Author Topic: A little scary  (Read 9646 times)

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Vince G

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2009, 08:22:02 am »
Hell, I'm not to keen on some Americans either?

Offline China Shark

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2009, 10:58:55 am »
Interesting point Danny. When I lived in Japan all my Australian friends would always tell how much they disliked Americans. Hell, I don't like quite a few that's why I chose to move here. Just yesterday I found out that my honey never wants to move to America, so looks like the Shark is setting up permanent residency in China. However, I insisted that once our children grow up they will attend college in America. The America dream was lost 40 years ago when we lost our innocence in the 60s. It was nice while it lasted. Now I'll watch the same process happen to China as it emerges to become a super power. Makes you think sometimes if progress really worth it sometimes.
China Shark Mike
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Offline Danny

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2009, 05:17:33 pm »
Quote from: 'China Shark' pid='10421' dateline='1249052335'

When I lived in Japan all my Australian friends would always tell how much they disliked Americans.

It's part of the reason I'm not thinking of marrying a woman from Australia.

If it was just Americans they disliked, I could live with that. But it's everything else they dislike.

Australian women dislike a whole lot of things. This is not just about having preferences, for example, choosing someone who is attractive. What I mean is that a lot of them actively dislike lots of different people. It's just their whole attitude to other people who are different to them.

A lot of them have no respect for other people. If they don't like something or someone, they let it hang out, and showing their dislike and impatience makes them look really ugly and aggressive.

A lot of them carry around in their heads long, long lists of their likes and dislikes. And so if you don't meet everything on their internal list it's going to take a whole lot for them to get over their disappointment.

They have a really well developed sense of entitlement and it's real hard to make any of them happy. I know it's beyond my capabilities.

They don't like macho men, they don't like wimpy men, they don't like ugly men, they don't like men who earn less than them, they don't like men you aren't as clever as they are, they don't like men who disagree with them, they don't like dull men . . . I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

I am not saying that all of them are unpleasant. I'm just saying that there are some really ugly Australians (and I'm not talking about appearance) and I reckon I have a better chance of happiness elsewhere.

Vince G

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2009, 05:36:55 pm »
Well Danny if you take it one step further you have American women.


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RE: A little scary
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2009, 05:46:59 pm »
Oooooooo, that's well below the belt Vince, apologise at once!!  ...hahaha!!


Offline MLM

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2009, 11:24:47 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='10457' dateline='1249076819'

Oooooooo, that's well below the belt Vince, apologise at once!!  ...hahaha!!


David, if you don't believe Vince, I'll be more then happy to introduce you to my ex, I hear tell she is divorcing her new husband and is looking for her next mark..... uhhmmmm, lover/husband :icon_biggrin:


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RE: A little scary
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2009, 11:52:51 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='10455' dateline='1249076215'

Well Danny if you take it one step further you have American women.

David , what he meant ... was add a few ( hundred ) pounds and you have American Women .

Offline China Shark

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2009, 12:16:36 am »
Guys, let me tell you a little story. I came down with a really nasty flu {not the Swine flu either} and Amy has been doting and forcing every know Chinese remedy on me. I've never felt that of caring from any other human in my life. I'm her number one priority in her life, I always come before anything else in her life. She comes on kind of strong at times yet I know she only wants the best for me. Can't even imagine marrying any other woman but this one. I keep pinching myself trying to prove to myself that it isn't real. Guys on here are open minded and not going to settle for anything else, we have the courage to follow our hearts. Have to get off the computer because I promised her I would only be on for 5 minutes and then would get back into bed to rest and recover. She's making a better man out of the Shark, loves  me with tattoos even though she doesn't like them. Slags are what all the rest in my book are. Western women ain't worth a damm on a good day. Sorry, I realize I slam western women too much but is so damm easy.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline victor-hills

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2009, 03:55:38 am »
Im sorry but it really do my head in the way you guys go on about western women painting them with the same brush not all are the same there is good and bad on both sides of the world,i was togaver with my ex best part of 20 years things was good for the best part of it,yes we parted but still i want tar them with the same brush,just think we should be carefull not keep doing this if i remeber it was david sead are we calling are mums and daughters this its just not right.But i do understand what your saying,and when things are sorted for me ill shall be back on that road to find my self a good chinese woman.
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.

Offline Danny

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2009, 04:20:09 am »
Victor, I agree with what you say. There's good and bad everywhere. But sometimes you just have to generalise. It's unavoidable.

Each person I meet I try to treat as an individual and not as a representative of a particular group. I judge them by who they are as an individual. Not what other people who resemble them or similar to them are like.

