Author Topic: Buying emf credits, A new method?  (Read 3902 times)

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Offline Brian Mc

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Buying emf credits, A new method?
« on: July 30, 2009, 01:02:09 pm »
Greetings everyone.
I used my last emf credit to send a letter to my lady this morning, so I went to purchase more so I would have no problems getting her reply.  Well its seems that there is a new process involved in this and I do not like it.

Now when you go to purchase credits you have to create an account with Payment Asia and through their Cashoo system. Now instead of processing my credit card payment for 190.00 usd for my 50 credits this new outfit takes the money out of my credit card and deposits it into what they call my online wallet.  However there is a delay in this deposit of UP TO 5 DAYS!!  They sent a confirmation to my email saying the transaction went through my card no problems but the money is not in my wallet and I have no chnlove credits!!

When I went to my account at this payment asia/cashoo place it shows that the 190.00 usd is awaiting clearance and therefore I cannot make any purchases until it clears.  This is really frustrating since a credit card approved purchase is a real time transaction there should be no delay in getting it into my account as they already have the funds approved.

So what does this mean to us?  Well from what I can see at this point CHNlove changed the way they handle purchases to a much more cumbersome way for us yet gave us no notice of the change.
Now when you are getting low on credits you will have to buy them 5 days earlier to ensure you dont run out before the third party company allows you to use your funds.  Also now we have a middle man to deal with so there is yet another source for potential confusion and problems as to where your money actually went to.
Personally I dont understand why the change was made. Last time my purchase went through RBS World Paycard and my chnlove credits appeared almost instantly.  Now this new system adds confusion insecurity (for my mind not necessarily the purchase)and delay in getting my emf credits.

Now since I have zero emf credits for up to the next 5 days I cannot send or receive emf's.  How is this going to affect the ladies? They cannot send a reply to us nor we to them.  What if you are in a situation where you are trying to resolve a problem( I am not just a hypothetical question) and all of a sudden she receives no letter for 5 days and you cannot get her response for 5 days.  How much more grief will this cause?

Anyway as you can see I am quite preturbed at this new change in purchasing emf credits and I sure hope I am making a mountain out of a molehill.

Has anyone else noticed this change, or did I just miss an option somewhere along the line to skip this paymentasia/cashoo method and go the usual route.  I went back and tried the purchase again up to the make the purchase screen but stopped as I do not want to pay twice but I did not see any alternative method.

So I sit here now hoping you guys can tell me I am nuts lol and that I am indeed making a mountain out of a molehll


Brian Mc
PS I sent a query to CHNlove about this and also to this paymentAsia/cashoo outfit to see if I can get some more information on what is going on so hopefully they reply soon.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 01:07:44 pm by Brian Mc »

Offline Irishman

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2009, 01:16:22 pm »
I just checked I still have paypal and credit card options?
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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2009, 01:37:37 pm »
Brian I use PayPal always have. Only one time PayPal wasn't available and I used the credit card payment. And I let them know how I felt about PayPal not being able. It only happen for one day and it went back to the way it was after. They have been doing some changes there. What your talking about is a hold on the account till they get the money. The gas stations and Hotel/Motels do that here (US). They also double up or add a fee on until it clears. It drives me nuts. No reason why they have to do this.

PayPal is better anyway. You don't have to have their credit card or anything like that. It's just a middle man. My credit card is assigned to my PayPal account. And if Chnlove pulls some crap (like giving half the credits you bought) Paypal will get the money back for you. I've had it for many years now. I think it's worth having esp. for no fee or signup amount. It doesn't cost you anything to have.

Letting Chnlove know you don't like it and the problem it created was the right thing to do.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 01:40:00 pm by Vince G »

Offline Irishman

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2009, 01:43:52 pm »
Yep, i always use Paypal. I bought two things on Ebay with Paypal that i had problems with and Paypal were great. They gave the seller a reasonable time frame to respond and when they didn't i got my money back. Cannot recommend Paypal highly enough.
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Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2009, 02:04:05 pm »
Thanks for the reply guys,
I t just irks me to no end when I do one transaction by credit card and have no problems then the next time its a 3 ring circus with unannounced changes like this.  I have always just used my credit card and never had any problems until now.  The catch now of course is they are sitting on my $200 until they decide to let me clear it and go get my credits, if they charge me any fees for this I am gonna be really pissed.  Chnlove will really hear about it.  Credits are expensive enough without adding in fees so some third party can make a buck off me as well.


