Author Topic: My Translator Friend , little corner .  (Read 16839 times)

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #75 on: August 24, 2009, 07:55:22 am »
OK, Let me try and set out this question about agency emails out clearly....

When a lady sign's up to an agency they are assigned an email address as part of there account. Some may never use that address, especially if they live close by the agency. For those that live a good distance away, will obviously have to use that email address to receive and sent letters to and from the agency. Some of those ladies will use friends or family to help them initially, if they have little knowledge of computers. (though i have heard of some doing everything over the phone,....that would mean very short reply letters in my mind)
The normal system is, that the agency will phone the lady to tell them they have a letter waiting, and will they please read and send a reply as soon as possible.

The vast majority of these agency email addresses will have the ladies name as shown on chnlove profile, followed by a 3 digit number, (and sometimes a 4 or 5 digit number)  The majority of the agency email addresses are yahoo accounts ... eg,  Although i have seen some with other accounts. The big clue is the chnlove name on the profile, followed by digits....  I'm not sure, but i think the digits refer to the ladies contract number, not there profile number...

These email addresses work in exactly the same way as chnlove EMF's they are translated both ways by the same translator that translates your ladies EMF's. The EMF's are an just an added bonus to these agencies, as the translation fee for a lady on there books has already been pre-paid. Remember, the agency doesn't only use, or go through chnlove. Your ladies are advertised on many different internet websites foreign and domestic and even with foreign non-internet companies. While EMF's are not the primary source of income for these agencies, they are part of their cash flow, and cash flow means money coming in on a regular basis. So they don't want to lose that flow of money.....

I hope the above has cleared up any questions you were asking yourself. ...haha!!  If you have any more just PM me, and I'll try and be even more concise

David E,

I don't know, but he may of thought that the email address given, was a PRIVATE address.... and it most certainly isn't. Although his wife and the translator may have come to some arrangement where-by the translator, doesn't access that email address anymore unless asked to by his wife, if there's something she not clear on. After all he seems to have a good relationship with our Mr Chinese Knot...


Sorry, i was under the misconception that the email address you had, was for that of your lady. It seems that the email address is that of your translators. My mistake!!

But it does seem that your translator CAN contact her, if she says, ...if you send an EMF, she will answer it!!

Plus, the last letter from her, was from this remote area, that doesn't have mobile signals!!  That would have to be bloody remote... haha!!

« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 08:30:30 am by David5o »

Vince G

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #76 on: August 24, 2009, 10:08:10 am »
David 5o, I believe I have written this before but I guess another time is needed? Some women have the controlled email address, maybe if they ask for it? But any 12 or so) I have gotten email addresses from including my lady now was their email address. No translator writing or translating. I could tell this because it was so hard for them to write and ended up just a few sentences. Some didn't make sense?

So my guess is if the woman asks the agency for it they provide it.


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #77 on: August 24, 2009, 10:41:22 am »

Maybe these women your quoting lived quite close the the agency, or had there own email addresses they were communicating with the agency on. But i know i'm right about the agency email addresses. They are an absolute must, when you think about those that live far from the agency. The other thing, is that some of these agencies keep their clients completely in the dark as far as the agency obligations to them are conserned. Don't forget, chnlove is not the only outlet for these agencies.....
It wouldn't surprise me at all, if some didn't know that the email address provided, was for there use as well, not just for agency use. Or if some, ....don't even know they have an email facility!!  Money Vince, it all comes down to money, like most businesses, they get too greedy!!



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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #78 on: August 24, 2009, 10:50:31 am »
When I first spoke about an email address, Keren told me she will speak to Yuki (translator) about setting one up for her, I am almost sure reading through the lines, that she did not know she old have one, The emails I have gotten from her, seem to be 'from' her because as Vince say's, very few sentences...

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #79 on: August 24, 2009, 05:49:43 pm »
Greetings Guys,

David 50 let me see if I have this right.  Are you saying that each lady has an email account through their agency that we can send emails to and the translators will translate the letter and also the reply back from the lady?  all at no cost other than what the lady has paid as part of her contract fee?  No emf charges no credits needed etc?

If this is the case why on earth are we all using the emf system instead of the already built in agency email system?  I assume that each lady's emails would go to a seperate folder for her  to avoid confusion as has happened to Scottish Rob being called another mans name.  I have sent 3 emails to her supposed agency email address, just short notes about setting up web cam nothing serious yet never received a reply from any one.

