Author Topic: Moving to China  (Read 3096 times)

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Moving to China
« on: July 18, 2009, 09:43:55 am »
Hi guy's just thought I would start this up, after reading loads and loads of posts, in here, in facebook, and on the official; site, I noticed that there are loads of 'us' going to China to live.

I thought it would be interesting to see, how may are definetly going, and what job they intend getting..

I will start.
Moving to Qingdao in November 2009...
Taking up teaching English as a second language. :icon_cheesygrin:

If my calculations are correct, there will be at least 60

Offline China Shark

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2009, 10:15:50 am »
Well the Shark has been here a little over  6 months here teaching English.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Neil

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2009, 10:46:37 am »
My boss told me if I don't come back, I shouldn't ever come back because he'll kill me... irresistible as chocolate

Offline Joshua Smith

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2009, 01:09:13 pm »
I'm moving either to Jessie's home city of Guangzhou or to Shenzhen to find a job there. My Chinese mei mei (Nicole) has brought to my attention a possible job for Jess in Shenzhen so if she gets a job there, I'll definitely be moving to Shenzhen. With my good friend Michael a few door steps away, things will be great! Jessie is a bit of a drinker. Nothing too bad. She only drinks rarely. She was a little typsy on one of our mic conversations before. She was adorable lol

Ok back on topic, when will I be moving to China, it all depends if I can get a job there that's willing to pay for my plane ticket and get me a work visa. I have some outstanding loans out right now I'd like to get back too before I leave. About $2000.00 worth. ideally, I'd like to be in China just before Christmas at the latest if I have to pay my own way there. But my salary is low and saving is slow. If I do this on my own, there's actually a good chance I can't do this until next year. :( :-/ :(
"I'm somewhere where I don't know where I am."   ~ Homer Simpson ~
"Everything is something."   ~ Marge Simpson ~

Offline MLM

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2009, 01:12:39 pm »
Well Zhou and I will be going back to China in about 5 to 7 years if I can find some one to buy the buisness, as far as working I won't have to I will be close enough to retirement that it won't matter, we already have a house there( Okay a condo type thing, 2 floors) so I'll be seeing you guys that decide to live there around the year 2014 or 2016.
We will be in Fujian, Xianmen so if you all have the time drop by.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 01:15:00 pm by MLM »

Offline Tiztom

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2009, 01:14:28 pm »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='8906' dateline='1247924635'

Hi guy's just thought I would start this up, after reading loads and loads of posts, in here, in facebook, and on the official; site, I noticed that there are loads of 'us' going to China to live.

I thought it would be interesting to see, how may are definetly going, and what job they intend getting..

I will start.
Moving to Qingdao in November 2009...
Taking up teaching English as a second language. :icon_cheesygrin:

If my calculations are correct, there will be at least 60

Wouldn't you need to learn English as a first language:icon_cheesygrin: It's ok mate, only taking the piss, I'm half Jock myself.

I'm going To Changsha next month for 4 weeks, "if" all turns out ok I'll probably work there 3 months on 3 months off teaching English. Once I've established I've been with a woman for long enough it will make the immigration process easier.


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2009, 01:39:56 pm »
Hehe Tom....That's exactly what all my English friends have said when I told them heheh:icon_cheesygrin:

Joshua I got a contract sent through to me from a University in Jinan (I think it was), in it (and on the Teaching site), the contracts usually say Air Ticket will be paid for, however, I think that it will be at the end of your  first year, maybe Shark could clear this up.

I usually read through the jobs information to see about that....If the contract I recieved mentioned that they would pay thr flight up front, I would be there in September...:icon_cheesygrin:

MM my keren moved to a new house last week, never thought about asking her if she bought it or if it's rented, I do know she got half the money for her last house when she divorced, they sold it and halved the money.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 01:43:24 pm by Scottish_Rob »

Offline China Shark

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2009, 11:09:39 am »
Josh, Rob is right it after you complete your year contract that you get reimbursed for the air fare. Just gave you a real good plug with my friend and supervisor at the small training center I work at. Don't sweat the job part here, plenty of work if you want it. This summer is going to be nothing but working, eating and sleeping. Figure I'll be clocking an average of 40 - 50 hours which incidently is a lot of hours combined with traveling time. But the money is good and I think it is a relatively easy job. Girls are going to take a backseat to making money for a bit. However, one of my beginner students is really anxious to get to know me much better. She looks 23 yet is 32, incredibly cute and beautiful and is really into and did I mention probably comes from a wealthy family in Beijing. I promised myself I really won't date her seriously until after I'm finished teaching her in a few weeks. Teaching gig gives you a lot of opportunity to meet single eligible women. See guys I knew what I was was doing when I decided to move here.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2009, 11:15:35 am »
'...See guys I knew what I was was doing when I decided to move here.'

LOL That does not surprise me Mike LOL:angel:

How is the dating scene going these days mate???


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2009, 02:27:16 am »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='9068' dateline='1248016535'

'...See guys I knew what I was was doing when I decided to move here.'

LOL That does not surprise me Mike LOL:angel:

How is the dating scene going these days mate???

Rob, I had a lady write to me and said she had an apartment we could stay in.  I'm not planning to move to china, as I haven't lost anything there (yet).  However, what do you have to do to move there and are the jobs low paying jobs?  Wonder if they have horse ranchs there?  I train horses, well sort of.  Mostly run my own ranch, but you know what I am talking about.


