Author Topic: My Translator Friend , little corner .  (Read 16864 times)

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #60 on: August 23, 2009, 07:24:49 am »
Quote from: 'Chinese Knot' pid='13953' dateline='1251021710'
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='13864' dateline='1250942140'
Mr. Chinese Knot,

I am having a bit of trouble with my translator, I think.  First I sent her messages at the end of my letter and she gave me several ideas.  She suggested a web-cam chat but the woman I am talking with say's no.  Time constraints are an issue.  I asked for an email address, the answer is no.  I asked for natural photo again for a long time, no; then I got one.

The translator, a female, then got to the point where she didn't answer back.  I contacted Chnlove. They have me a email address to send questions to.  Well, the translator answered one email and then ignored them.  Three times I have contacted Chnlove and I am assuming she has become quite upset with me.  Two days ago I contacted Chnlove and the translator answered one of the three emails.  She tells me that this is her private email and that she will answer if communicate through Chnlove.  First if that is true then why did Chnlove give me the email address?

I cannot find a way to communicate with the translator without losing credits.

Thank you being here to answer questions,


Hello Shaun

Thanks for your note and also sorry for the late reply . I read your note last day and remember your words . I would love to answer you as soon as I can , because it seems that you meet a big problem .

Firstly , you asked the email address , I think most ladies don't want to show their email to the men when the two people write to each other at the early time , because as I said before the ladies are afraid that the men are not sincere , they worried that the men can talk to many ladies one time if they get many free emails .  This is the ladies's worry .  But when the two people exchange ideas some days and  feel very comfortable for each other , I often suggest the ladies give their own private information though the agency doesn't want the ladies do that .  So this shows the two people needs to build the trust firstly . They need to talk to each other with their honest heart . After all , this is the life choice for both of them .

Secondly , you mentioned the translator , I am not sure her situation , maybe this is the meaning of that lady , or her own meaning ,or the agency's meaning . I don't know how long you talked to that lady and how is the relationship between both of you . If that lady think you are right for her , I think she would love to send you the natural pictures . If you think that lady is right for you ,you can continue to communicate with her . If not , maybe you can find other choice . Time moves so fast , I think you don't want to waste any time ,right ?  Wish everything is going well with your searching , if there are any other questions , please tell me .

Good Luck !:heart:

Huh?? :huh::huh:

I have been talking with Luaping (the woman I have interest in) since April 13 and we've exchanged about 40 EMF's.  So this has been no casual interest.

It appears to me that translator is playing games with me.  At first I believe it was the translator who was writing me because after about 5 EMF's the language changed.  The translator suggested webcam but Luaping said no. Now some 30 EMF's later I think the translator told me no or she told Luaping she should say it.

I asked for email because I am not sure what is Luaping and what is translator. She said she does not have computer.  So I suggest web cafe, she says it is too dangerous.  Well, I have talked with men on this site that have said the web cafe's are very safe in Changsha.

Now for the last three weeks Luaping has been out of town taking care of her mother who is in the hospital.  There has been no communication so I tried to email the translator and this is where the total breakdown has happened.  The translator will not talk with me unless I do it through EMF.  Why?  Am I missing something here?  Luaping said in her last EMF her mother had calculus and that she had her first treatment that day and if that didn't work she would have surgery. So, I emailed the translator to clarify calculus and asked her if it was really cancer.  No reply.  So I asked again and then asked her if there was anything I could do from the US to help support Luaping at this time.  No reply. So I suggested email and I could translate, or I gave my cell phone number to give to Luaping, even though we cannot speak each others language, I would be willing to listen but no answer. So I contact Chnlove then the translator replies Luaping cell phone does not work in that area.  Translator also said if you want quick reply use EMF and she will reply email is private email and she does not check it.  I reply back immediately on email and for 4 days no reply.  How many people do you know that have email and never check it?

I am about ready to move on and it would be the translators fault and I am sure she would tell Luaping that I would not wait while she was away.  Problem is I have become quite fond of Luaping but the translator is driving me crazy.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 07:42:35 am by shaun »

Offline David E

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #61 on: August 23, 2009, 08:06:30 am »

Its the voice of doom and gloom here !!.....RUN AWAY from this !!!!! You are being taken for a ride.

Now dont get mad at me...I only think of your "health"


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #62 on: August 23, 2009, 09:15:28 am »
Shaun I think David has got the right answer.The reason David is right is.After 4 months of EMf.The lady wouldn't leave you hanging if it was real.The web cam the personell email this is all screamimg scam.

Sorry man sometimes the answer is not the answer that you want to hear.

Offline Ed W

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #63 on: August 23, 2009, 09:34:58 am »
I gotta go along with this thinking. Something isnt right about this girl, her situation, and reluctance. I'd cut my losses and move on.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #64 on: August 23, 2009, 09:50:18 am »
Did I just read that someone said David was right?  I must be still dreaming, on the wrong web site, of still hung over.  Wow!!!!!!!


