Author Topic: My Translator Friend , little corner .  (Read 16862 times)

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #45 on: August 22, 2009, 12:03:24 am »
Well , I see this with my Friend is working out so far . Thats great !

I have another " ACE " up my sleeve . Qing and I also write to OUR translator ( via Yahoo Messenger and MSN ) which is a Woman . If this works out as I hoped it would , I will ask her also to join . This would certainly help us , getting the Woman's point of view ... about all this more so .

This is a reward for being nice . Haha

Offline David E

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #46 on: August 22, 2009, 01:52:34 am »
Greetings Mr Chinese Knot :):)

Question ??

Can you comment on how accurately the translators are with the words the Women send us in replies to our letters. Would translators "add" a little flavour of their own ??? Are there any Internal checks and balances inside Agencies to make sure that translators are only passing on ACTUAL words used by the Women ??

Thanks...when you have time :):)


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #47 on: August 22, 2009, 07:55:40 am »
Mr. Chinese Knot,

I am having a bit of trouble with my translator, I think.  First I sent her messages at the end of my letter and she gave me several ideas.  She suggested a web-cam chat but the woman I am talking with say's no.  Time constraints are an issue.  I asked for an email address, the answer is no.  I asked for natural photo again for a long time, no; then I got one.

The translator, a female, then got to the point where she didn't answer back.  I contacted Chnlove. They have me a email address to send questions to.  Well, the translator answered one email and then ignored them.  Three times I have contacted Chnlove and I am assuming she has become quite upset with me.  Two days ago I contacted Chnlove and the translator answered one of the three emails.  She tells me that this is her private email and that she will answer if communicate through Chnlove.  First if that is true then why did Chnlove give me the email address?

I cannot find a way to communicate with the translator without losing credits.

Thank you being here to answer questions,



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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #48 on: August 22, 2009, 09:19:06 am »

Wow!! .... i can understand your frustration now!!  I think i would hope for a little more consideration from the lady i was communicating with, than this lady is giving you.... One thing, i will point out, they rarely give out the ladies private email address. they only normally give you her agency email, which will be her name, and a 3 digit number, virtually all are addresses. These agency email addresses, are exactly the same as EMF's except your not paying chnlove credits, so they are translated both ways as usual.
The agency email address, actually forms part of her contract with the agency, which is why the ladies initial
Fee is high. (translation costs) . If i were you Shaun, i would demand that you are transferred on to that email service, especially as your lady is not making communication with her, exactly easy for you.....

Lets see what Chinese Knot has to say about it ??

« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 09:19:21 am by David5o »

Offline Chinese Knot

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2009, 12:23:02 pm »
Quote from: 'sameldrum1' pid='13482' dateline='1250716076'

Maybe I missed it, but could you just say if you are male or female, and also what city and province you are working in.  Also, are you a translator for an agency, or a manager of the agency, or something else?

Thank you,


Hello Scott

Now it's your question , I am a young man rather than a female, hehe . Just as my friend Arnold told you that I work in out of Beijing , but truly speaking , I usually work in other cities because of the busy work , At  the same time , I  am also responsible for training and recruiting workers . Nice to talk to you , Scott !

Good Luck !:heart:
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='13739' dateline='1250859191'

Hi, Chinese Knot and welcome.

Recently I read a post in the Chnlove forum. I wondered why either nobody picked up on it or if the translator knows? or if the story is false to begin with? This man wrote that he wrote this woman (1 or 2 EMF's) and she had asked him for his email address so she could send him nude photos of her? I know this goes on in other websites and the scam behind it? But I wondered how the translator let this get past him? This is also the reason I thought maybe it was a false story. Could this have happen?

Hello Vince G

Thanks for your note and hope everything is going well with you . As for the post you mentioned , truly speaking , I have never seen this thing before , I am not sure whether it is real or false ,  in my opinion , they can not ask the email address and send the nude photos actively according to the Chinese culture and custom even  though some Chinese ladies has a open mind , we can not think of the reason , so just as what you have said it may be a false story .  

