Author Topic: My Translator Friend , little corner .  (Read 16863 times)

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #90 on: August 27, 2009, 02:31:34 pm »

The name Melody, and the location of Changsha has just rang bells, i remember on the other Forum that a translator by the same name and same City made a f**k up with a guy on there, i think that was about refreshing a profile when she knew, that the lady was heavily involved with this guy. That was quite some time back, and i don't know if there is any relevance to your situation, but it does go to show that some of these translators try and play god at times with both their clients an the men.

Well, did you see the similarity with the email address?? ...that's an agency controlled email mate, which now means you don't have to pay for EMF's anymore!! ...haha!!   Why not use that email address to write to her, you could be waiting forever for chnlove to get back to you. If your still not clear in your own mind, why not ask for Melody to set-up a webcam meeting on that day suggested above, at least then you will be able to see with your own eyes if she's real or not??  

It could very well be, she is real!! ...Just that she was too engrossed in what was going on with her mother to have much thought for you. That's quite common where family is involved, i'm afraid until you become part of that famiy.... Get used to being put on the back burner when things like this happen!!

Hope I've been some assistance to you Shaun.....

David ....

Vince G

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #91 on: August 27, 2009, 02:43:34 pm »
Chnlove might think you had a reply and (they must have told her) given email, phone number so you know she's real. They'll play dumb if you wait and then write them about it. Move forward if you want to? Webcam or phone her if you need to? I'd drop the Oh baby and just give the I missed you.

Don't say (I know you won't) you wondered if she was real? but do express the "On Hold" you felt.

Offline David E

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #92 on: August 27, 2009, 04:39:08 pm »

You now have an invitation from "her" to telephone her and to do a web-cam session as well as the email address to get away from EMF's.and you have a real photo.

So now you can get further along the track of seeing who she is, what she is and if she is what she said she was !!

You're in hog heaven mate........because you now can get to know the real person...with no risk.

If you want to write something about all this to her, I would have to say that I dont agree with were worried she was not real...why not share that with her ??...without being offensive or brutal...its called honesty !!!

"can you imagine how sad I felt when I did not get a letter from you, I was worried that you were not a real person and because I hear many stories about women who play games here, I was unhappy.
Now I know you are real, I am happy again and very much wish to see you on web-cam and talk to you on telephone"



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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #93 on: August 27, 2009, 05:46:36 pm »
Thanks men.  David50,  I didn't say this in the post above but the points she talked about were in the exact order I complained about.   The phone #, the email address, the web-cam issue, so they either gave her a copy of my email or a list of things I was concerned about.  I just about fell out of my chair when I saw her email address.  You guys have taught me well.  I saw the web address and knew immediately.  What I think I will do is to respond to her letter by EMF and then change the the order of the paragraphs and translate into Chinese with google translate.  For now I won't say that I am using software unless Pinky asks. Not going to lie.  The idea is to sort of let Melody know that we won't need her anymore.

I will try and get the webcam started this Saturday.  I hope once she does it she'll want to do it again.  I wonder if it costs anyone?

Vince I agree completely.  With this information we can move forward.  I won't force the phone right now but I'm going to jump on the web-cam while she is willing.  The phone thing was for her when she was at the hospital with her mother.  We are not at the point of understanding each others language but I wanted her to know that I was willing to listen even if I didn't understand.

David E, I think I have the whole enchilada now. (an enchilada is a Mexican Food delight and the phrase means; all of it)  I am going to go easy at first.  I wish I knew what they and especially Melody said to her.  I told Chnlove that I have lost all confidence in Melody and she may be on her last leg already.  But I wish I knew.  After the first email I may ask, well see how it goes.  I would like to tell her everything but I am afraid if Pinky is still assigned to Melody that anything I say about the situation will be filtered.

I had a few hours to think after my last post and pretty much sorted out how I felt so each of you only confirmed what I was thinking.  I do appreciate your input and assistance in this I've learned a lot.

Again Thank you,

« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 05:48:13 pm by shaun »


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #94 on: August 27, 2009, 08:14:31 pm »

I really wouldn't bother trying to translate a whole letter with software, you might not know, but parts could come out saying almost the opposite of what you want to say. There only any good for short sentences, and then they have to be simple to childlike. Fine for IM but that's about all!!

Sure , if that's the case, it's obvious that Pinky has been informed, it seemed her letter covered just about everything you brought up in your letter.  haha!!
If i were you, I'd concentrate on this webcam connection with your lady on Saturday, i'd guess that this Melody will be there to translate. If your not happy about that, you could ask for a different translator, but that may just bugger the works up at this short notice, ....maybe think about asking for a change after the webcam meeting!! ...haha!!


Don't count on Melody being on her last legs, as far as i remember i think there is some relation link with the owners of that agency. As i say, first get this Web-cam meeting sorted out, and if all goes well with that meeting, try asking/demanding a change of translator on the grounds of lost confidence/trust!!


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #95 on: August 27, 2009, 10:22:18 pm »
So I EMF'd her and said yes to the web-cam Saturday.  I have a camera now what do I do?  Can someone either tell me or put the link in here that tells how?