Offline stuart barlow

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #65 on: August 23, 2009, 10:54:31 am »
Shaun,“i think the out of town” is a chinese farewell note, i was writing to a lady who after a couple
of months had to go out of town on business,never heard from her again.shortly after her profile was refreshed,

Offline David E

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #66 on: August 23, 2009, 05:36:22 pm »
Quote from: 'Buzz' pid='13986' dateline='1251035418'

Did I just read that someone said David was right?  I must be still dreaming, on the wrong web site, of still hung over.  Wow!!!!!!!


Hahahaha....Buzz, you crack me up :):):)......I have got a hide like an elephant so I am used to all sorts of slings and arrows...........The Great Lord Gates (yes I have met him) once told me that if you can be right 50% of the time, you're way ahead of the pack !!!!!



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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #67 on: August 23, 2009, 06:38:11 pm »
Well, if that be the case it is P218.  I thought that agency was OK.  I will paste Luaping's last EMF here Because if it is a scam I want to be sure.

My dear wang zi Shaun,

You are so nice to wait for me, darling. My mum stayed in the hospital for several days, she has a calculus. Finally the hospital decides to cure it by some treatments, if it doesn't work out, then she needs an operation. Now she has got treatment once.

I am quite sorry for my late reply Shaun. Now I am still in Zhuzhou. I am afraid I could not write you very often till my mum leaves hosptial. I am sorry baby. This is the first time I found the distance is so hard for us. But I still don't want to give up, please let me know I am right.

Sorry I cannot write more since I am not in the agency. But I will miss you a lot.

I love you.

Hugs and kisses.


If this is a scam, and I am not saying it is not, the goal is to get me to spend more EMF credits.  Going out of town defeats that even though the translator wants me to respond to her through EMF.  The thought I had prior to talking about this was that Luaping hade been taking longer to write and said she was so busy.  Being the summer months I thought she might be seeing other men and I was kind of a hold card if the other or others did not work out.  The out of town mother in the hospital ruse could be because she is traveling with someone.  I don't know.  I just want to make sure but I am not sure how a person does that.



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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #68 on: August 23, 2009, 07:48:34 pm »

Whether email or EMF it goes to the translator, the translator controls the email address given to you.. In both circumstances, the translator will contact your lady by phone to tell her she has a letter. So the translator is playing games, either with your lady, or on her own... eg, if an EMF can be get through to her, then so can an email meaning that the translator can contact her!!

This Area that your lady is supposedly in, must be remote from anywhere, if there is not a mobile signal available.The country runs on mobile phones rather than line phones...

One thing to clear up here.... Does her email address go something like this ...''''
(obviously the digits wont be the same as my digits here) Also, is ''Luaping'' the name shown on her profile at chnlove??  Now, if it is, and the address looks familiar, then it's definitely an agency controlled email address

I'll leave it for you to decide if it's a scam or not!!

« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 07:50:01 pm by David5o »


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #69 on: August 23, 2009, 08:50:36 pm »

At one point I asked the translator for a copy of every EMF Luaping sent me.  Got all 19 almost immediately; without asking twice.  I thought it was funny since she does not answer most emails.  I expected them to be in Chinese or Mandarin bit they were in English.  The email address is the translators address and it has her first (Americanized) name followed by a 8 digit number  This appears to not be a yahoo account.

I've thought on more than one occasion that this was a scam, but Luaping, if is really her pleaded that it was not.  Should I report it to Chnlove demanding 40 credits back with several authentic problems and see what sticks?  Would there be some sort of investigation?

There are a couple of cuties that have sent me admirer mail recently...  But if I go that way I'll check with a few to see if some of you think scam before I move forward...  Guy's don't worry about me there are way too many BEAUTIFUL women on this site and other to drown in my suds over. :P


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #70 on: August 23, 2009, 09:28:00 pm »
You know , David now has me wondering about my Wife's E-Mail address ? Her's is a with her english name and four number's ( her chnlove number's ) . I have just send her a letter asking about this . If she is aware of that , our Translator might have the BONUS of receiving all our E-Mails for a year and a half now ? If that was the case , some People better have some answer's for me , when I'm in GuangZhou . I know we both write to our Translator there , but that is still not right and their is not excuse for that to be the case . I'll see what Qing has to say about that ?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 09:28:28 pm by Arnold »

Offline David E

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #71 on: August 24, 2009, 04:44:28 am »

Were this happening to me I would escalate it to CHNLove quicksmart and put it to them with some force....see what they come back with...and dont accept the standard form letter that goes "blah, blah, blah...nice words...tell you nothing "
Possibly you have been diddled out of 40 EMF's...and you want to get them back !!!


ps..."calculus" = "kidney stones"...very painful , can sometimes be fixed by medication, sometimes needs surgery.


Can I just test that I have got this email/EMF issue right in my head.....

We buy EMF's so that we can have a "translation included" mechanism to communicate.

Our Ladies pay a "large " sum of money to the Agency to allow us to have their "private" email address, but we dont pay for any translation.

Therefore, the Agency always has an income stream to cover both types of service with translation included for both.

But nowhere do we pay for the translation of the private emails ??? our Lady does...yes?

If I am right, and forgive me if i have got it all wrong, then what is Arnold's problem...Arnold, how were you "diddled " ??

« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 04:53:17 am by David E »


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #72 on: August 24, 2009, 05:02:53 am »

Thanks for the info on calculus and yes kidney stones are very painful.

Well last night before going to bed I wrote a letter to Chnlove.  It was polite but direct.  Told them I had spoke with several friends who have a great interest in Chinese women on this site; some are married already, some are getting married, some are dating and most have been scammed by at least one woman. Almost everyone said scam.  So I said the bottom line is my thought are scam and I would want 40 credits back immediately but if Luaping is real I have lost all confidence in Melody the translator.

To my surprise this morning I get this wonderful letter from Melody saying she is sorry but she talked with Luaping this morning and she is coming home Wednesday and will write me.  Her mother had surgery and is much better.  Melody apologized about not responding to email and she will check it every morning when she comes in from now on.  I will test her later this morning on that because I am going to demand evidence that Luaping is real. i.e. a non yahoo email address, more pictures, scans of original letters and a web-cam visit.

Chnlove has not responded to me at this point.  I asked them to do a thorough investigation into Luaping and Melody's practices.  We'll see.

Thanks for all of the help from those who responded.  This has been a real roller coaster the last 3 weeks.


Offline David E

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #73 on: August 24, 2009, 05:05:37 am »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='14087' dateline='1251104573'

Chnlove has not responded to me at this point.  I asked them to do a thorough investigation into Luaping and Melody's practices.  We'll see.

Thanks for all of the help from those who responded.  This has been a real roller coaster the last 3 weeks.


Good one Shaun...maybe all is not doom and gloom after all ???....I sure hope so :)...keep on CHNLove's back......they should check and follow up !! But remember, your Lady may not have a "non-yahoo" email ???

« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 05:07:15 am by David E »

Offline Chinese Knot

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #74 on: August 24, 2009, 05:50:58 am »
Quote from: 'Danny' pid='13956' dateline='1251024158'

Hello Chinese Knot

Thank you for the time you have taken to reply to some of our questions.

In one of your answers you have written that:

the men would better learn more Chinese culture and custom when they decide to find a Chinese wife . I often tell the female and male members about western and Chinese culture and custom,then they will know much knowledge about western and China , this will help the two people know how to respect and treat each other when they meet ,and so we can avoid some mistakes .

I am wondering what in particular you are referring to here. The word, "culture" can mean a lot of different things, depending on the context. I presume you mean the shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterise someone as a Chinese person, rather a Western person. What are the specific problems we can try to avoid in relation to culture?

Hello Danny

Thanks for your note , it is rainning outside now . You are right , I think I still have a lot to share about this topic . You asked What are the specific problems you can try to avoid in relation to culture? I would love to give you some example . The western people would think his love is always first apart from God , but the Chinese ladies think the family is the first ,including the husband ,children and parents . This will cause some problems in the real life when they get together . Because the man will think we get married and both of us need to take care of each other and the brothers ,sisters , parents and Children are in second place . But the lady will think we get married , you need to love my family . Because the traditional Chinese ladies love the family very much and they are always close to every member of the family . So I think the man and woman need to know this difference between them and then they can understand each other .

Of course , this is a example , both of the two people decide to find foreign life partner , they need to understand each other , culture difference ,long distance and language are not big problems . Because we also have the same virtue and attitude ,such as loyalty . So if the two people love each other  , the important thing for them is  to learn from each other and understand each other . Then there will be a harmonious happy family .

Well , Danny , if you still have some ideas , please tell me . Good Luck !:heart:

Quote from: 'David E' pid='13960' dateline='1251026061'

Quote from: 'Chinese Knot' pid='13953' dateline='1251021710'

Quote from: 'David E' pid='13842' dateline='1250920354'

Greetings Mr Chinese Knot :):)

Thank you for your answer, you are very kind to take so much of your valuable time to help us here, I want you to know that it is very much appreciated, because we know you are a very busy Man :)

My question before was part of the ever- present problem we have which is...."am I writing to a real Chinese Woman ?" I know that some Agencies write false letters and I was interested if Management in the Agencies checks a lot to make sure that all is proper and honest about this.


Hello DavidE

Thanks for your understanding , yes, I am very busy, just like a fly man ,hehe  But I would love to take my efforts to help those who needs help . If the reply is late , please accept my sincere apology , I have no reason just because of my busy work . you asked " am I writing to a real Chinese Woman ?" Yes, I am sure the ladies of Chnlove are real ,because the Chnlove needs their ID Card and Register Book before they join in this website .   But you are also right , I know some agencies wrote the false letters in order to make money . I really don't like that .   Yes, frankly speaking ,the Chnlove office 's mangement is trying to check this carefully , because I think the leader don't want to throw his business in a fire .  Both of the ladies and men are searching their life partner , I think both of them don't like wasting time or play games . So dear DavidE, how to judge the woman's letters are real or not , I think you need to make sure whether she is right for you , and exchange some ideas with her and see whether you are also right for her , if both are right for each other , I think the letters' communication will be more successful .  Good luck ! :heart:
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 10:07:40 pm by Chinese Knot »