All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

Love letters and poems


I wasn't sure where to put these so here we are.
I wrote this to Zhou after I had visited her the first time.

You're the world to me--
there's no one quite like you.
You're the one I love,
the one I want to touch.
I give you my heart,
and I need you so much.
Offer me your sweet caresses;
fill me with your wonderful light;
soothe my aching heart;
and hold me through the night.
The mere sound of your voice
summons deep emotion within
Like an old familiar song
like the comfort of a friend.
When you're near,
I'm lost to thoughts of love
as you touch me with a magic
that's as grand as stars above.
I want to hold your hand.
I hunger for your kiss.
Offer me sweet tidings
of true love's tender bliss.
I promise our love shall soar,
carried on the wings of a dove.
So give me your heart,
and bless me with your love.

this I found a very long time ago and to this day I don't know who wrote it.


--- Quote from: 'Michael L. Maines' pid='8970' dateline='1247956646' ---
this I found a very long time ago and to this day I don't know who wrote it.

--- End quote ---

Michael , and here I was thinking that YOU wrote this , untill I seen the above sentence . Hey , it's never too late to start writing your own . I waited 55 year's to start .:blush:

As  soon as I unearth some of mine I will post them for you Arnold, and I give permission for any one to use them if they so wish

Hahahaha .... now I know where Hajo found his !!! Inside that big hole in his Livingroom .:icon_cheesygrin:


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