Well Sophie knows about how bad my financies are, yet she cares NOT ajot about it. She is by no means rich or anything, but always goes out everyday and gets me something, the other day it was a Spoon type inplement, designed only for coffee.
She takes great delight in doing things like this, of course I do what I can concerning buying her stuff. or helping to buy the shopping. She told me today that she 'Is really happy with the way things are between us. But NOT working is hurting me, it's NOT just the money side of things, it's the feeling of worth that you feel when you do work...
Today I mentioned to her, look baby, I will be out all day looking for work!!! She replied, "No baby, no need to work" she does not want me to feel any pressure. For years and years I have been unemployed, now that I want to work, she won't let me!!!...GO FIGURE.
Of course I'm thinking about what her family would say if I don't work, and stayed a layabout