When I start out on my journey to find someone to share my journey with, I take into consideration a whole lot of stuff, whether or not it's politically correct or anything else. Let's call it "profiling" - you can't do it if you're working at the airport, but when you're choosing your partner you can do as you please *laughs*

I reckon its pretty interesting how each of us ended up here and not down the road at Columbian or Russian equivalent of chnlove. That's really interesting to me.

I know it's not so complimentary to western women, bless their hearts. But the fact of the matter is things need to have gone not so well for you in your own country to ever consider marrying someone half away around the world, who speaks the most incomprehensible language on earth.

If everything was working out just fine at home, you'd be crazy to take the path we're on. Maybe we're crazy anyhow.

They are all really interesting stories. While they will all sound a bit grumpy when we explain "why", it's something we share, and it's part of the story I think. So I reckon, cut them some slack.

Offline Darius

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2009, 05:17:24 am »
Each person I meet I try to treat as an individual and not as a representative of a particular group. I judge them by who they are as an individual. Not what other people who resemble them or similar to them are like. ......Maybe we're crazy anyhow.

Nicely said Danny. Yeh we are crazy, but it`s a question of what sort of ones and from which point of view!


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RE: A little scary
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2009, 05:31:44 am »
Get well soon Mike, and do as the little woman says.hehehe:angel:

I agree with Victor I believe that there are good and bad  no matter whereabouts in the world you are, I was with my ex for 28 and a half years, mostly all good, after the break up I would have said many derogatory things about her, however, since 'getting' my head together and realising 'why' it happened, I figure life goes on.

I treat everyone as a human being with a clean slate, and guy's I was 'hurt' REALLY bad, now I just have my eyes and ears open from the outset...:icon_biggrin:

Offline China Shark

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2009, 06:32:44 am »
Victor, when I'm painting with the wide brush believe me, my family is part of it. Can't get around it, they are what they are and I'll not be the politically correct guy and say otherwise. Danny is right, we have to allow for  a little venting occassionaly. I don't begrudge western women, they're just not for me. I want a woman who has grace and style, a woman with purpose who believes in the sanctity of marraige. Chinese women are the complete opposite of what todays modern day western women are. We're all on here for a reason and it's not because we've been treated well by our own women. I've had a fascination with Asian culture for at least the past twenty years, was married to a Chinese girl before. For a sensitive caring guy the only choice can be a Chinese woman. Both sides on this thing believes in romance and want to capture it before it's too late. I've made up my mind and I hope to at least marry Amy by the end of the month in a small civil ceremony then save for the real tradition Chinese one with her family in Beijing. There is absolutely no comparing any other women to a good Chinese woman, and this is coming from a guy who's been involved with so not so nice Chinese women. Besides the comic relief busting on western women is just too funny.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!


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RE: A little scary
« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2009, 07:26:26 am »
I've never been through a divorce, but it can't be any worse than going through a partners death (of 20+ yrs.)  I can understand the hurt, a divorce brings, i have enough friends and family that's gone through that mill!!
I think the biggest upsets to your life in that circumstance, is not generally being able to have daily interaction with your children and losing your house, ...basically having to start all over again.

Hard not to have a bad word or being non complementary for your countries women really. We tend not to think, that by bad mouthing our own women and taring all with the same brush, that we are in fact including our own Mothers, our Daughters, our Sisters, and every other female member of our families. Which is Crazy!! The real truth of the matter, is that there are good and bad everywhere. The fact that the guy's here including myself have found or looking for Chinese women to be our next wife, is just our choice made for our own reasons!!

One more fact, that most here either don't or won't believe is that, there are some real bad cows in China too!! They are definitely Not ALL  sweetness and white!! As some of you here have already found out to your cost. So those that are new, and even those that are not so new, .....Always have your wit's and commonsense about you, (just as you would dating a western woman) You can still let your hearts sore, so long as your head is still in control..... haha!!

Oh, and Arnold, believe it or not, there are actually some real crazy men out there that love that ''Rolly Polly'' look in their women!! Funny, ...they always seem to be those thin weedy looking guys too. haha!!  


Vince G

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RE: A little scary
« Reply #29 on: August 01, 2009, 10:04:10 am »
No one said "ALL" woman here, there, wherever. I've been a magnet for the crazies no matter if they're slim, fat, tall, short...  Western women lead in " yeah yeah you love me, what can you give me?" attitude. More then western women intimidate a man, so it's not a cornered market. I tell them up front "Don't try to play me" and they try to anyway. Face it, For western women Money Trumps Love. It doesn't for me, so I went looking elsewhere.