are the new pioneers to a better world. To us race and religion are just words, our minds aren't clouded with inequality like so many of our countrymen. I for one will never completely stop posting or reading the official because it keeps it green in my heart as to why I moved here. I look back 8 months ago and it is difficult to see myself living back in America. I will forever be indebted to Chnlove for helping me realize my destiny in life. So many of us this our second and final chance to make our lives mean something. Sorry for the soapbox yet it is how I feel about Chnlove, the brotherhood and my new life here. Mods don't delete or take anything out. I'm pretty sure that would be an issue yet needed a place to let others know what I'm up to. Vince, I will listen to your advice and stop baiting those morons at Phishy, it was kind of amusing at first yet now it is like picking on a stupid child.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Danny

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2009, 05:52:13 pm »
It's been a while, China Shark Mike, since you've been up on that soap box, and I for one am always pleased to hear what you have to say when you're standing on it. You're such an enthusiastic fellow. I always feel encouraged listening to you talk about the way you live your life. I want to live my life more like the way you live it. It's easy to just drag yourself unhappily through life, depressed and feeling that nothing is going to work out. I've been ripped off a few times by bad agencies. But who cares less, maybe that was a lesson I needed to learn? It's only money after all.

Offline Jimmy

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2009, 08:12:31 pm »
Went over reading again great stuff.. Who is Leo??
Jimmy Henson

Vince G

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2009, 12:25:21 am »
CS they don't like me going there (that other site) and saying the truth. No matter what you write they read it one way. Of course this lead to the name calling and the rest. It always amazed me no matter what you wrote it was wrong (there).  Like the age of a chinese woman that can marry (20). I'm told I'm wrong it's over 22 yo even though I posted right from the chinese gov. page. As you can tell I don't like phony info posted. They continue on there. Maybe they will post real stories?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 12:26:03 am by Vince G »

Offline maxx

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2009, 12:38:37 am »
Jimmy Leo is a guy that does alot of posting over at the official site.I don't know if he has ben to China yet.


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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2009, 01:30:21 am »
It draws me back sometimes and I still like to help where I can , but reading what's going on there , I just can not take it or answer most of those out of the world question's . I can't hold everybody's Hand and guide them through the whole process , without them making one effort to " READ " anything . At least this Group can help themselves somewhat :icon_cheesygrin: when somebody throw's a stone in their Path .

Michael , as you know .. I have alway's liked you for your Honesty and yes much help to many , even though biteing some of the Brothar's as you move through the Water's . Hey , even for you , chinese Food get's a little boring from time to time .
If they can use a Guy like me here , you should have no trouble at all .

Offline Danny

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RE: Regular forums
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2009, 03:53:27 am »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='7993' dateline='1247287117'

Jimmy Leo is a guy that does alot of posting over at the official site.I don't know if he has ben to China yet.