Thanks . Good Luck ! :heart:
Quote from: 'Buzz' pid='13753' dateline='1250868167'

Hello Chinese Knot;

Would it be possible for you or other translators you know, provide this forum with a viewpoint from the ladies side of the dating world.  For example, what are we doing right, and what do we need to improve upon.  From what I am reading, we men want natural pictures, e-mail, and web cam communication rather quickly.  What are the ladies expectations on these issues?  In other threads we are looking at a first visit success rate of between 30 and 40%.  What do you see in your observations that we can do to improve our success rate?  Do you observe that many different men make the same mistakes?  You are in a great position to bridge the gap between the western men and the Chinese ladies and help both sides reach their goal of a successful happy marriage.

  Thanks,  buzz

Hello Buzz

Thanks for your questions and  I think there are some other people who also want to know the viewpoint of the ladies when they communicate with the men . Well , I would love to tell you some ideas of mine , you are right , men want natural pictures ,email and webcam talking , but the ladies also want to see the real man ,including their natural face and  I think they would want to see the men' face through the webcam. However , the ladies also have their own worries . They worry about the men' sincerity and honesty . Because sometimes one man talk to many ladies in one time when they get the ladies email address . Of course , I hope all the people are serious for their searching rather than playing games or wasting time for each other .

As for the success rate , I would love to say the two people will see each other's profile before their talking , though sometimes the profiles are  a little different from the reality ,but not too much difference. What's more , no matter the male or femal , they know what kind of people they want to find , if they think the people are not right  ,I think they will not talk more ,let alone the first meeting . When the two people decide to meet , I think the success rate is 50% , the rest you need to take your efforts when you spend the time together with the ladies . We know there are difference between the internet world and the real life . I mean the important steps for the two people is to talk to face to face. They need to exchange more ideas when they meet in person . If they feel comfotable , I am sure both of the two people want to furthur their relationship .

 As for the same mistakes that different men made during the meeting , I just want to say because we have different cultures ,custom and languages , the men would better learn more Chinese culture and custom when they decide to find a Chinese wife . I often tell the female and male members about western and Chinese culture and custom,then they will know much knowledge about western and China , this will help the two people know how to respect and treat each other when they meet ,and so we can avoid some mistakes . Now that the two people choose foreigners as their wife and husband , they do need to exchange and learn from each other .

Well, Buzz , hope you are satisfied with my answers , it is a little late here again , if you want , we can talk more in the near future .

Good Luck !:heart:
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 01:15:33 pm by Chinese Knot »


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #50 on: August 22, 2009, 01:23:41 pm »
Ahhh ... Chinese Knot , so you do sleep sometimes as well ? hahaha
It really is my Pleasure to read your answer's of Our Brother's question's . I am never finished learning " Anything " about China and their Costums .
Zhen de hen xie-xie ni !


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #51 on: August 22, 2009, 04:09:23 pm »
Chinese Knot thank you for taking the time to answer these questions..

I am getting married to this lady in November, but I have a question for you, early in my relationship with my lady, I got called by another mans name twice in the same letter, I accepted the reason for this, but now on a few occasions since then it has happened again.  My question is, 'do' the translators 'really' get confused by the amount of people they reply too? And 'does' the agency have a reprimand system for 'repeat' offenders?  I think what I am trying to ask is, 'Do the translators make many mistakes with names'?

Offline Chinese Knot

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #52 on: August 23, 2009, 06:01:50 am »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='13842' dateline='1250920354'

Greetings Mr Chinese Knot :):)

Question ??

Can you comment on how accurately the translators are with the words the Women send us in replies to our letters. Would translators "add" a little flavour of their own ??? Are there any Internal checks and balances inside Agencies to make sure that translators are only passing on ACTUAL words used by the Women ??

Thanks...when you have time :):)

Hello DavidE

I read your note last night , but it is too late , so I would love to answer your question today . It is very not in Beijing today , I just send an American people back to the hotel .

Well , you mentioned  how accurately the translators are with the words the Women send you in replies to your letters.  Frankly speaking , as a professional translator , they need to abide by the principle of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. As you know , language is used for communication ,the task of the translator needs to do his or her best to build the bridge between the two people who come from different cultures .

David , you also mentioned whether the translator add their own little flavor , I am sure this will happen . But as what I have said above ,the professional translator needs to abide by the principle of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, as if he or she can help the two people communicate honestly , I think the two people will talk to each other successfully , maybe there are some translators who like to  use more their own special words , but in my opinion , the translator needs to keep the faith for female and male members .