Brian Mc

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2009, 03:16:57 pm »
Good to know Brian.  Like you, I just use my Visa but I do have a paypal account so I guess I'll just switch to using it. irresistible as chocolate

Vince G

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2009, 03:44:16 pm »

I have seen this in many shapes and sizes. Fake emails from your bank, PayPal, Ebay, Etc. This email will say something like if you do not click this link the account will be deleted? or something like that. The email says to click the link and sign in with your name and password. Sometimes they will ask for the card number. DO NOT DO THIS Delete that email. If you click on the email link the info goes to the thieves. If you wonder if there really is a problem go to the site with your regular link (bookmark, whatever) then if there is a problem you will know it.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 03:44:53 pm by Vince G »

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2009, 05:38:29 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='10358' dateline='1248983056'


I have seen this in many shapes and sizes. Fake emails from your bank, PayPal, Ebay, Etc. This email will say something like if you do not click this link the account will be deleted? or something like that. The email says to click the link and sign in with your name and password. Sometimes they will ask for the card number. DO NOT DO THIS Delete that email. If you click on the email link the info goes to the thieves. If you wonder if there really is a problem go to the site with your regular link (bookmark, whatever) then if there is a problem you will know it.
I dont think this is a fraud thing Vince, I was directed there direct from CHNlove when I went to buy emf credits you can see the info box right in the CHNlove credit buying page.  The thing that ticks me off is there is no indication that this is a third party and that you are actually give them the money and you wait up to 5 days before you can make your purchase.  Then you still have to go back to CHNlove and do the credit buy thing again and hope like hell you remember to take the money you just put into your ewallet out of it to buy the credits from CHNlove.

Needless to say I am getting more upset by the minite. Further developments as follows...1- I called my bank to cancel the transaction but since it is still in a pending state they apparently cannot do that,  grrrrrrrrrr.
2 The customer service department at Cashoo has a toll free number you can call to talk to them but they are only open from 4 am to 1pm est in the USA!!  How useless is that for crying out loud.  So now I have $190 floating around out there in a pending state and I cannot get the damned thing cancelled and cannot buy me emf credits unless I want to put up another $190.00.  One wonders why on earth CHNlove decided to change things and go this route especially without any warning notice that this is what they are doing.  It is so frustrating its not even funny,  I am sitting here typing this and getting more and more upset.  Also no response yet from CHNlove on this matter either which is also frustrating.

To say that I a supremely P****d off is an understatement!!  Anyway for everyone else take the advice given her by Vince and others and use paypal.

I will keep you informed as to how this all goes down.


PS OK I just went back to CHNlove and tried to buy credits using my mastercard again.  There is no notification of this change other that the info box under the accepted credit cards that shows the payments powered by Payasia/cashhoo logo. So unless you select the paypal option from the first page you are automatically sent to Cashhoo where you fill in a form with information then you proceed to the hell that I am in now.  So if this is a scam and a fraud then it looks like CHNlove is fully aware as it is their payment method that sends you to Cashoo.  I personally think its not a scam at this point but it is a really cumbersome way to buy credits.  Why make us go through this ridiculous process and have to wait 5 days to get our credits? makes no sense.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 05:48:51 pm by Brian Mc »

Offline David E

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2009, 07:07:14 pm »
Brian and all

I use Pay Pal...have done for years. Their dispute resolution is fast and effective. If there are any dodgy transactions (I have had only one in 5 years) they fix it quick !!

There is no charge to the user (me or you) for the Pay Pal service...CHNLove will pay some percentage of the amount transacted to Pay Pal as a fee.

On-line Pay Pal transactions put EMF credits into my CHNLOve account within 2 minutes !!

Highly, I dont work for pay pal (haha)

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2009, 07:28:16 pm »
Well guys further update.  Spoke to my banks dispute department with a guy that barely speaks english  grrr makes it hard to understand what sgoing on.  Anyway the thing is tehy cannot do anything until after teh 5 days are up.  If I dont get teh money then, they will start talking to them but basically I have to be patient (yea right!!) and let the process work.

So I wrote a note to this Cashoo outfit saying I wanted the transaction cancelled and the money returned but so far no response.  ALso I opened a paypal account, linked my credit card so I hope I dont need to do anything else.  Just use the card as normal except go through the paypal option right?  That way the funds come straight out of the credit card with none of this delay BS?  I shouldnt have to pull funds from my credit card to put into a paypal account right?  I dont want to buy credits again until I get this money back from Cashoo as I will be shutting them down as soon as I get the money from them so I have nothing to buy with that money.

