The email address they use, is the same one, that you can pay 2 credits for on the chnlove profile, when available. Some need that email address, because of the distance they live from the agency, or that they have their own or work computer, and choose to communicate with the agency via the computer. eg, receive translated EMF's /Emails, etc,etc.
All as far as i know, will be a Yahoo address, with the ladies profile name and a number. (not the profile number)
As i have pointed out in other posting, these email addresses are controlled by the agency, and are therefore not private. all correspondence from men will go through the normal translation process before being sent on to the lady. If the lady in question doesn't need the translation service, because of an adequate knowledge of English, the emails will still be monitored by the agency translator.
Hope that this gives a clearer understanding of how some of the ladies communicate/ keep in touch, with there agency's.....