Yes, David , the agencies of Hong Kong has the Internal checks for the letters , but I think the important thing is that the translator can translate the words faithfully and elegantly based on the both sides' real meaning .

Well , this is my answer , if you have any other questions , please tell me again , I would love to exchange more with you .

Good Luck ! :heart:
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='13864' dateline='1250942140'

Mr. Chinese Knot,

I am having a bit of trouble with my translator, I think.  First I sent her messages at the end of my letter and she gave me several ideas.  She suggested a web-cam chat but the woman I am talking with say's no.  Time constraints are an issue.  I asked for an email address, the answer is no.  I asked for natural photo again for a long time, no; then I got one.

The translator, a female, then got to the point where she didn't answer back.  I contacted Chnlove. They have me a email address to send questions to.  Well, the translator answered one email and then ignored them.  Three times I have contacted Chnlove and I am assuming she has become quite upset with me.  Two days ago I contacted Chnlove and the translator answered one of the three emails.  She tells me that this is her private email and that she will answer if communicate through Chnlove.  First if that is true then why did Chnlove give me the email address?

I cannot find a way to communicate with the translator without losing credits.

Thank you being here to answer questions,


Hello Shaun

Thanks for your note and also sorry for the late reply . I read your note last day and remember your words . I would love to answer you as soon as I can , because it seems that you meet a big problem .

Firstly , you asked the email address , I think most ladies don't want to show their email to the men when the two people write to each other at the early time , because as I said before the ladies are afraid that the men are not sincere , they worried that the men can talk to many ladies one time if they get many free emails .  This is the ladies's worry .  But when the two people exchange ideas some days and  feel very comfortable for each other , I often suggest the ladies give their own private information though the agency doesn't want the ladies do that .  So this shows the two people needs to build the trust firstly . They need to talk to each other with their honest heart . After all , this is the life choice for both of them .

Secondly , you mentioned the translator , I am not sure her situation , maybe this is the meaning of that lady , or her own meaning ,or the agency's meaning . I don't know how long you talked to that lady and how is the relationship between both of you . If that lady think you are right for her , I think she would love to send you the natural pictures . If you think that lady is right for you ,you can continue to communicate with her . If not , maybe you can find other choice . Time moves so fast , I think you don't want to waste any time ,right ?  Wish everything is going well with your searching , if there are any other questions , please tell me .

Good Luck !:heart:
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 06:20:55 am by Chinese Knot »

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #53 on: August 23, 2009, 06:30:56 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='13870' dateline='1250947146'

One thing, i will point out, they rarely give out the ladies private email address. they only normally give you her agency email, which will be her name, and a 3 digit number, virtually all are addresses.

Hey David, I learnt something new from you today. My good woman has an email address just like that. I didn't know that even her private email address was something the agency set up for her. Fancy that! Now I think about it, it figures. From time to time I had sent her the odd email direct to her "private" email address and I sometimes wondered why I got no reply to this.

I think writing to her, through the agency has been good for my soul. You learn to be patient writing this way. It should be said, however, that if I wanted to learn to be patient I'd prefer to be doing it in a way and means of my own choosing. Digging a hole and then filling it up again, comes to mind *laughs*

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #54 on: August 23, 2009, 06:37:45 am »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='13897' dateline='1250961821'

Ahhh ... Chinese Knot , so you do sleep sometimes as well ? hahaha
It really is my Pleasure to read your answer's of Our Brother's question's . I am never finished learning " Anything " about China and their Costums .
Zhen de hen xie-xie ni !

Hello Again my good friend Arnold

Very nice to hear from you again , Yes,your Chinese is better and better , haha  , you never stop learning ,that's great . I am sure this will help you communicate with Qing easily in the near future . Have a great weekend !

Take care :heart:

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #55 on: August 23, 2009, 06:42:38 am »
Hello Chinese Knot

Thank you for the time you have taken to reply to some of our questions.

In one of your answers you have written that:

the men would better learn more Chinese culture and custom when they decide to find a Chinese wife . I often tell the female and male members about western and Chinese culture and custom,then they will know much knowledge about western and China , this will help the two people know how to respect and treat each other when they meet ,and so we can avoid some mistakes .

