Thanks about your comment, Agarn

By the way, Ting's sister (her name's seems to be Zhou) just wrote me that she was happy to have news from me and that she will write me more news about Ting and I later, so I will wait for it.
Now, is another part of my story, I just think one of the best ones...
Leaving the hotel for the airport in time was nice, but as I was changing myself before, I have asked to any grooms of the hotel, if for any weather conditions, flights could be delayed or cancelled? I was told no, or very rarely.
I then went to the airport by taxi, and, once there, what do I see? that my flight is just "delayed", due to weather conditions...
Too bad.. I had already changed my previous flight for Beijing (6 hours waiting there, instead than 1H30 with that flight), and I said "oh God, I hope I'll get in the plane in time..)
Time was very very like an "enemy" for me, because each time I wanted it to be the time to land off, we had to wait again a bit...
Finallly, we landed off at 09:20 pm, instead than 08:50 pm, and I saw there were only 2 hours flight for Beijing...
It just sounded strange to me, because from Beijing to Chongqing, last time, I did 2 hours and 30 mins approximatively.
I checked without asking (I should had had!!) and I saw there was another destination (hanyun???)
Once I was in the plane, I saw to myself that all was nice and so on, and I enjoyed leaving finally Chongqing airport, but not really leaving Ting...
2 hours later, so, I hear we arrive at Beijing, so I'm happy but I only see a small way for planes....

I go out the plane and see a small building.
I then ask someone "Beijing Airport?" and I'm said "yes"
So, i don't understand.
Once I have all my baguages, I feel there's a problem coming ...
A lady at the "douane"? just asks me my visa/flight. I then ask her and I suddenly see that I'm in the wrong aiport.
I then feel despited, saying that I'll never be there on time (it was 00:30 am) and my next flight was à 01:10 am from Beijing.
In fact, I was not at the good aiport, this one was not international...
How could I did guess that???
Anyway, I was really anxious...
One man looked at me and said "taxi??" and I immediately said "yes"!
I told him where to go, he seemed to understand a bit...
Once we were in his car, he called a friend of him and I spoke with that one, so, in english because he understood.
in fact, I understood that I was in a wrong airpot (not international one) and that we had to speed up, just because for 50 mins by car, we would had never been there in time...
I asked in chinese to the driver if he could speak english, he said only "yes, yes, it's ok";..
I told him "quick", and readed a sentence with my software, to say "I want to go to Beijing International Airport".
Just a fem moment next, he decided to go outside the car. I then saw he was hidding his car's identity, in front of the car and behind.
Do not ask me if it is authorized ^^
Once it was done, he called another lady, who confirmed with me it was Beijing Internation airports, and which terminal to choose.
Go to believe it or not, guys...
that man was very good !!! ^^
He drove more than 50 km/H the limitation, and had no problem.
We arrived at 00:55 am at the airport (I repeat, that man was really amazing when driving) and he had no problem.
We had to pay a bit at a sort of a "gate" before arriving to the airport , and as he knew he will had to pay, he stopped his car to change again the identity's of the car

He then left me , and I gave him 300 yuans for the run. It it quite a lot, I admit, but once again, he did his best to help me and I was very happy for it.
Once I entered the airport, in 5 mins, I had all ok ^^
My baguages were ok, my checkup too, and I then could see other people who were on the way to board in the plane.
10 mins later, it was closed and the plane began to engage on a pist to land off.
I looked at myself, saying alone "W A F D T"
What A Fucky Day Today :icon_cheesygrin:
I was looking everywhere, just saying that now, it was all done, I was coming back in France.
That week was very rich in feelings, emotions, and I never thought chinese people could be very "helpfull" when we could be lost somewhere and so on.
Maybe do some of them dislike foreigners, however, just look at me, many persons brought me their helps ^^
I think I would be sad anyway because I don't know about Ting's feelings for me. Zhou wrote me she loves me but I think "to love" is not the correct word. Actually, she's not on QQ and I don't have any news from her since yesterday. Maybe am I too "exigeant"? Zhou told me yesterday that Ting had to separate with the guy, but it could take some time, because she likes him anyway, and he gives her money each month ('seems like she's earning about 400 yuans), so it's quite hard to live correctly I think, wit it.
Well, Zhou is maybe "on the way to force, or maybe to "convince" Ting to be with me".
I'll see how it will evolve.
One of the good memories I keep about her is some pictures on my mobile, taken by her, showing just her & myself.
Maybe yes, for any reasons, she'd better be with a foreigner...
But love sometimes is difficult to understand and I don't really know how much she can like me.
Even if she was happy everytime we met each others

I think that for now, I'm ready to go there again in October, and I have to look for all administrative papers to do, if Ting would really come in France.
And even if it would not be the case, I coul eventually check at the process for all of it to be done.
I'll update some pictures a bit later, I'm just a bit tired