Author Topic: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!  (Read 5578 times)

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Offline Mike Moore

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How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« on: April 21, 2009, 09:38:35 pm »
Given all the talk of scams recently, I would be curious to know the ages of the suspect women who have been busted by our team. It it mostly young women (under 32) that have been confirmed as scams or plants of the agencies in question? With the stories we have all heard about women with kids, age 35+, getting a real bad shake in China as far as marriage prospects, I'm curious about the scam rate on the "senior" circuit for women.

Offline David

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Re: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2009, 01:32:22 am »
Thus far it has sounded like most of the scams I have been hearing about involved younger and very pretty girls which makes sense I suppose.

Big Dave


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Re: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2009, 01:45:26 am »
Quote from: "geordie"
The older and less attractive ones are more likely to be real, that is for sure.

Geordie , I had written to a thirty year old , before I met my Wife on Chnlove . She was super Hot and also from Shanghai , where I was going to anyway before I met anybody through Chnlove . This was just a coincidence at the time . She was very real , but too young for me ( 56) so she finally married somebody from England a few month's later .
I hear what you are saying . I myself wondered sometimes about ... Women in their Teens already on Chnlove ? That seemed somewhat strange , now that could have been for Bait , but who know's ? Who will go with an 18 year old anyway , a 22 - 25 year old Male ? Is he really going to have this kind of money or be willing to spend this kind of money ,to venture into this kind Spouse finding ?


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Re: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2009, 01:55:33 am »
Quote from: "David"
Thus far it has sounded like most of the scams I have been hearing about involved younger and very pretty girls which makes sense I suppose.

Big Dave

Hey , if I was running a scam , would I not use the best and the youngest for Business ? They know us foreigner's like them young , so a perfect set-up for some quick bucks . So we must also blame some of it on the Guy's looking for those young one , so I think they deserve what they have coming . Dirty old Men .

Offline China Shark

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Re: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2009, 02:04:32 am »
Arnold that is all fine and well yet they are contacting us through admirer letters. I would have never contacted any of those three that tried to contact to scam me. I honestly thought they were real so what could I lose. Needless to say quite a bit because it was nothing but fabrication to extract money from me. You can blame guys for wanting a younger pretty woman. What guy wouldn't prefer this and I'll call him a lier.
China Shark Mike :mrgreen:
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!


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Re: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2009, 02:31:04 am »
Michael , see I never answered admirer letter's , never . I pick'd them and send them an EMF . Like Chong has done . That is how you start out by putting them on the spot , by asking questions about their Life and if you don't get the right or no answer to those question's ... it light's out for that one . This way I could tell from the beginning , how much was the translator's input , he can not answer for the Woman on personal questions and send you daily photo's of your Lady , which she should be doing on her own , if she is interested in you at all and is not a scam . Liar's alway's beat around the bush for this and that . Again , light 's out , if this is not happening , let's be fair and say within the first couple of weeks .

Anyway  Michael , I didn't mean to call you an dirty old Man , I was talking about the Men after those Teen 's on Chnlove , and then crying foul play .

Offline David

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Re: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2009, 04:13:46 am »
I honestly don't understand why a 18-22 year old Chinese woman, who has never married, and has no children, would
be looking for a western husband anyway.  Surely they have met nice young Chinese men at school or University?
The only reason I can think of is that they already know they wish to leave China...

I have more of an understanding about a 30+ Chinese woman, expecially if she has a child and/or is divorced.  She is hoping to find a good husband and have a happy loving life.  So I do think those in the Brotherhood would be safer looking for a woman who is looking for love and a happy family as opposed to looking for a meal ticket out of China...

Now don't get me wrong... I am fully aware that I am speaking in generalizations here and that not every woman is going to fit into this statement.  Again this is just my impression and what I have been thinking. :shock:

Big Dave

Offline cHi

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Re: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2009, 05:03:48 pm »
In my EMF I asked one girl what brought her to Chnlove and what does she like best about western culture so far.  This was her response:

"I think that the most interesting part of western culture to me would be the lifestyle ,you can see that the Chinese would earn money to buy house,and the western people would buy house first,then earn money,how do you think of it?"