Perhaps the ladies do not know of this or the agencies obviously discourage it to continue to receive emf revenue.  Hmmm too bad we couldnt figure out for sure and maybe encourage a switch to that system instead of emf.

Of course then CHNlove would also lose revenue and probably go to a monthly fee system or something like that to compensate.

Interesting thoughts



Offline David E

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #80 on: August 24, 2009, 06:05:35 pm »
Quote from: 'Brian Mc' pid='14143' dateline='1251150583'

Greetings Guys,

Of course then CHNlove would also lose revenue and probably go to a monthly fee system or something like that to compensate.

Interesting thoughts



Yes Brian, thats my take on it, I think that the whole EMF thing is for CHNLove as the "Head" Agency, whilst the email route is direct with her local Agency. Obviously if we move over to emails than CHNLove misses out.

The downside woud be that we have to source our Ladies direct with the Agency, and we would have to search through them individually.

CHNLove provides this service...all the Ladies in one place !!!

Somewhere down the track in the relationship, the switch to email simply cuts CHNLove out of the revenue loop. The cost of email translation is now provided by the local Agency as part of the Lady's fees.

Of course, at this point we get to shed the costs of EMF's too...probably explains why so many Ladies are reluctant to make the switch...its probably discouraged by CHNLove/Agency as it eliminates an extra revenue stream because I imagine that Agencies get a cut of the EMF fees we , they are getting a "double dip" !!!

« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 06:07:37 pm by David E »


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #81 on: August 24, 2009, 07:05:08 pm »
David/Bruce ..

That's exactly it, you have to virtually demand, to get that email address out of them. i wouldn't even start trying until you've been EMFing for at least a month or so. But i would be mentioning it in every letter, just so as they know , i'm not going to be hanging around too long if i don't get that email address....

« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 07:07:47 pm by David5o »


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #82 on: August 24, 2009, 08:39:38 pm »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='14086' dateline='1251103468'


Were this happening to me I would escalate it to CHNLove quicksmart and put it to them with some force....see what they come back with...and dont accept the standard form letter that goes "blah, blah, blah...nice words...tell you nothing "
Possibly you have been diddled out of 40 EMF's...and you want to get them back !!!


ps..."calculus" = "kidney stones"...very painful , can sometimes be fixed by medication, sometimes needs surgery.


Thank you for clearing up the issue of calculus.  Kidney stones can be  extremely difficult; not had it but watched my father go through it.

Whew, I guess it was a good thing she was not suffering from differential equations. :icon_cheesygrin:


Offline David E

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #83 on: August 24, 2009, 09:08:30 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='14168' dateline='1251160778'

Quote from: 'David E' pid='14086' dateline='1251103468'


Were this happening to me I would escalate it to CHNLove quicksmart and put it to them with some force....see what they come back with...and dont accept the standard form letter that goes "blah, blah, blah...nice words...tell you nothing "
Possibly you have been diddled out of 40 EMF's...and you want to get them back !!!


ps..."calculus" = "kidney stones"...very painful , can sometimes be fixed by medication, sometimes needs surgery.

Whew, I guess it was a good thing she was not suffering from differential equations. :icon_cheesygrin:


Yes, ...she would need to work it out with paper and pencil.....OUCH :dodgy:

Offline Chinese Knot

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #84 on: August 25, 2009, 02:51:24 am »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='13965' dateline='1251026689'

Quote from: 'Chinese Knot' pid='13953' dateline='1251021710'

Quote from: 'shaun' pid='13864' dateline='1250942140'

Mr. Chinese Knot,

I am having a bit of trouble with my translator, I think.  First I sent her messages at the end of my letter and she gave me several ideas.  She suggested a web-cam chat but the woman I am talking with say's no.  Time constraints are an issue.  I asked for an email address, the answer is no.  I asked for natural photo again for a long time, no; then I got one.

The translator, a female, then got to the point where she didn't answer back.  I contacted Chnlove. They have me a email address to send questions to.  Well, the translator answered one email and then ignored them.  Three times I have contacted Chnlove and I am assuming she has become quite upset with me.  Two days ago I contacted Chnlove and the translator answered one of the three emails.  She tells me that this is her private email and that she will answer if communicate through Chnlove.  First if that is true then why did Chnlove give me the email address?

I cannot find a way to communicate with the translator without losing credits.

Thank you being here to answer questions,


Hello Shaun

Thanks for your note and also sorry for the late reply . I read your note last day and remember your words . I would love to answer you as soon as I can , because it seems that you meet a big problem .