I am wondering what in particular you are referring to here. The word, "culture" can mean a lot of different things, depending on the context. I presume you mean the shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterise someone as a Chinese person, rather a Western person. What are the specific problems we can try to avoid in relation to culture?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 06:44:01 am by Danny »

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #56 on: August 23, 2009, 06:52:26 am »
Quote from: 'Scottish_Rob' pid='13905' dateline='1250971763'

Chinese Knot thank you for taking the time to answer these questions..

I am getting married to this lady in November, but I have a question for you, early in my relationship with my lady, I got called by another mans name twice in the same letter, I accepted the reason for this, but now on a few occasions since then it has happened again.  My question is, 'do' the translators 'really' get confused by the amount of people they reply too? And 'does' the agency have a reprimand system for 'repeat' offenders?  I think what I am trying to ask is, 'Do the translators make many mistakes with names'?

Hello Scottish_Rob

Now it is your question . Yes, I must admit the translator can make some mistakes sometimes,expecially the wrong names,  but if the translators are professional and careful when they translate the letters ,  they can prevent such mistakes . Maybe the translator who help you just had a daydream , haha , Of course , this ia a joke . I think that translator will be regreted when she sent the letter . I am very glad to hear that you will marry a Chinese lady , in my opinion , as long as the lady is right and honest for you and both of you are talking about the marriage , please keep your confidence , I think the lady will not call the wrong name when you meet in person ,right ?  hehe

Good luck and have a nice time ! Waiting for your good news ! :heart:


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #57 on: August 23, 2009, 07:02:29 am »

Don't get ''Private'' mixed up with '' Agency'' email address. If the email address is the same as i described, it's an agency email address, NOT her private email address (if she has one). The translator, will be the same one as for your EMF's. So it's by no means PRIVATE. Just treat that address as you would an EMF mail, it works exactly the same, ie, translation service both ways......

I have posted this information several times on the Forum Danny. At least now, you won't have to purchase anymore EMF's from chnlove. ..haha!! Which is a good few Aussie dollars saved, and much better sitting in your ''Sky Rocket'' or in your ''Tommy Tank'...

Sky Rocket = Pocket. ...Tommy Tank = Bank... More London cockney Slang for you!  haha!!


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #58 on: August 23, 2009, 07:14:21 am »
Quote from: 'Chinese Knot' pid='13953' dateline='1251021710'

Quote from: 'David E' pid='13842' dateline='1250920354'

Greetings Mr Chinese Knot :):)

Thank you for your answer, you are very kind to take so much of your valuable time to help us here, I want you to know that it is very much appreciated, because we know you are a very busy Man :)

My question before was part of the ever- present problem we have which is...."am I writing to a real Chinese Woman ?" I know that some Agencies write false letters and I was interested if Management in the Agencies checks a lot to make sure that all is proper and honest about this.


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2009, 07:19:12 am »
Quote from: 'sameldrum1' pid='13935' dateline='1250990650'

Chinese Knot,

I have a question about Cupid notes. As you know, the men send them to indicate interest in a woman.  I have recently sent many of these notes, and received some replies. Then I chose some to write an EMF letter, and we start to communicate.  Here is the question.  Is it the policy of your agency to contact every lady when a Cupid note is sent to them and have the lady read the man's profile and then respond to the cupid note with her words, or does the translator sometimes decide to respond to the cupid note without telling the lady first.  I have been thinking that sometimes translators do not notify the lady until an actual EMF letter is sent to them.  What do you think?  And thank you for the time and assistance you are giving us!  :icon_biggrin:
Sameldrum1 (also known as Scott)

Hello  Sameldrum1

The last questions today is yours . You talked about the cupid note , it seems that you are interested in many ladies , haha  you have saying that please put all the eggs in one basket ,right ? hehe  yes, the policy of the company is to ask the translator tell the lady when there are some cupid notes for them. This is principle and I think the translator needs to know the ladies better and it will be helpful for them to translate the letters.  So if you want to find your right person , you need to read the ladies profile carefully and see wheter they are right for you , if she is not right , please don't send cupid note . We have a saying that there is not the best but the right for you . How do you think about this ? Wish you have a good luck ! :heart:

Well , I think I will have a rest today . Thanks for exchanging many ideas with the friends here . Have a nice time !

Smile from China :heart: