Author Topic: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?  (Read 8130 times)

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2009, 05:52:47 am »
That's a great update Paul.

But you forgot to mention to keep your eyes open when you're walking, I don't know about the rest of China but the sidewalks in Wuhan were a nightmare what with the stinky stuff, the water, the dripping washing, the random piles of masonry and unexplained potholes! Not that the roads were any safer of course! After dark the lack of street lighting was scary.

I also didn't think that things in China were that cheap. The trip up the Yangtze wasn't cheap. The 3 Gorges Dam gift shop had outrageous prices considering there were only 2 westerners visiting. There were shopping malls in Yichang where even this capitalist pig gasped at the prices. Ha! No wonder I was about their only customer.

I didn't have too much problems with plumbing, although the 4 star hotel in Yichang only had hot water for part of my stay. I did want to go to the loo on the boat trip, but the only loo was in a temple place and there was no toilet paper (it's OK I brought some) and no door on the cubicles (yikes!). I see now why you're advised to take an umbrella everywhere!

My lady told me that the pollution in Wuhan was bad, and it was. But in her home town of Yichang it was worse! Ha! Coal fired power stations and rice stubble burning are in my opinion even worse than factory toxins.

As to the original topic of this thread, well I must say that Beijing airport is so good that I reckon that the rest of the sites in the city could be a disappointment. I mean, there is a little train that connects the different parts of the terminal building, how cool is that!? And all of the female airport shop and security staff appear to be ex-models :fi_lone_ranger:.


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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2009, 05:26:47 pm »
and walking when it rains with everyone holding an
  umbrella is quite hazardous to your wellbeing. but
 overall its still a great experience

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2009, 03:17:13 pm »
About Beijing, I'll use your contact, Arnold, because I'll visit the Great Wall and many other places with Lyian, in February.
But I'd just like to know how cold it can be over there in February...
I've checked last week the weather in Beijing/Chengde, and it was -7° at morning for Beijing, while -17° in Chengde...
Too cooooooooooldddddddddddddd :icon_cheesygrin:
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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2009, 06:36:25 pm »
temp in february  is anywere between 5 and 35 degrees
so it will be a little chilly weather still going on there
that is in f  not c for the temps

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2009, 07:26:53 pm »
Hi Sylvain,

When I was in Beijing in February, it went down to -10.  If you bring a winter jacket, you should be fine, but be prepared for wind...the cold you can deal with...the wind at that time is really bad (although it does keep the air clean)
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Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2009, 03:36:28 am »
Thanks for the comments, Tt' and mustfocus :)
Maybe will I see once arrived in Beijing, to buy a winter jacket, with Lyian. Or maybe will I take one from France.. I'll see :)
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Offline JimB

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2009, 12:27:52 pm »
Like mustfocus said, it gets pretty darn cold in Beijing in February.  Winter jacket and gloves warm socks and boots are the uniform of the day.  I am also going in February, But will spend most of the time in Wuhan to see inlaws. (Not my favorite city).  Anyway good luck and have fun.
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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2009, 07:04:31 am »
I loved Wuhan, as an aspiring travel photographer it was just a dream to go somewhere almost completely unknown to Westerners.

I don't know what else there is to do though, once you've seen the Yangtze and been up the Yellow Crane tower you've pretty much covered all the tourist sights. Apparently there is a good night market, but Wuhan was way bigger than I imagined and I never made it that far.

Wuhan Zoo is great, it's only about 20RMB to go in and there's a naughty monkey who has learned to splash water over the human visitors!!!

Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2009, 04:59:45 pm »
Thanks, JimB ;)
hav'fun too
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 05:00:13 pm by Sylvain D »
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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2009, 07:52:27 pm »
Hey, the temp today is 1C.  Visability is very limited due to smog.  Wind chill makes warm coat, gloves, and hat a must.  The real concern is the quality of air.  buzz

Vince G

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #25 on: November 26, 2009, 11:11:07 pm »
I think the cold weather from Guangzhou came across to here? Weather changed today from 80 degrees F to low 70's degrees (21.1 degree) with 50 degree (10 degree) at night?


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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2009, 12:17:43 am »

You are right.  High today was 61 and will drop to 35 tonight.  Last night my heated decided to bite the dust so we are all wrapped up waiting for service tomorrow. It sounds like it is a simple fix in cleaning the orifice. Now I know what my sweetheart was going through.