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #96 on: August 28, 2009, 12:34:37 am »
Shaun You are going to have to find out.WHat they are planning to use.Skype,yahoo voice,QQ.I would think QQ in China since it is the most poular.But you need to make sure.

After you find out then you are going to have to download it to your computor and set it all up.Then give them your registration name or get theres.Then you guys can have the web cam chat.It sounds complicated but it really isn't once you get started.

As far as the translater goes I would stick to the one you have.Just because you don't know how deep the friendship between your lady and the translater goes.If you demand a different translater.You could make your lady.Wonder why your trying to get rid of her friend.

Wate till after first meeting to dump the translater.I know this sucks.But you cannot control what the translater tells your lady.If you make the translater madd.This all could be over in a heartbeat.By the translater saying whatever came to her mind.


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #97 on: August 28, 2009, 05:09:01 am »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='14541' dateline='1251434077'

Shaun You are going to have to find out.WHat they are planning to use.Skype,yahoo voice,QQ.I would think QQ in China since it is the most poular.But you need to make sure.

After you find out then you are going to have to download it to your computor and set it all up.Then give them your registration name or get theres.Then you guys can have the web cam chat.It sounds complicated but it really isn't once you get started.

As far as the translater goes I would stick to the one you have.Just because you don't know how deep the friendship between your lady and the translater goes.If you demand a different translater.You could make your lady.Wonder why your trying to get rid of her friend.

Wate till after first meeting to dump the translater.I know this sucks.But you cannot control what the translater tells your lady.If you make the translater madd.This all could be over in a heartbeat.By the translater saying whatever came to her mind.

Maxx, I took a huge risk to get to this point with the translator. She is a real control freak so as long as she is trying to work things out I will stick with her for now.

Thanks for the info on web chat.  I will attempt qq in a little while.   MPO Mike will assist me this evening.



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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #98 on: August 28, 2009, 05:45:24 am »

Everyone here seems  to talk about the QQ IM, to be on the safe side, also download Yahoo messenger, they seem to like yahoo for some reason. I take it you already have speakers and mic, or a headset with your computer or laptop??

You haven't got much time to set all this up, so i would get on it straight away geting your computer ready for this link up on saturday. I would also try and test run your IM and webcam set-up before the meeting with your lady, just so that you know the fundementals of how it opperates.. There are plenty of members on here, that if you ask, would be only too pleased to be part of your test run.....



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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #99 on: August 28, 2009, 09:53:10 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='14555' dateline='1251452724'


Everyone here seems  to talk about the QQ IM, to be on the safe side, also download Yahoo messenger, they seem to like yahoo for some reason. I take it you already have speakers and mic, or a headset with your computer or laptop??

You haven't got much time to set all this up, so i would get on it straight away geting your computer ready for this link up on saturday. I would also try and test run your IM and webcam set-up before the meeting with your lady, just so that you know the fundementals of how it opperates.. There are plenty of members on here, that if you ask, would be only too pleased to be part of your test run.....


Thanks David.  mpo Mike is helping me on PM.  I responded to Pinky's email about 11 or 12 hours ago plus sent an email to her agent or translator.  It is 9:45am here and have not received a message back.  Then it hit me; when Pinky said Saturday 10am that it was really tonight at 10pm; about 12 hours from now.  She's been gone 3 weeks and she said she needed to get her restaurant back in order.  I am assuming cleaning and re-stocking of food.  There is not way she will be ready in 12 hours but I will try just in case. but they will have to let me know where they will chat from so we'll see. I will load QQ and Yahoo today and test with Mike after work.

Thank you


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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #100 on: August 28, 2009, 10:29:04 am »

OK, understand!!  haha!!

I'm not too sure what your time difference is between the states and China, you have 3 time Zones there as far as i remember!! For me, i'm 5 hours behind China summer time (now) and 6 hours GMT (winter)

Maybe she didn't close her restaurant, it may be that the staff carried on while she was away. Or else she would have no staff when she got back!!!  They still need to live after all!! ...haha!!

Anyway, i hope it all goes well with you on the webcam meet!!

« Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 10:29:27 am by David5o »

Vince G

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #101 on: August 28, 2009, 10:43:07 am »
Shaun, If she said Saturday 10 PM that would be your Saturday morning 10 AM. We are 12 hours behind. I call Song Saturday night 6 PM which is her Sunday morning 6 AM.

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #102 on: August 28, 2009, 11:40:36 am »
Quote from: 'Buzz' pid='14327' dateline='1251292046'

Good Morning kind sir;

My question is one concerning what and what not the agency can see concerning our profile.  Does the individual agencys have a view on how many EMF credits each of us have in our accout?  If we were to write two different ladies (with two different agencies) can they see who we are writting to?  I am just curious as to how much each agency can see concerning our communication.   On  a more personal note, I am very happy with my translator, when I visit in a couple of months I would like to bring a small gift.  Any suggestions?   As always thanks.  