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2009, 05:43:57 am »
Rocky, the wages for teaching come in varying structures, the more experienced you are or the longer your there the higher the wage as far as i can tell.  It also does not matter if you have a Tesol or teaching certificate, some places will take you because of your life's experience (like me) or as long as your a native English speaker,some will offer to put you through your certificate while you are there.  The offer I got from Jinan (Shandong Province) was 4000 yuan a month, an apartment, air fares, 3 meals a day, telephone, internet and computer, bonus if work extra hours.  I have to pay for phone calls, electricity, water, gas, rent (15 yuan a week).  The weekly wage is 1000 Yaun which is about £100.00 (Uk) but as you can see, what have I to spend it on, remember the cost of living there is very inexpensive.  I smoke, but don't drink, so anything I save will be a bonus, because I could never do this so far, when i have money in my pocket, I have to spend it lol.  

I joined teaching site and another one(which I can't remember the name of just now but will get it too you (Tikka something I think). I had the trip planned from January this year, so some collages and Universities contacted me, but I also looked through the list of these sites and 'sent' to them, showing an interest in there place with a covering letter explaining when I was going.

So that is the apartment sorted, work sorted and now planning on our wedding, talking of having your lady with you, if you have a wife, they want to know if she will be living with you, she would pay a small percentage for rent AND food.  I am an ex jockey so I know what you mean about horses mate, Keren said that they do have places for horses, but I think they would be on the outskirts of the city, I already asked her about this.  Good luck mate, anything else you need to know just ask Pm if you want or on the board.:icon_biggrin:
« Last Edit: August 06, 2009, 05:48:37 am by Scottish_Rob »


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2009, 07:49:33 pm »
Well guys as you know I thought I would update you all, (as if I haven't already:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:)

Anyway it looks like I will be taking an offer up in Handan in Hebei Province.   I had various offers to look through but with only 9 days before I go I have decided to go for the one in Handan.  There is a really good reason for this. The lady I am currently in talks with lives there.  Now if that's not a good reason I don't know what is?

I am having a holiday in Qingdao for a week before I go tho, the school knows this, so all is cool. :angel:
And I do believe that I will behave myself:dodgy: *thinking to my self* now whats Willie's phone number for viagra?

I have never been abroad, and if truth be told, I have never even contemplated it.  12 and a half months ago if anyone would have said to me, "you will be going to China to live", I would have got them certified.  I was never a great saver, but once I decided to put my arse in gear, I done it.  It has been a struggle, but in all intent and purposes a good struggle.

Maybe I should not really say anymore about Keren here and leave that portion of my life back there, but, if it was not for her, this journey would NEVER be taking place, so I guess I will always be thankful to her in some respects.


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2009, 10:46:35 pm »

It is good to look on the sunny side.

Sorry Chong and Ronan nothing implied.


Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2009, 11:37:04 pm »
Greetings Brothers,

Well Rob, nice to see you are coming to Handan.  Unfortunately by the time you get here I will have gone to Wuhu to teach so I wont have the chance to meet you when you arrive.  However Zhen and I wil probably travel back to Handan when school breaks permit so we can get together then.

Also just a note there is a French Canadian by the name of Rene here in Handan that I met at the agency.  He will be here for several months.  Maybe the agency can arrange a meet for you guys then you can have someone who speaks english to talk with while the ladies are chatting.

As for travel to Handan, if you go from beijing the easiest way is by bullet train, it takes 3 hours with only a very brief stop along the way.  Coming from Qingdao I have no clue but the train system is good or get a local flight to Handan airport.  Problem is the Handan airport is brand new and doesnt show up on the online booking sites yet.  I know they are accepting flights because you can go from Handan to Shanghai.

Good luck with the vacation and life in Handan,  I hope everything works outr with you and the Lady.  Dont forget to go to the Agency, they are fantastic and probably your best source of help and advice in Handan.


Zhen and Brian


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RE: Moving to China
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2009, 05:22:52 pm »
Rob, I am a master scuba instructor through PADI, and while in the school, the instructor told us that when we are teaching classes, the single (and married) women look upon you as a "scuba god" and will through affections your way.  He told us to be very careful as you can ether get laid a lot or get in trouble a lot.  In your case you'll be an "english god" and you will have many many girls hit on you.  Be careful and don't get  Mostly this happens with girls that are infatuated with you, so don't look for serious relations there, as soon as the year is over, so are boyfriends and husbands are a hassel if they find  I had to take a whole class on this in that school and sometimes it's really good, other times not so good.  But in ether case, best of luck and I'll be keeping in touch with you to see how things are going.  I'm thinking along these lines myself.  I didn't think the money was all that great, but when you add in all the extra's (providing you get them) it's not so bad for a retired person like me, or a young stud like
Do they pay for your trip back to the US or UK when you get that 30 leave? That is providing you are coming back to teach agian? and by the way, the above only apply's to adult teaching, if your not in luck, you will be teaching kindergarden thru highschool.  That may not be too much fun.  How many hour's a week? (17) is what I heard.
Visit your girlfriend first on your holiday when you get there.  Most important!  perhaps you two after a while can share an apartment...
Anyway, good luck and keep us up to date.
And by the way, don't know if I'd trust them to take care of a horse, he could end up on someones dinner table...and DON'T EAT
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 05:26:48 pm by rockycoon »