What the heck this has to so with Beijing; I don't know.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 12:18:42 am by shaun »

Paul Todd

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2009, 01:11:44 am »
Beijing could be a capital of all sorts of scams: scenic cab rides from the airport, fake ATMs and fake money, fake companies and online businesses and even fake baozi. I believe that if you get scammed, it’s all your fault for being so naive and trusting in foreign country.So read on !

There are three main variations of this scam as well as many spin-offs employed all over China, not only in Beijing.

The Teahouse Scam:
The Scammers: Usually college age girls, wearing casual clothes, with pretty good English language skills.

The Approach: “Hi, where are you from?” , “That’s a nice country …blah blah blah”, “Can you help me practice English?” “Let’s go have some tea while we chat, I know a place”

The Take: At the “Tea House” you get to drink some tea (you don’t get to see the menu, since the girls recommend which tea to drink) and watch the “traditional Chinese tea drinking ritual”. In the end you get presented with a bill which is usually around 1000RMB (~150USD) or more. With a lot of arguing and yelling you can get away with paying less than the actual bill (a major sign of a scam), but your whole China experience could be ruined.

The Art Gallery Scam:
The Scammers: Once again college age girls or guys, posing as art students, exceptional English skills.

The Approach: “Hi, where are you from?”, “Have you traveled around China much?”, “I’m an art student and my professor is having an Art exhibition today.”, “The Gallery is just around the corner and if you come with me I can get you in for free!”

The Take: You end up at some crappy studio, with mediocre paintings at best. While you’re looking at the paintings the high pressure sales pitch begins (think timeshare sales or any pyramid scheme agents). They try to sell you the paintings for more than 200USD, but even if you bargain it down to 20USD, you’re still getting ripped off. In fact they don’t want to let you go until you buy at least a couple of hideously overpriced “art pieces”.

The Tour Guide Scam:
The Scammers: Practically any Chinese person at a major tourist location, from young hot girls to old but wise men.

The Approach: “Cheap (or sometimes free) tour guide, I’ll show you the places most tourist don’t know of.”

The Take: After a brief “tour” of whatever tourist destination you get lured into:

a) A Teahouse or a restaurant that the guide sincerely recommends since it’s a “unique Chinese experience”,

b) An Art Gallery or a souvenir shop of sorts with astronomical prices and skilled salespeople.

c) The two  above.

Like I said there are many variations of these scams, some done more “professionally” while some have “scam” written all over them. Don’t fall for their fake kindness and compliments. Just say “No“, no matter how sad they pretend to be when you reject them. Remember, you live in the real world, if you’re a 50-year-old something and a 18-year-old girl seems interested in you, it’s not because you’re a handsome foreigner, it’s because she wants something from you! Although I’m sure there are exceptions to the rule.

If you are tempted just keep your eyes open and look for the signs. and while there are millions of nice and friendly people in China, chances are that the person, who stops you at Wangfujing or Tiananmen Square, is not one of them. Personally I like to have fun with these people and with a bit of creativity and if your in the mood you can just reverse it up on them. Use it as a great way to practice your Mandarin for free, belive me they will be very attentive and when the BS line comes out just look at your watch and say sorry, I'm late for an appointment it was really nice talking with you:icon_cheesygrin:.Just how long can you keep them talking?:icon_cheesygrin:  So enjoy your China experience and use your head.

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2009, 07:44:56 pm »
Question 1: I don't remember which terminal I landed at the first time (CX was the airline...but not sure if that helps).  It was pretty spartan there and I was met immediately outside by one of my cousin's friends.  But T3 was pretty nice behind customs.  It was flowing quite nicely.  HOWEVER, it was pretty spartan when you got into the visitor area. :)

Question 2: I didn't see any exchange booths when I got out (see above), however I would always carry some RMB on you at all times.  Not necessarily a lot, but enough to get you into the city.

One thing you could do, instead of going by taxi is take the subway.  There is a line dedicated to the airport.  On the road, it's a long ride from the airport into the could save some by getting into the city first.  There should be an ATM somewhere within throwing distance of the subway.
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Paul Todd

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2009, 09:22:52 pm »
Hi Scott,

I've never used T2 but I landed at T3 in September. Really easy to get through, just follow the signs and hop on the train to pick up your bags, you can't go wrong.I used the money exchange booth that's situated just after customs and before you walk out into the arrivals hall,very convenient.
There are  ATM machines distributed on 2 and 3  floors of T3, Here's a map!  and this is the airport website
 Have a great trip,:icon_cheesygrin:

Ming Zhi, Paul