Anyway thanks for teh help guys

Be safe or at least carefull


Vince G

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2009, 07:32:41 pm »
Brian I'm not saying it's a scam. When I got PayPal it was when going onto eBay. Since Irish gave mention to it, it triggered the thought of giving warning to any about the emails. I've gotten these emails from eBay, PayPal and banks. So I posted it incase there are some that don't know about these fakes. That one time I went to buy Chnlove credits in PayPal and it sent me to another site? Another name (don't remember). So I wrote Chnlove thinking maybe their link was hijacked. But it was Paypal doing something to there site and this other took the place until.

Now for this other Cashoo? Did you have to signup for it? Being the first time? This might be the reason of the delay. I'm going to check it out.


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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2009, 07:35:33 pm »
Brian, hate to tell you this but PayPal is the only way to go. I have used credit and debit cards before on the internet and there is so much fraud these days that is the only safe method out there at not cost to me.  It will take a few days for PayPal to verify you but it is a one time process.  You can upload from your credit card or checking account but it will take up to 5 business days before you can access it.  The credit card may be immediate but I don't using them for that.  The bonus is that if a person commits fraud against you on paypal and PayPal does not collect from them you still get refunded.

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2009, 07:56:13 pm »
Vince,  I didnt think you were saying it was a scam  I thought maybe you thought I clicked a blind link or something, but yea your advice is good.

Shawn I already set up paypal and they mentioned nothing of any delays.  I did not link my bank account as I dont want to go that route but I did link the credit card.  The daily limits they gave me are more than enough for what I plan to use so no need to link the bank account to remove the limits,so it seems that everything is set except getting my money back to my credit card and getting rid of Cashoo.

Thanks for the help and support as always the brotherhood is right here when needed.

Regards to all


PS man I really gotta learn to type lol I constantly transpose the  H and the E and I spend half my time going back and fixing it heh.


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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2009, 10:15:13 pm »
Quote from: 'Brian Mc' pid='10375' dateline='1248998173'

Vince,  I didnt think you were saying it was a scam  I thought maybe you thought I clicked a blind link or something, but yea your advice is good.

Shawn I already set up paypal and they mentioned nothing of any delays.  I did not link my bank account as I dont want to go that route but I did link the credit card.  The daily limits they gave me are more than enough for what I plan to use so no need to link the bank account to remove the limits,so it seems that everything is set except getting my money back to my credit card and getting rid of Cashoo.

Thanks for the help and support as always the brotherhood is right here when needed.

Regards to all


PS man I really gotta learn to type lol I constantly transpose the  H and the E and I spend half my time going back and fixing it heh.

Brian you are right.  I was half asleep when I typed it and did not realize I typed credit card.  When uploading money from a checking account there is a 3-5 day wait even though it is deducted from your account the first day.  When you upload money it gives you an option as to what you want to use; card or checking.  I have noticed that it takes on average 4 days to transfer on checking accounts.  The real issue with paypal is credibility and paypal has it.  It is not often you will read me telling an individual they can trust and organization but you can trust paypal with your money.  You can't trust ebay but you can trust paypal.

Offline Brian Mc

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RE: Buying emf credits, A new method?
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2009, 10:40:46 pm »
Greetings all a further update!!

Just received an email from the CHNlove billing department indcating that there my purchase has been accepted and 50 credits are now available.  Absolutely wonderful news!!  

Now the strange part.  My ticket with them still shows as work in progress and no note from customer care about these credits.  Also I checked my account with Cashoo and it still shows my funds as being held pending clearing.  So the question is where did the funds come for the 50 credits or did they just drop them into my account.  I guess I will have to wait till they send me an update on the ticket.

So to one and all I have to say that any doubt about the sincerity of the folks at CHNlove are now gone.  true they could lose money if I cannot send or receive emf's but to deposit the entire 50 credits is amazing.  They could have just dropped 10 and said it was to tide me over till my funds cleared, and then deducted them from my order when i placed it.  At this point it appears that they have honoured my purchase request on spec if you will trusting me to pay up when the funds clear Cashoo.

So yes they are obviously doing this whole date/marriage thing for the money but they are also willing to be flexible when issues arise.

So with no reservations at all I offer them my kudos for a job well done.  They have earned much face with me this day!!

Regards to all

Brian Mc