Author Topic: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?  (Read 8133 times)

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2009, 10:10:44 am »
Terminal 3 is a wonderous Norman Foster designed building, and I loved the little train that connects the two parts of the building. It is incredibly easy to follow the signage. I guess there would be ATMs there.

All first time visitors to China should watch out for fake taxis from the airports!

Offline Irishman

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2009, 12:03:02 pm »
T2 and T3 are linked, its easy to walk from one to the other, just follow the signs. Is a fair distance, maybe a ten minute walk. Don't go outside if you can avoid it - 1) Horrible air quality and 2) its freezing this time of year!

T1 you have to get a bus to/from which takes about 20 minutes but is free.

There are atms all over, just have a look at the wall maps which are in English and Chinese. Bank Of China tends to have the best rate but for me in Guangzhou would only let me take out 2,500 RMB at a time whereas others let me take out 3000RMB. My visa card company charges me to withdraw cash so I'm a tight wad and notice these little details!

Pickpockets are everywhere, put your wallet in your pocket and keep your hand there too, or better yet, give it to your lady to take care of.
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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2009, 03:47:10 pm »
I have landed at both and seemed the same to me.  ATM's at both.  I have used the bus between terminals and they are quick and efficient.  Dont worry too much about Taxi's.  Just take the ones that look like taxi's and you will be ok.  I am sure you know the rest.   if your lady will be with you she will surely be able to show you around. You read my posts, so you know everything i saw when I was there.  Any other questions, just ask.
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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #33 on: December 07, 2009, 03:54:32 pm »
I guess an unofficial taxi will be as knocked about as the official ones will be, the only difference will be the price of the journey :icon_cheesygrin:. As always, make sure you have your hotel's address written in hanzi characters.

I found most things quite straightforward to do in China, EXCEPT for changing foreign currency. Mind you, I did go to a city where foreigners weren't just rare, they did not exist at all :s.

I found flight punctuality at Beijing very questionable, but I'm not sure if this is usual :icon_confused:.

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RE: Anybody going to Beijing .. to Sight-see ?
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2009, 08:03:18 pm »
It depends on which bus lines you're taking and where the hotel is.  All I can say is that taking the bus when I took it was a long and confusing affair.  Of course, I arrived quite late as well (around 7pm), but what the heck. :)  Never got to try the subway, but I'm thinking it would be easier.  You also get more legroom (those buses from the airport are CRAMPED for a 6' guy)
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