Firstly , you asked the email address , I think most ladies don't want to show their email to the men when the two people write to each other at the early time , because as I said before the ladies are afraid that the men are not sincere , they worried that the men can talk to many ladies one time if they get many free emails .  This is the ladies's worry .  But when the two people exchange ideas some days and  feel very comfortable for each other , I often suggest the ladies give their own private information though the agency doesn't want the ladies do that .  So this shows the two people needs to build the trust firstly . They need to talk to each other with their honest heart . After all , this is the life choice for both of them .

Secondly , you mentioned the translator , I am not sure her situation , maybe this is the meaning of that lady , or her own meaning ,or the agency's meaning . I don't know how long you talked to that lady and how is the relationship between both of you . If that lady think you are right for her , I think she would love to send you the natural pictures . If you think that lady is right for you ,you can continue to communicate with her . If not , maybe you can find other choice . Time moves so fast , I think you don't want to waste any time ,right ?  Wish everything is going well with your searching , if there are any other questions , please tell me .

Good Luck !:heart:

Huh?? :huh::huh:

I have been talking with Luaping (the woman I have interest in) since April 13 and we've exchanged about 40 EMF's.  So this has been no casual interest.

It appears to me that translator is playing games with me.  At first I believe it was the translator who was writing me because after about 5 EMF's the language changed.  The translator suggested webcam but Luaping said no. Now some 30 EMF's later I think the translator told me no or she told Luaping she should say it.

I asked for email because I am not sure what is Luaping and what is translator. She said she does not have computer.  So I suggest web cafe, she says it is too dangerous.  Well, I have talked with men on this site that have said the web cafe's are very safe in Changsha.

Now for the last three weeks Luaping has been out of town taking care of her mother who is in the hospital.  There has been no communication so I tried to email the translator and this is where the total breakdown has happened.  The translator will not talk with me unless I do it through EMF.  Why?  Am I missing something here?  Luaping said in her last EMF her mother had calculus and that she had her first treatment that day and if that didn't work she would have surgery. So, I emailed the translator to clarify calculus and asked her if it was really cancer.  No reply.  So I asked again and then asked her if there was anything I could do from the US to help support Luaping at this time.  No reply. So I suggested email and I could translate, or I gave my cell phone number to give to Luaping, even though we cannot speak each others language, I would be willing to listen but no answer. So I contact Chnlove then the translator replies Luaping cell phone does not work in that area.  Translator also said if you want quick reply use EMF and she will reply email is private email and she does not check it.  I reply back immediately on email and for 4 days no reply.  How many people do you know that have email and never check it?

I am about ready to move on and it would be the translators fault and I am sure she would tell Luaping that I would not wait while she was away.  Problem is I have become quite fond of Luaping but the translator is driving me crazy.

Hello again Shaun

It seems that you meet a problem now . I read your story carefully . I have some ideas about this thing . There are some reason that ladies don't want to give their private email if they have their own computer at home . You can read as followings :

1. As what I have said before that the ladies worry about the men's sincerity and they also worry about their English .

2. Frankly speaking ,the agencies don't want to give the ladies email address . But in my opinion , the agency can give the ladies information as long as it is the ladies' willing , but as you know there are some agencies in the whole China , maybe some has their own policy .

3 the translator doesn't want to give the lady's email address . But if this really happened , just like your story , you want to help that lady , but no answer from that lady . I can judge that the lady is not right for you , in other ways , the lady doesn't want to talk to you .

Of course , Shaun ,this is my idea from my experience , I suggest you to find your right life partner , after all , life is short and you don't want to waste time . Please take good care of yourself . Good Luck ! :heart:

By the way , I read a lot post about the ladies false email address . As far as I know , some agencies did set up the email address for the ladies , and some ladies don't have their own computer at home .  And some ladies's English can not talk to the men about the deep ideas .  You know , searching foreign bride is a brave choice ,but it is also serious , we can not waste time, money and play games with others . Both men and women know this if they do want to find a life partner at the early time . I know there are some agencies in the mainland , I think the head of Chnlove needs to take care of the whole process and  the Chnlove also want to set her own reputation in the world , I don't think Chnlove want to be murdered by  scam  . I talked one head of Chnlove before and I know they are taking efforts to set a good reputation .   Anyhow , I hope the two sides can talk to each other with their own honest heart and wish everybody has his or her own happy future .
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 03:23:20 am by Chinese Knot »

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #85 on: August 26, 2009, 09:07:26 am »
Good Morning kind sir;

My question is one concerning what and what not the agency can see concerning our profile.  Does the individual agencys have a view on how many EMF credits each of us have in our accout?  If we were to write two different ladies (with two different agencies) can they see who we are writting to?  I am just curious as to how much each agency can see concerning our communication.   On  a more personal note, I am very happy with my translator, when I visit in a couple of months I would like to bring a small gift.  Any suggestions?   As always thanks.  