It actually made me laugh out loud a little - there is some innocence in that line of thinking, but essentially the asian cultures in general are fascinated with the western cultures, just as we western cultures are fascinated with the eastern ones.  Grass is always greener, eh?

As for me - I'm 30, I make great pay and I'm not in a rush.  I'm divorced, I've got child support payments to the tune of $1k a month, but they will stop soon as my ex has re-married and they are adopting my kids.  I'm taking my time getting to know the ladies and in all honesty, reading about the scams and stuff had me paranoid.  However, I am confident that all of my ladies are real with the exception of one - it was great communication for about 8 EMFs but the last 4-5 have been shorter and shorter.  I'm pretty sure she's real - I think I'm only disappointed because I like her the best.  My understanding from all of the ones I talk to is that they are looking for the western culture, acceptance, etc.  The younger ones want the opportunity and lifestyle the western world "represents" even though we all know that it's not easy to make a go of it here in the western world.  The older ones are familiar with the stigmas and cultural barriers that they still run into - divorce, children, etc. and the Chinese men judge them for it (even though it's not uncommon for some men to be unfaithful and treat women in an un-gentlemanly fashion).

Actually... I forgot the rest of what I was about to say.. I'm in a food coma >_< anyway, cheers!

Offline Oiler1

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Re: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2009, 05:50:26 pm »
Quote from: "Nick L"
Quote from: "Arnold"
Who will go with an 18 year old anyway , a 22 - 25 year old Male ? Is he really going to have this kind of money or be willing to spend this kind of money ,to venture into this kind Spouse finding ?

I'm 22 and I'm trying.  The girl I'm talking to is a few months older than me.  I'm trying to sort things out still, so I won't say whether or not she is a scam.  As for why she is using this service, she is 5'6" so maybe she is too tall for many Chinese men.  She may also be a bit interested in moving to the West and enjoying a life here.  I know the website of the agency she uses advertises the "high quality international life."

5 '6" or 168 cm is not too tall for many Chinese men,. A lot are over 5' 10" in the North.

Offline Jadams79

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Re: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2009, 10:26:12 pm »
Quote from: "David"
I honestly don't understand why a 18-22 year old Chinese woman, who has never married, and has no children, would
be looking for a western husband anyway.  Surely they have met nice young Chinese men at school or University?
The only reason I can think of is that they already know they wish to leave China...

Only through conversation with my girl could I possibly have another answer to this.  A lot of girls cave to the charms of thier young boyfriends to get the perverbial noodle wet, then afterwards they leave them.  Others have experienced unthinkable acts that make us all angery.  

As for the age of the girl that scammed me she was 26 from Chengdu.  Lost some credits, chalk one up for experience, I really wish Chnlove forum was not as policed, and I probably would not have made the same mistakes as others.
Can't fix stupid.

Offline Danny

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Re: How old was/is your Chnlove Scammer!
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2009, 06:48:32 am »
Quote from: "Mike Moore"
Given all the talk of scams recently, I would be curious to know the ages of the suspect women who have been busted by our team. It it mostly young women (under 32) that have been confirmed as scams or plants of the agencies in question? With the stories we have all heard about women with kids, age 35+, getting a real bad shake in China as far as marriage prospects, I'm curious about the scam rate on the "senior" circuit for women.

I wouldn't rely on ugliness and wrinkliness to save you from the scammers, lads.

The one woman I knew afterwards it was 100% certain it was a scam involved a woman who was very average in looks and she was 40 years old, from memory.

The problem is that we're only looking at it from our side of the fence.

Often it's the women who are being fleeced much worse than us. Some of them pay enormous amounts of money up-front to find them a husband and then they get almost nothing in return for this.

Sometimes the emf mails are just a little bit extra, on top of the money they are making from the women.

I was always surprised when I visited China, that they way they treated each other was sometimes far, far worse than they ever treated foreigners.