All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

When she cries for you.

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Ed W:
This morning, like most mornings, my wife and I had met on QQ for our video call. After a few minutes she writes in chinese "I miss you". So i drag it to google translate and read what she said and i look back to the video and streams of tears were running down her face. I've never felt so helpless in my life. What could you possible say to help her from missing her husband? All i could do was reasure her that things will be ok in time and we will overcome all obsticles.

But honestly, i felt sooo helpless to comfort her when she really needed it. Anyone else had this happen?

Angel has only done it twice.  You are right. You feel so helpless that you cannot comfort her.  Like when she is ill. Or has a pain somewhere that you could help ease it by a massage or something like that.  I t actually happened a couple of days ago.  She was having a back spasm, I told her to get a massage at work (in the hospital).  She said she didnt want anyone else to do it but me, then the tears came.  I wanted to get on a plane right then.  But, it is only another 25 days before I get there. I know exactly what you mean.

I really feel so lucky that I have Zhou here, you guys are truely breaking my heart, I don't know what I would do if I could not comfort her at those times she needs to be held, it's hard enough when she crys for any reason.
I pray for you all that one day soon you will all be as lucky as I am, oh and Nik and Fei now.

Jeeze Ed thats a tough one, I suppose you can just be a man and say nice things to her and try and make her feel like you are with her there in spirit, make her realise that though you cannot touch her you can feel her emotions and are there for her no matter what.

Keren has said this to me in a few letters, it's true all you can do is try and comfort them through words.

You feel soooo helpless and it breaks your heart:huh:


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