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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #86 on: August 26, 2009, 07:03:27 pm »
Buzz , question ? Is your Translator a Man or Woman ? It would help him to come up with something . Thanks

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #87 on: August 26, 2009, 11:25:09 pm »
Arnold, good question, she goes by the name of WeiWei so I am of the belief that this is a womans name.  Never really asked.


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #88 on: August 26, 2009, 11:54:57 pm »
Quote from: 'Buzz' pid='14425' dateline='1251343509'

Arnold, good question, she goes by the name of WeiWei so I am of the belief that this is a womans name.  Never really asked.

Well Buzz , I need to get used to your name there . Because ... I buzz buzz all the time . Haha

It does sound like a Woman's name . If you want to be sure , bring Smokes and Lip Stick and your covered both way's :icon_cheesygrin:
Chinese Knot will know and I will tell him what to tell you . I guess I'm in a happy mood today ? Must be because of Valentine's Day .


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #89 on: August 27, 2009, 01:45:36 pm »
I will try to keep this brief but am afraid it will not happen.  A few post back I shared my frustration with P218 and the translator.  Some of you said move on, this will not work out. I wrote Chnlove and complained on Monday and got the general I understand, I feel the same way, you are a kind and generous man, we will turn over to incontinence office. (Yes I know I misspelled a word.) Of course you know the agencies are independent from Chnlove.  Blah Blah Blah.  Also, same Melody the translator writes back Pinky (her American name for Luaping) will be back Wednesday and she wants to write you.  I will try to do better in answering my email.  Then Tuesday Chnlove writes, did you get email from Melody?  Yes I did but did you determine if Pinky is real and writing letters? I am doing nothing until you investigate and I she is not real and not writing the letters I want 40 credits back.  Wednesday nothing from anyone.

Low and behold this came in this morning;

Dear Shaun,

Finally I am back to you. I came home yesterday afternoon, I was tired so I didn't come to write you. Sorry for my late reply Shaun, his has been the longest time I didn't write, I feel quite sorry. I know you must be worried, unfortunately my sim card can only be used in Changsha city. I gave a call to my translator on Monday to tell you I am fine now, just hope you are not that worried. Baby, I did miss you a lot!!!

My mum is fine now. she had a calculus in her urethra. The calculus used to be very small and stayed in kidney, but after some time it moved to urethra and enlarged like a pea nut. So it was very very painful. She had to take an operation. I was there to take care of her these days. Now she left hospital. It was not a cancer, but it would be really painful.

Shaun, I do appreciate that you would like to come and support me, you are so nice to me. Shaun you know, I was weak during those days, but when I know there is someone cares for me and loves me, my mood is much brighter. Baby, your love becomes double to me during my weakness time, really powerful.

I can give you my email address but I am afraid I don't use it often, ***** the agency can arrange us we chat with each other. Baby, but I am afraid I only have time on Saturday, how about meet at 10 am on Saturday? Please let me know your thoughts. I need to arrange the stuffs in my restaurant since I havent been here for quite a few days.

Shaun my baby, I am afraid I could not call you as my sim card could not make international calls, and I have to go to telephone bars to call you which is very expensive. Darling, how much for you call me? Is that possible for you call me? I can give you my cell phone number, +*********. the best time for you to call is around *****. I need to cook at lunch and dinner times, very busy. But baby, you can also wait for the day we can chat, for that we can both talk and see each other, what do you think?

Shaun, you are my focus too, you are very important to me, please know that. But I feel guilty I did not write you these days, please forgive me. My heart for you is true.

Thanks for your praying, it works!  Love you more,   Pinky.

So, I want to write but Chnlove has not responded and I don't really know what I want to do.  I mean if she is real and this is her writing I want to continue. She has sent a picture and she does look different but still pretty good looking.  Do I wait for Chnlove to investigate, do I tell them I am waiting, do I write her a "Oh baby I missed you" letter, or do I move on.  I know you cant tell me what to do but a little advice would help.  Dang, I feel like a little school boy.  I don't know but I might be going through puberty again.

Thanks, Shaun