Author Topic: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15  (Read 11793 times)

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Offline Josh Markley

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2009, 06:47:15 pm »
Well I hope Hajo Is doing well since we have not heard from him.
QQ 859407630

Offline Hajo

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2009, 08:31:10 pm »
Hi Guys. I know you have been waiting for while. Now I am in Beijing and living at cloud number seven. I wish you well!! :icon_cheesygrin:

I took of from Denmark July 31 at 17.45 local time. The flight to Amsterdam was no problem (1 hour). Two hours later I was on my plane to Beijing. There we had a yelling guy. After an hour or so they moved him, so I could not see him anymore. The flight to Beijing was an overnight flight (9 hours). After we had our meals they shut off the lights and we slept a little. All together I slept 6 hours I guess. Beside me was Italian guy. I had the feeling he was in a rollercoaster; he rolled from one side to other continuously.

Arrived in Beijing, I went through the health check and claimed my bag. There was a lady from China Southern Airlines to take us to Domestic Departures. Very positive impression on China Southern Airlines. Sunday the August 1. at 18.40 I arrived at Urumchi Airport. After the Bagage claim I went to the arrival hall. A few seconds later, somebody ticked my shoulder. There she was, I hugged her at once. She was a little shy, but she looked more beautiful then I expected. Then I found out she was not alone, her older sister and her brother in law were there too.

We drove from the airport through the city to her home. In the city they showed me some of the police/military guards. They are placed close to the most critical areas and others go patrol. As we arrived at her home I took a shower and rested a little. Vicky prepared some food. That was very delicious. After the meal we talked helped by a little translator without voice. She speaks a lot of Chinese to me as I have proven to understand a little. I am also anxious to learn, but it is not that easy to learn, hehe. Maybe I will go to China some day, you never know. But when we arrive in Denmark, Vicky will start learning Danish.

After a couple of hours I went to bed because I was tired. I felt asleep at once. I woke up at 8.30 in the morning, Vicky came up a little later. We had to go to the police station to get me registered. But we have to come again tomorrow. After that we went for breakfast. Noodles, a big bowl for 4 RMB each and it tasted very good. I could get used to it.

Then we went to the city to get me single certificate translated and took pictures for the “Red book”. Then we went to the bank to withdraw a little cash. I did not take to much cloth with me, because I figure we will need to carry a lot when travelling to Denmark. I did not take short trousers or T-shirts, just light shirts. Vicky did not like it because I will sweat to much. I agreed on buying some cloth for me. She took me to shop with Nike, addidas and brands. I told she should choose. I would like to know the type of cloth she would pick for me. Well, we found some pants and shirts. I saw the prices and told I only had withdrawn 1000 RMB. She said she would pay for it. I could not say much because of the language barrier. So, arguing was out of the question.

After that we went home again. Shortly after that Vicky received a call that the translation had been done. She is on her way to pick it up now. Yes, yes I know, you guys are curious about the affection and so on. We have touched each other a little but not more, and I will not push it. Tomorrow we will get married and we will see. I do not know for the rest of the day as it is very hot outside, 35 degrees Celcius.

Vicky takes some food home when she gets back and then we will see. But for now, I am a very happy chap and these are my holidays. So I do what I supposed too, RELAX!!! Hehe.

Well, after a while Vicky came home again. She brought some rice and salad (delicious). After the meal, she told me that her oldest sister had invited for dinner at 20.00 o’clock. That was 3 hours from now. Vicky took rested a little while I practiced my Chinese a little. Even so I just can say Zai Jian, ni hao, xie xie and mei you wenti (no problem), it gives great credit.

A little later we went to the restaurant. That was a new experience for me. Instead of one large room, the have smaller rooms with a table and TV, enough space for the family. Not bad, then you can dinner in private. When the family arrived, we exchanged greetings and they ordered food. We got many different things like duck, chicken, beef, noodles and hot pot like meal. Great taste. They talked a lot, I did not understand a half of it, but it was fun anyway.

After the meal, the family invited us to there home. As we arrived there, they served some tea, as Vicky has told them I like tea very much. It was Kong fu tea, probably a little expensive I think. It comes in a big box that contains three smaller tin boxes. These boxes contain ten small bags of tea with 20 or 30 grams each (I do not now how many ounces that is). But it is a very fine packaging and the tea has a wonderful flavour.

Today (Monday), we are invited for lunch after the registration and before we shall go to Beijing. I will try homemade Dumplings.

Well, as the most of you know, I think a lot! I did again, after two failed marriages I do not want to fail again. There was an incident at work that made think of work instead of Vicky while flying here. But these one and a half days I have been here, I have thought a lot. I cannot find any strange feelings and that was what I was mostly afraid of. I feel happy and relaxed when I am with Vicky. I believe, I have found the one!

About the affection, I know some are very interested in to know what happened so far, hehe. Even though we are getting married/registered today, there has been no kissing or anything. A little hug yesterday and soon today as we have made an agreement to start the day with a hug. When we sit on the sofa, we sit close and we touch each other once in a while. After dinner yesterday, Vicky took my arm. That’s it until now. And it doesn’t bother that hasn’t been more, because I am fallen in for her and that is the most important for me. Everything else will come by itself. To be honest, if I had met her on the street in real life without knowing her, I would never considered her as my partner. Getting to know Vicky through her letters, made me fall for her personality and I am very happy for that.

Ok, let’s get married!

