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Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« on: October 14, 2009, 08:48:22 am »
I want to start this Thread , not only as an example what to write but to show Robert , that we are serious about this ... helping him save this love they both share .

  Sent To: Kathy Wang ( Profile ID: P656032 )
Country: China
Date: 2009-10-14 12:41 GMT             Mail ID: P656GEAAGJC  

Dear Ms. Wang ( KeRen ) ,
you do not know me , but I got to know you quite well through my very good Friend from Scotland . I'm talking about Robert . Yes , the same Man you have been writing to for some eleven month's now . This is not a joke by no mean . Understand , I myself married a wonderful chinese Lady from Shanghai and now I am part of a great Forum of many People ( 260 ) that have followed you and Rob's journey to come to where you two are today . This I write in capital letter's ,


and do I like to see this end ... because Rob is not the great Person in Height ? I say a BIG no to that . I and many other's know for a Fact .. that you Love Robert , but there is this Problem that you had to deal with from the very start of your Relationship with Robert and this was telling your Dad about Robert's Height .

So , to get to the point of my letter and I'm sure their are going to be many more from other Friend's that know the one you fell in Love with , we all want your Dad to know what a great Guy Robert is to not just you but to all of us . This , I like your Dad ( Wang ) to know . In other word's , my Heart goes out for you two and I can not see this wonderful Love going to waste in such a way , when it does not have to .

Of course we , Robert for certain .... does not want to end , before giving Him the chance to Meet your Dad in Person and let him show to your Dad ... exactly what I and many other's already know .

Robert is like a Brother to us all and this is why I'm here to do this for HIM alone and you KeRen . You have a great thing here , don't let it slip away . Not for me and my other Friends , no for you and Robert .

Shanghai MiFeng ( Arnold )
« Last Edit: October 14, 2009, 10:28:46 am by Chong »

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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2009, 11:05:38 am »
Dear Kathy

You dont know me, and I apologise for intruding on your life, but this is a letter that honesty, honour and the love of a good friend makes me write to you.

I am a very good friend of Rob...and I know of the situation between you and him.

I know that you have faced a most difficult decision and I also know that such a decision is very hard to make. Love only comes into our life on very rare ocaisions and maybe when it arrives, it may never come again.

Rob is so very sad about what has happened and I can only say to you that you will never find such a good Man who will love you complete for all your life.

If your Father has forbidden your relationship, I am sure it is dificult for you, but I am sure if he knew exactly all the qualities that Rob has, he would easily change his mind.

I can only ask you sincerely with all my heart to try again to make this relationship work for you both. Please give him a chance to show your family what an excellent Man he is and how he will love and cherish you, through good and bad, and care for your Son as a good Father and be a honoured and respected member of your family.

If you truly love this man, please listen to your heart...please dont throw away a wonderful future.....give yourselves both a chance.

Again, my apologies for this intrusion

I only have your and Rob's happiness in my mind

Very sincerely


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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2009, 11:25:07 am »
Dear Mr. Wang and Miss Kathy Wang,

My name is Chong and I'm currently living in Kaiping, Guangdong Province. I'm from Canada. I met a wonderful lady here and we're getting marry this December. I know of Robert through an Internet chat forum for Western men who help one another as we all have a common interest. Though I have never met Robert, I know somewhat about his character. He is a good participant in helping others with his advices and encouragements. He speaks his mind and is straightforward. Myself and others stand behind his character. Writing letters to him is one part of your relationship. The other part is meeting in person. When you do, your relationship will advance further. You will see what a good man he is. I hope that you three will have the opportunity to sit down in person and have a great conversation together. Your family and friends will have the chance to see for yourselves what a good person Robert is.


Chong Hum

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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2009, 11:37:21 am »
Sent To: Kathy Wang ( Profile ID: P656032 )
Country: China
Date: 2009-10-14 15:32 GMT             Mail ID: P656JEABBJA  

Ms. Kathy;

I to am a friend of Robert and wish to support him and you in attaining what you both seek, true love.

You wrote in your profile the following: "I was always waiting a pure, romantic and eternal love and I sincerely hope I can find a man who loves, cares me and would like to build a warm and wonderful family with me in the future. I hope he will be a healthy, honest and responsible man. We will hold each other to grow old together."

These words came from your heart and true emotion. They are not clouded by thoughts and words from outsiders. I hope you find it in this wonderful heart of yours to meet with Robert and give your hearts a chance to find true happiness.

I believe that it is not the size of the person that matters most, it is the size and purity of the heart that is most important.

