Hi there.
Well, I don't really know how to say what I would have to say, but I'll give it a try, anyway.
As (maybe) some of you may have seen, I've been away for a time, just to "think" about many things, my last story which ended to a "no way", the way I was which may not be "so nice" "so good", and because of many other things.
I'd like to apologize, at first, because I surely was "blind" to love a woman who just played many times with me. And because of that "blind" love, I just did not hear "quickly" most of your advices.
That's why I'd like to thank you all for your advices and because you are helpful.
For sure, I thought sometimes I just would have to give up because too many things to take in consideration.
My chinese is just beginning to be "bad" enough. I can do some sentences, but I must work on it. I found a chinese lady on Paris who helps me, 2 hours/week, and she's just nice and helpful, too. (by the way, she's from Nanjing and lives in France since 5 years)
About me and ladies in China, so, I just am a bit "cautious" by now, even if some of my contacts there seem to be like the "good ones", but it will be to confirm once I'll be there.
By the way, maybe should I "better" hear and listen to "older" brothers here, because of their experience.
So now, I'm just on the righteous feet, thinking about Shanghai and many things to do there

Even if sometimes it is difficult to understand all over here, I can anyway do anything with my english here.
Thanks again for your help and for the brotherhood which is really nice.