The registration was no problem. Everything went smooth and Vicky’s oldest sister came by the registration office to say hello. But she left pretty fast again. She is not too happy with the situation it seems. She didn’t say much and left soon again. Time will tell.

After the registration to the notary office to get the documents translated and notarised. Vicky has done the preparations very well. She knew where to go, which papers we needed and so on. I was very pleased.

Then we went home to pack and then we went to her second sister (called the good sister). This time they had invited for lunch (homemade) dumplings. The good sister and her daughter are going to Beijing too. We are going on the same plane. Big sister is watching, hehe! Well, they are very nice people.

Arrived in Beijing, we get picked by a friend of the family. She takes us to small restaurant where we get some noodles. After that to the hotel and that was it for this Monday. Oh yes, there was wedding night, but you get no details here, hehe.

Tuesday morning we got up early. Vicky’s friend picks us up and takes us to embassy. Luckily Vicky had gathered the right information, so this process went almost smooth. I did not fill out the papers at home; therefore I stood there in the hot room with all the other applicants and filled out the papers. Then we hit for the hotel again. We came in late yesterday and early up again this morning. We needed some extra sleep.

In the afternoon, Vicky’s phone rang. It was the Danish Embassy, Vicky’s visa is granted. I am, no we are so happy. I consider myself what we call “A lucky potato” in Denmark. No we have to see if we can get tickets for Vicky for the same flights as I have. Hooray, my little wife is going home with me! I had feared that we had to stay at the airport and say good-bye there. Luckily we don’t.

In the afternoon the friend and the good sister came by and we went for some meal. A little tour to the park and that was it for that day.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Offline JimB

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2009, 08:48:04 pm »
GREAT NEWS HAJO!!!  I am so very happy for you. Congratulations brother.  It makes me smile so very much to have a wonderful thing like this happen and she gets to go home with you!  How all of us wish that would happen for us.  The intimate details need not be described, we can all use our imaginations. lol.  Do not worry about the bad sister.  She will come around once she knows you really love her sister and will take care of her.  That is all she is probably worried about.  Again this is great!!!!  Good luck. i wish we could meet up in Beijing, but perhaps later.  Again, if you need anything or help.  Let me know.
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Offline Josh Markley

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2009, 09:27:49 pm »
Dun Dun Dun another on bites the dust and another one and another and another one bites the dust.  Congrats Hajo!!!  Your Trip has sounded like a dream.  So dont pinch yourself you might wake up.  I cant believe your immigration seamed so easy.  Im happy for you brother.  And dont worry about the bad sister, you have a great wife you should now be on cloud 9.  I agree with Jim we dont need to know the intimates details.  We all know your a married man.  I hope the rest goes seamless for you.
QQ 859407630


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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2009, 09:50:39 pm »
Congrats brother, pass our regards to your lady wife:angel:

But just one little thing puzzles me?

What the hell did you do with the spoon???:icon_cheesygrin:

Vince G

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2009, 10:35:43 pm »
Congratulations!  Now how do I become a citizen of Denmark so I can have it that easy too?

Offline Hajo

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2009, 10:45:35 pm »
Thank you guys! The spoon got stuck in Denmark, therefore I had to take the plane over here. Well Vince, I wish it was that easy for everybody. I feel very, very lucky! BTW, will you update our status? Ok folks, I got to go again.

BTW, traffic in China is really exiting. Sometimes I wish I had time to cross the main road all day. It would be more exciting then the best rollercoaster ROFL :icon_cheesygrin:
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Offline maxx

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2009, 11:56:42 pm »
Congradulations Hajo.Best wishes to you and Vicky.Like Josh says another one bites the dust.WOW

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #38 on: August 05, 2009, 12:26:42 am »
Congratulations to you and Vicky Hajo so nice to hear when things go smoothly!!  Let us hope that for the rest of your lives each day will bring you as much joy as this one has.

Best wishes to both of you,


Offline Sylvain D

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #39 on: August 05, 2009, 01:26:23 am »
Hajo, this is another real nice story we all can read and it is really nice to see you realized another dream.
Well, I just congrat you and I'm very happy for both of you.
There's nothing best to see than a "happy lucky potato" :)

Best wishes to both of you :)
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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2009, 03:03:03 am »
To Hajo and Vicky congratulations , it's great that everything has gone so smoothly for you , it is great that Vicky was so organised , this would have been a great help to you , all the best , Robert and Ying .:heart::heart:
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline Darius

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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2009, 06:44:28 am »
Hajo.... it took a load off our mind. Killing two birds with one stone, the marriage and bringing her home at one go. You lucky you.

Congrats brother, wishing the lovely pair Vicky and you a ...... " happily ever after "

Take care of her and have a great time.


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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2009, 08:37:31 am »
Hajo my German Buddy . As I was not in the best of Mood , due to Michael's Banning . But reading your Story of how well things are going for you and Vicky so far and get to take her home with you too . Put a smile on my Face that is as wide as your's . Hehe .
You are not only a Lucky Potato your a Lucky Kraut as well . I'm enjoying this almost as much as you are .


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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #43 on: August 05, 2009, 08:59:33 am »

Your a bit of an old softy at heart aren't you? ... hahaha!!



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RE: Urumqi/Beijing August 1 – 15
« Reply #44 on: August 05, 2009, 09:18:11 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='11061' dateline='1249477173'


Your a bit of an old softy at heart aren't you? ... hahaha!!


Hahaha , what ever gave you that Idea ?