Please do not close this door on you and Robert's chance for a lifetime of happiness. You have love in your heart and within your grasp. Please listen to those of us who know Robert. You have heard from your family and friends. I ask you now to please listen with the same intent to our words of support for both you and Robert.

May you find peace and happiness in your decision.


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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2009, 01:24:23 pm »
Hi Rob,
I thought I'd tell a joke to Ke Ren: it's better to have loved a short man than to ever have loved a tall!:icon_cheesygrin:
But I thought better of it and sent this instead:

Dear Ke Ren,

It is not easy to find love, but you have found it. It is not easy to find a good man, but you have found him. It is not easy to find a soulmate, a friend, a protector, a lover, a strong man, a kind man, a funny man. You have found him. He is there, ready to show his love for you by making the most sacred commitment a person can make to another. He will never let you down, he will cheer you up when you feel sad. He will support you in bad times and good. If you think you can find another man as good as Rob, please go and find him, but I know and you know that there is no other man. Not in China, not anywhere in the world.
If your father cares about your happiness, he will meet with Rob and he will let him speak. Rob will not take your Face by being the honest, loving man he is. He cannot take your Face by being short. No. He will give you Face by being the best husband you could ever wish for. He will give you Face just by being himself.
Rob is a very good writer. Have you read his words? He is writing a book about his life. You can be the happy ending for him. And he can be the happy ending for you. I think he deserves a chance, don’t you?


Alex Viac

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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2009, 04:21:47 pm »
Sent To: Kathy Wang ( Profile ID: P656032 )
Country: China
Date: 2009-10-14 20:20 GMT             Mail ID: P656BEAAABJ

Dear Ms. Wang,

My apologies for intruding on your private life, but I would like to speak in favor of Robert whom I had the pleasure of meeting online and whom I appreciate very much.

You set out on the difficult quest of finding your true love, so has Robert, and I believe you have found each other. I am on the same quest and I know finding the right partner is a rare chance for which I envy both of you, and I am heartbroken about what is happening between you. I understand the Chinese concept of preserving family face, but I hope your father can be convinced of accepting Robert in his heart, Robert is a kind, witty, and open-hearted man with a wonderful sense of humor and a great view on life, having him in the family would make any family proud where I am.

Physical height is not something that should stand in the way of your happiness together, here in France, one of our most famous writers Voltaire and the most famous Emperor Napoleon were both of small height, yet they are some of the greatest and respected historic figures of my country.

So I urge you, please reconsider and see how you could change your father's mind, I am sure that if Robert and your father were to meet, your father would meet a very respectable man who can make your family proud, there are not that many of his kind.

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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2009, 07:33:57 pm »
Hi Kathy.

I'm a friend of Rob's too.  Although Rob may be shorter than average, I believe he has the heart and soul of a man twice his size.  He has made a huge commitment to move to China and start a new life and I truly believe that, given the chance, he would make a wonderful husband and father to your son.  Do you really want to miss your chance to at least find out?  

Thanks for your time.  Good luck to you.
Neil irresistible as chocolate


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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2009, 08:51:10 pm »

I hope this letter will help.


To: Ms Ka Ren Wang and her father Mr. Wang,

Hello, my name is Shaun and I live in the United States and am a friend to Mr. Robert O’Donnell.  I met Rob about six months ago and have been impressed by his wisdom and ethics.  He is a genuine good man and I consider it an honor to be his friend.

Ka Ren I thank you for the time you are taking in reading this letter and ask you to take it to your father as he is the one I would like to address concerning Rob.

Mr. Wang, thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  As I am sure you have read many letters from friends of Rob I too wanted to write you but from a different perspective.  Like you, I too am a father of three adult children. I am very fortunate because all three children are a real blessing to me and have brought honor to my family name.

When considering who might marry my daughters and the type of man that would desire to spend the rest of their live married to one of my daughters I have often pondered what kind of man would be acceptable.  I have thought about careers, personality, loyalty, spiritual belief, and truthfulness.  You could consider attractiveness but I chose to not consider it one because as wise man once said, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

As I pondered the attributes to look for I decided on three of them as being the most important.  The first was spiritual belief.  If a man has a belief is something that leads him to becoming a better person as for example a Buddhist and you understand what the beliefs of a Buddhist are then you can assume that the person will improve in character as life goes on.  The second characteristic would be truthfulness.  A person you can trust to always speak the truth regardless of the outcome is a valuable person to, in this case, give your daughters hand to.  The third characteristic is loyalty. The man who I would give my daughters hand to would have to be loyal to her and their marriage. I would not want my daughter to suffer with the terrible feelings of being betrayed by a loved one and a loyal person would not do that.

