Author Topic: Question about Chinese Hotels  (Read 6866 times)

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Offline Danny

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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2009, 05:20:39 am »
If you want to play it safe it is sometimes good to have a packet of anti diarrhea medication in your bags. You might not need to bring it with you if you travel with friends and family, because you can just send them out to the chemist to pick up some over the counter - but if you travel alone, like I do sometimes, its good to have it at hand. I can remember spending a few hours of misery in Mumbai and then suddenly remembering I had it with me. It fixed the problem like magic. It's wonderful stuff *laughs*
« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 05:22:20 am by Danny »


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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2009, 05:52:17 am »
Local yogurt will kill all of this.  It has the antibodies needed to keep you healthy.


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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2009, 06:39:13 am »
If the local yogurt don't kill you first that is ...... Personally, best to stay away from fresh dairy stuff too!!



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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2009, 07:06:22 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='8892' dateline='1247913553'

If the local yogurt don't kill you first that is ...... Personally, best to stay away from fresh dairy stuff too!!


Well????????  You got 2 choices as I see it.  Squirts or die; not sure which is worse.   I have been to several nations and used the yogurt idea.  While people were puking the guts I was still going on.  It was worked for me but I have never been to China either.

I was in Iran and they told me I should drink the wine to kill the parasites, so I put the wine in my yogurt and.....


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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2009, 09:05:39 am »

Probably because you have a stronger Constitution than many, something like myself.  
Look, .... some of these water bourne bugs are bloody virulent, and you could eat as much yogurt as you like, and it wouldn't suppress it or cure it. If anything, it would probably make it worse.....  Over the several years i was living and working in China, i can remember at least 3 occasions where i did cop nasty doses of gut bugs. I can tell you, they ain't nice........

I'm rarely affected by gut bugs normally, but when i have been, it's been badly. I defy anyone, to go to any big city in India (for arguments sake) for more than 15/20 days without getting a good dose of Deli belly or the Bombay trots (or both). And that's taking all the precautions you can. no fresh fruit, no fresh veg, only drinking bottled water, no fresh dairy product , refusing ice in drinks, drinking only bottled beer, etc,etc

Seeing how these trips to China are going to be really important, to most that are going from this site. It's probably going to be far better for them to Air on the safe side and not take unnecessary risks.

According to Lucy, even though the local population have some resistance to these bugs, it's still one of the biggest annual loss of working man hours, to the country.... So, i guess it's up to those going to China to heed advise or ignore it.  

« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 02:04:34 pm by David5o »

Offline Peterjb

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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2009, 06:12:29 pm »
Hi, stayed in a hotel in Boading for 2 weeks booked by my GF they had my credit card imprint and deposit, but twice they asked for me to pay bill up todate.
5 days in Beijing hotel no problems.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 06:20:46 pm by Vince G »


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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2009, 06:23:56 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='8903' dateline='1247922339'


Probably because you have a stronger Constitution than many, something like myself.  
Look, .... some of these water bourne bugs are bloody virulent, and you could eat as much yogurt as you like, and it wouldn't suppress it or cure it. If anything, it would probably make it worse.....  Over the several years i was living and working in China, i can remember at least 3 occasions where i did cop nasty doses of gut bugs. I can tell you, they ain't nice........

I'm rarely affected by gut bugs normally, but when i have been, it's been badly. I defy anyone, to go to any big city in India (for arguments sake) for more than 15/20 days without getting a good dose of Deli belly or the Bombay trots (or both). And that's taking all the precautions you can. no fresh fruit, no fresh veg, only drinking bottled water, no fresh dairy product , refusing ice in drinks, drinking only bottled beer, etc,etc

Seeing how these trips to China are going to be really important, to most that are going from this site. It's probably going to be far better for them to Air on the safe side and not take unnecessary risks.

According to Lucy, even though the local population have some resistance to these bugs, it's still one of the biggest annual loss of working man hours, to the country.... So, i guess it's up to those going to China to heed advise or ignore it.  


Thanks for the info.  Like I said I've never been to China.  Guess I'll play it safe.

Offline MLM

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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2009, 07:07:25 pm »
Shaun, every time we go back to China I packa med that has " Loperamide HCI " its an anti-diarrheal, works every time, oh only take a box that has not been opened and put it in the check on baggage.
and they should credit your account no problems, as far as the hotel room goes.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 07:09:28 pm by MLM »

Offline Tiztom

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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2009, 01:36:05 am »
Freddie, I'm going for 4 weeks but I'm only going to book my first 4 days in a hotel, that way if it's a dive I can easily find somewhere else, or negotiate for a better price to stay on, probably the safest & cheapest way to do it.

Offline Peter

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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2009, 08:59:02 am »
A good advice is also to only eat things that have a blue "S" on it. You can see it on all kind of food. This stand for Safe food ( as safe as you can get it in China)
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2009, 03:13:29 am »
Before arriving in Zhuhai I had booked a week at a hotel with  .   When I arrived at the hotel I paid for the full week.  But in the end only stayed there for 3 days.  The hotel refunded for the extra days when I booked out.  Then later sent me email asking if there was a problem with hotel as I had checked out earlier.

Willy the ex Londoner
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 03:13:56 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Question about Chinese Hotels
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2009, 07:33:56 am »
Quote from: 'Michael L. Maines' pid='8975' dateline='1247958445'

Shaun, every time we go back to China I packa med that has " Loperamide HCI " its an anti-diarrheal, works every time, oh only take a box that has not been opened and put it in the check on baggage.
and they should credit your account no problems, as far as the hotel room goes.

Thanks MM, I will put that on my list.
Quote from: 'Peter' pid='9055' dateline='1248008342'

A good advice is also to only eat things that have a blue "S" on it. You can see it on all kind of food. This stand for Safe food ( as safe as you can get it in China)

Peter, thanks my list is growing.  My girl owns a restaurant.  What will I do if there are no blue S's there?  I am sure she will.

I have a stomach made of iron, it seems, but I do have an allergy to MSG which makes me very uncomfortable.  Most all of the Asian restaurants have MSG in their food.  I will usually have to have something prepared special when I go to one.  Does anyone know if they use it in China?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 07:38:50 am by shaun »