Hello again Buzz

Sorry for the late reply , I just came back . Frankly speaking  ,the agency can see the men' profile apart from the credit . We could see your credit before , but now we can not , I think only the head office can see your credit account.  The agency usually see who you are writing to in the same agency rather than the different agency . I mean if you write two ladies in the same agency , the agency can know that , but the two ladies come from different agency , I think only the head office can see who you are writing to .  I am gald you are happy with your translator , as for the gift , I am not sure what things she like , maybe you can choose some special things from your hometown . We have a saying in China ,"the gift itself may be small, but the goodwill is deep. So Buzz ,wish you have a nice trip in China and you can tell me when you meet any problems in China . I would love to do my best to help you .  Have a great weekend ! :heart:

By the way , I guess your translator is a girl depends on the name . Good luck !
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='14495' dateline='1251395136'

I will try to keep this brief but am afraid it will not happen.  A few post back I shared my frustration with P218 and the translator.  Some of you said move on, this will not work out. I wrote Chnlove and complained on Monday and got the general I understand, I feel the same way, you are a kind and generous man, we will turn over to incontinence office. (Yes I know I misspelled a word.) Of course you know the agencies are independent from Chnlove.  Blah Blah Blah.  Also, same Melody the translator writes back Pinky (her American name for Luaping) will be back Wednesday and she wants to write you.  I will try to do better in answering my email.  Then Tuesday Chnlove writes, did you get email from Melody?  Yes I did but did you determine if Pinky is real and writing letters? I am doing nothing until you investigate and I she is not real and not writing the letters I want 40 credits back.  Wednesday nothing from anyone.

Low and behold this came in this morning;

Dear Shaun,

Finally I am back to you. I came home yesterday afternoon, I was tired so I didn't come to write you. Sorry for my late reply Shaun, his has been the longest time I didn't write, I feel quite sorry. I know you must be worried, unfortunately my sim card can only be used in Changsha city. I gave a call to my translator on Monday to tell you I am fine now, just hope you are not that worried. Baby, I did miss you a lot!!!

My mum is fine now. she had a calculus in her urethra. The calculus used to be very small and stayed in kidney, but after some time it moved to urethra and enlarged like a pea nut. So it was very very painful. She had to take an operation. I was there to take care of her these days. Now she left hospital. It was not a cancer, but it would be really painful.

Shaun, I do appreciate that you would like to come and support me, you are so nice to me. Shaun you know, I was weak during those days, but when I know there is someone cares for me and loves me, my mood is much brighter. Baby, your love becomes double to me during my weakness time, really powerful.

I can give you my email address but I am afraid I don't use it often, ***** the agency can arrange us we chat with each other. Baby, but I am afraid I only have time on Saturday, how about meet at 10 am on Saturday? Please let me know your thoughts. I need to arrange the stuffs in my restaurant since I havent been here for quite a few days.

Shaun my baby, I am afraid I could not call you as my sim card could not make international calls, and I have to go to telephone bars to call you which is very expensive. Darling, how much for you call me? Is that possible for you call me? I can give you my cell phone number, +*********. the best time for you to call is around *****. I need to cook at lunch and dinner times, very busy. But baby, you can also wait for the day we can chat, for that we can both talk and see each other, what do you think?

Shaun, you are my focus too, you are very important to me, please know that. But I feel guilty I did not write you these days, please forgive me. My heart for you is true.

Thanks for your praying, it works!  Love you more,   Pinky.

So, I want to write but Chnlove has not responded and I don't really know what I want to do.  I mean if she is real and this is her writing I want to continue. She has sent a picture and she does look different but still pretty good looking.  Do I wait for Chnlove to investigate, do I tell them I am waiting, do I write her a "Oh baby I missed you" letter, or do I move on.  I know you cant tell me what to do but a little advice would help.  Dang, I feel like a little school boy.  I don't know but I might be going through puberty again.

Thanks, Shaun

Hello again Shaun

I have read your words and the letter you post here carefully . I love to give you my suggestions . Truly speaking , I am not sure whether the letter is written by your lady , but I have a idea what you and the lady may not be right for each other depends on the letters . Of course , this is a style of Chinese thinking . I suggest you find your right person and don't waste more time and money on this lady . This is my suggestions according to the letter and your words . You can take this carefully with your heart , after all , this is a life choice and you need to make up your mind carefully . Anyway , if you have some different ideas , you can tell me . We can exchange more later . Have a great weekend ! :heart:
« Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 11:53:22 am by Chinese Knot »

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #103 on: August 29, 2009, 09:04:23 pm »
Hey guys, can we keep on track on this thread. It is going to get confusing for Chinese Knot to filter through all of this.
(And congrats Shaun on a successful web cam chat)

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RE: My Translator Friend , little corner .
« Reply #104 on: August 30, 2009, 05:51:13 am »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='14786' dateline='1251594263'

Hey guys, can we keep on track on this thread. It is going to get confusing for Chinese Knot to filter through all of this.
(And congrats Shaun on a successful web cam chat)

Hello Martin

Well , this is my own idea , maybe my thinking is wrong about Shaun's story , I just gave some ideas based on the letters and his words . But I would love to send my best wishes to Shaun if he had a successful webcam talking . Everything is possible ,  Let us see the final result . Good luck , all brothers here !