In my humble opinion the least thing I would consider would be physical characteristic such as height or the lack there of.  I am sure it is a stigma in your country much as it is in mine but greater is the man who can look beyond physical characteristics to see the good moral character within a man.  Without any of the good characteristics mentioned above the persons appearance would not matter much because their life will have a greater chance in ending in disaster.

All of the good characteristics I mentioned above can be found in my friend Rob.  Though he is a short man he is heads above most men in that he posse the better qualities of mankind. Of course this is my opinion and I would not presume to understand your culture though I an extremely fascinated by it.  It is my opinion that turning you back on a man like Rob denies the happiness that not only your daughter wants but takes away the very desires you have for your own daughter.  Does a father not wish for his own children’s success and happiness?

Mr. Wang I would like to suggest that you get to know Mr. Robert O’Donnell before passing final judgment on their future together.  I think you will find that once you get to know him you will not have any reservations about a future marriage.

Again, thank you for your time.

Shaun Gilstrap

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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2009, 09:05:53 pm »
Greetings Brothers,

Well I too have added my voice to teh chorus.  Herer is my letter to Ke Ren.  I apologise for its length but I had to say what I felt.

Ni hao Ke Ren, ni hao ma?

Hello Ke Ren, this is another friend of Robert. My name is Brian Mclachlan. I also know Robert from the website that the other men are writing you from. We have all followed your story with Rob with great interest. It has been an amazing eleven month journey and up until recently I couldnt have been happier for both of you.

Robert is one of the most helpful, considerate, and obviously romantic men that I know. He is also a friend. His love for you is deep and true and flows from his deepest heart. You are the inspiration for that love Ke Ren. Rob is completely, madly and utterly in love with you and it seems that you are with him.

I know internet relationships are tough especially cross language and cross culture. I am going to share a little bit about me so you understand why I say what I do.

I received an admirer letter from a lady in mid July. Her name is Zhen. We began writing to each other a full emf letter every day and sometimes two a day. By the end of the third week we were totally committed to each other. We knew we had found our lifes partner. I went to China on 6th Sept and Zhen met me at the airport. As soon as our eyes met we knew what we had said and felt in our many letters was real. We were in love, madly deeply and completely. Our meeting was like an extension of our letters. The entire 2 weeks I was their we had the best time of our lives. Zhen has very little English and I have very little Chinese yet we spent 2 weeks together and barely used a translator human or otherwise. We communicated together as if we had known each other for years. By the end of the third day we were engaged. Leaving to come back to Canada on the 19th Sept. was the hardest day of my life.

Two weeks after I returned I decided I could not live this way and committed to Zhen that I would pack up my life and move to China with her. I have kept that promise and I leave on Oct 25. I will teach english in china and we will marry in feb 2010 and then go to Canada when we can get a visa for Zhen and her son RuiChen.

Now I am sure much of this sounds familiar to you as it is also Robs and your story.You met on the internet, wrote romantic passionate loving letters to each other and fell in love. Rob is giving up his life in his country to come to China for you. He will teach english and marry you. That is his plan and as I see it it is a good plan. He loves you and you love him.

Now however your father has said that Rob is unsuitable for you because of his height and that you must end the relationship. You love your father and you family so you do as he wishes. Well Ke Ren I am here to say that is very likely a bad decision to make. To my eyes when two people love each other as you and Rob do then you do not give up on love. You fight for it with all of your being and you find a way to work it out.

As I see it Rob is coming to China anyway. I think in the interests of both of you futures you should meet with him face to face. If you find the same chemistry that Zhen and I found and your love is confirmed both ways then the path is clear. You discuss with Rob how to win over your family and you do not quit until you do.

If however there is no chemistry and the love was merely a dream then at least you will know in your deep heart that you gave it everything you had. You will not think back in future days and wonder what if? To give up now without knowing will haunt you all of your life. If you love Rob as he loves you then you owe it to both of you to see if the chemistry is there.

Take the chance Ke Ren, fight for that one last great love of your life. Fight with everything you have for the man who will be at your side forever. Meet him and take him to your father and by your shining true love for each other convince him that Rob is the man for you and your happiness is at stake.

All fathers want their daughters to be happy, I know I have two daughters myself. Let your father see how much in love you and Rob are and you will win him over. Height is merely a minor matter of distance true love is a matter of a lifetime of happiness and devotion and the knowledge for your father that at last his daughter has found peace and love.

Give your father the chance to see you happy for the rest of your life. Give him the chance to see you wed to the man who will love you forever. Give him the chance to see that you have found the same love that he has had for your mother all his life. Let him be a happy man at peace with his world and secure that his daughter is loved beyond measure.

Ke Ren I implore you to do the right thing for yourself and for Rob and your future together. Do not walk away from true love. Do not let this come between you and your family. Follow the love, find the true path and prove to your father and family that this is how it must be Rob and Ke Ren together forever.

There is nothing in the world worth fighting for more than true love. You have true love sitting in the palm of your hand. Will you fight for it with all you are or will you throw away a lifetime of happiness and love based on an opinion of your father of a man he has never met.

Give your love a chance Ke Ren, it is the right thing to do and is worth fighting for. Do not give up ever.

Zhen and I both wish you and Rob the best and we truly hope you become as happy as we are.

Take care of yourself.

Zhen and Brian

So there it is.  I only hope for both their sakes that these letters have the desired effect.  At the very least we do what we are doing to help our friend.. In the end that is why we are all here.

Good luck Rob to both you and Ke Ren and hopefully the end will be a happy one for you both.


Your friends,

Zhen and Brian

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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2009, 09:11:11 pm »
The translator will be busy ...
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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2009, 11:43:41 pm »
To all that went through the trouble of writing those Letter's to KeRen , I myself thank you for not just helping my Friend " ROB " but a Friend to all of us here .
It might have a positive impact on MR. Wang ( I'm sure it has to KeRen ) if not ... we can at least sit back and say we tried and this is what this Forum does best , help a Brother in need .
I'd say , this Forum has a LOT of  " FACE " to anybody that want's to join . Again , I must thank also Martin ones more ... as he is the Founder of all this and without Him ... we would not be here or doing those helpful things we do .

I just received a letter back from KeRen , I'm excited to see if it's Good . I hope so for Robert .


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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2009, 01:41:09 am »
This is my second letter to KeRen a minute ago .

 Sent To: Kathy Wang ( Profile ID: P656032 )
Country: China
Date: 2009-10-15 05:27 GMT             Mail ID: P656JEABEFG  

Ms . Wang , first I want to thank you for the fast reply to my Letter . It was not what I had hoped for , but KeRen ... please except my apology , as I was just trying to help my great Friend " Rob " . Yes , you are very correct ... I do know about the importance of caring for the Family first . I respect your choice , which I know must hurt you as well as Robert . As it does with many of his Friends .. that are also my Friends . I also know Robert for almost a year also , we both are writing a Book about our Life's and exchange many pages over the Internet .

I was the first to mention this , about writing to you at our Forum . See , I myself was married for thirty years and lost my first Wife to Cancer in Jan. 2007 , so I know what hurt is .. loosing a Person your in Love with .

I'm at that very Forum , because ... I like to give something back , of the wonderful Woman that I have found through Chnlove . So you must understand I mean well , to see that all Relationship are going well ... Im like to see them succeed . When I came across your's and Robert's , it meant a lot to me ... especially Robert wanting to move to China to be with you . I felt I had to do this , knowing it might fail . But , I had to do it ... not to think later on ... why did I not help ?

Anyway , I thank you again for your quick reply . Now , I can comfort my Friend as he is in much need of support .

Ps: I like to send you a Photo of myself , my LaoPo Qing and my two " Sister's " that I have met on the way to meet my Wife ( Min and Lily ) . I am really lucky to have met such wonderful People thanks to Chnlove .

Sincerely ,



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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2009, 05:46:06 am »
Guy's  what you are doing for me restores my faith in humanity.

I cannot thank you enough for this.  I think all that is being done IS all that can be so.
What you guys have done is not only show others what a brotherhood is but have brought Face to this site.  I hope, (NO) know I wioll be as quick as each one of you have to 'help or support' anyone who needs it.  If it's in my power then it is yours...

I am writing this before I go to the replies I see you have from her...NOT good news I'm assuming, the reason I say this is because I checked my mail this morning and found nothing from her.

Hehe I'm scared to look...but here I go...But before I go, if it goes belly up then all I can repeat is thanks for everything
your friend

OOOpps...Never saw arnolds replied letter;-(
« Last Edit: October 15, 2009, 05:47:15 am by Scottish_Rob »

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RE: Letter's for KeRen , send through EMF service .
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2009, 06:39:35 am »
Closed as per Scottish Rob's request.